Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.

Why do people like you complain about law enforcement when you challenge them to a show down and then lose?

The people you list died because friggin cowards hid behind them

Vicki Weaver was shot in cold blood by a sniper while holding her baby...this after her son was shot multiple times in the back. How can anyone defend the indefensible?
Why do people like you complain about law enforcement when you challenge them to a show down and then lose?

Why are people like you Dainty, incapable of formulating a rational argument?

The people you list died because friggin cowards hid behind them

Who was hiding behind Vicki Weaver when FBI assassin Lon Horiuchi put a bullet in her brain as she held her infant daughter?

No one, but because you think she was "right wing" you smile at her murder. Such is America's left.

When Clinton ordered the FBI to set fire the nursery at the Branch Davidian compound, no one was "hiding." He used a Bradley APC to fire an incendiary shell into the nursery. figuring (correctly) that killing their children would take the fight out of the Davidians. Even the Mafia had the children of their enemies designated "off limits," but not Clinton.

You forgot about pumping the (flammable and toxic) CS gas in...and the mysterious delay in the response by the firefighters.
No one has ever before said that they had the right to kill an American Citizen anywhere in the world without judicial process simply because they, by themselves, felt that someone was a danger to the Country.

That is until Obama became President.

Which stems from Bush's Patriot Act.

Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Good riddance..... Their citizenship should not impact US decisions one way or the other if they join the enemy in attacking/plan to attack the US. It's about time obama does something about these assholes, even if his whiny crybaby pussy followers complain about it. Deal with it.
Lets see...

One kills, and the other scares....please think before you type.

Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

Our government's argument that drone strikes (which is effectively a death sentence) on Americans suspected of being terrorist members of al Qaeda are legal reminds me VERY much of out government's argument that the torture (enhanced interrogation) of suspected terrorists was legal.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.
Hey...............the American that was killed in the drone strike was a guy born in NM, who later converted to Islam and joined the terrorists. His name was Al-Awalki, and he was the person who instructed the underwear bomber who was going to blow up an airplane over Detroit.

As far as I'm concerned? If you leave this country and go to a war zone to help out the enemy, you have committed treason, which means you've pretty much forfeited all rights by doing so.

The Constitution guarantees a traitor a trial before execution.

You seriously don't understand the AUMF, the Patriot Act, or enemy combatant status.
Context is always a problem for the Left that and moral equivocation.

Bush never targeted American's kid....
Waterboarding (which is what my comment was about) is not the equivalent of death by drone.

Even YOU should be able to understand that.

Oh yes, and we only water boarded THREE terrorists.

Lets see...

One kills, and the other scares....please think before you type.

Our government's argument that drone strikes (which is effectively a death sentence) on Americans suspected of being terrorist members of al Qaeda are legal reminds me VERY much of out government's argument that the torture (enhanced interrogation) of suspected terrorists was legal.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.
Hey...............the American that was killed in the drone strike was a guy born in NM, who later converted to Islam and joined the terrorists. His name was Al-Awalki, and he was the person who instructed the underwear bomber who was going to blow up an airplane over Detroit.

As far as I'm concerned? If you leave this country and go to a war zone to help out the enemy, you have committed treason, which means you've pretty much forfeited all rights by doing so.

The Constitution guarantees a traitor a trial before execution.

A trial only happens if one is apprehended .. alive.
Lets see...

One kills, and the other scares....please think before you type.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.
Context is always a problem for the Left that and moral equivocation.

Bush never targeted American's kid....
Waterboarding (which is what my comment was about) is not the equivalent of death by drone.

Even YOU should be able to understand that.

Oh yes, and we only water boarded THREE terrorists.

context? since when?
Yawn...these darn fruit flies.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.
Context is always a problem for the Left that and moral equivocation.

Bush never targeted American's kid....
Waterboarding (which is what my comment was about) is not the equivalent of death by drone.

Even YOU should be able to understand that.

Oh yes, and we only water boarded THREE terrorists.

context? since when?
Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Wow the fear that the left generates is palitible.

Scary that they are NOW more scared of al-Qaeda since Obama started his predator killing. I said this four years ago, that if I were a brown skinned man I would be very scared of this President. He has no military experience and maybe the only gun experience he has is in drive bys. So he may use the power he has now to prove his manliness. Appears I was correct. Is it any wonder that those in the ME want to kill us more then ever? Dropping predator bombs on people then justifying the collateral damage as sorry wrong place wrong time might do that to some people.
Context is always a problem for the Left that and moral equivocation.

Bush never targeted American's kid....
Waterboarding (which is what my comment was about) is not the equivalent of death by drone.

Even YOU should be able to understand that.

Oh yes, and we only water boarded THREE terrorists.

Lets see...

One kills, and the other scares....please think before you type.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.

That's a load of bull.

And there were other forms of torture used.

And as far as Americans? First off John Walker Lindh and Jose Padilla were taken to secret sites and tortured.

Secondly..the Constitution doesn't make a distinction between Americans and People in general. If you are taken into custody by falls into two categories. Criminal and War. Which is WHY a brand spanking new category was brought back from the civil war. Enemy Combatants.

This is the pandora's box opened by conservatives.

I don't know why it's important to you folks now.
Hey...............the American that was killed in the drone strike was a guy born in NM, who later converted to Islam and joined the terrorists. His name was Al-Awalki, and he was the person who instructed the underwear bomber who was going to blow up an airplane over Detroit.

As far as I'm concerned? If you leave this country and go to a war zone to help out the enemy, you have committed treason, which means you've pretty much forfeited all rights by doing so.

The Constitution guarantees a traitor a trial before execution.

A trial only happens if one is apprehended .. alive.

There have been trials in absentia. Besides intimate threat is the criteria.
Context is always a problem for the Left that and moral equivocation.

Bush never targeted American's kid....
Waterboarding (which is what my comment was about) is not the equivalent of death by drone.

Even YOU should be able to understand that.

Oh yes, and we only water boarded THREE terrorists.

What the heck are you talking about?

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed by the US invasion of Iraq. And just torture ALONE KILLED quite a few people.

Some that we know about was an Iraqi Army Major, who was suffocated by a sheet, a taxi driver at Bhagram Airport who was beaten to death while suspended from the ceiling and several people at Abu Gharib prison.

In terms of sheer numbers..Bush holds quite a lead.

Not that you folks really care about that.

That's a load of bull.

And there were other forms of torture used.

And as far as Americans? First off John Walker Lindh and Jose Padilla were taken to secret sites and tortured.

Secondly..the Constitution doesn't make a distinction between Americans and People in general. If you are taken into custody by falls into two categories. Criminal and War. Which is WHY a brand spanking new category was brought back from the civil war. Enemy Combatants.

This is the pandora's box opened by conservatives.

I don't know why it's important to you folks now.

Targetting people wherever they areto hell with the collateral damage is new. Killing Americans is new. Liberals loving death, that ain't so new.
"Due process" doesn't really apply in a combat zone. Suspected bad guy doing bad things = dead bad guy. An American citizen in a group of known Taliban would give the Taliban blanket protection from any missle or artillery attacks if due process were applied.

You didn't read the memo, it specifically says that it doesn't apply to combat zones.
What happened to all that bitching by the Right that Democrats wouldn't treat the war on terrorism/al qaeda as a war,

and not just as a law enforcement problem?

Oh, I think I know the answer...

What happened to all the bitching from the left about secret memos giving the president the power to torture Americans?

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