Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

Except it's not true.

The son was not targeted.

By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. They randomly identify anyone as a terrorist without any proof, even Americans without due process. The most controversial target of the Obama regime was an American born teenage son of Nassar al-Awlaki, a known American born terrorist. Abdulrahman Al-Awlaki had no ties to terrorist organizations yet was killed by a drone on Oct 14, 2011. He was targeted by the Obama White House while the Eric “The Cleaner” Holder Justice Department shields the Chicago good-fellas by justifying the assassination.


Despite the efforts of Congress and the courts to force the Obama Family controlled White House to release a DOJ memo concerning Drone killings, it was leaked to the Obama friendly NBC news. The 16 Page memo provided details for the justification of the Obama hit squad to select “enemies of the state” for execution. If they happen to be Americans so be it, even if they are not indicted and represent no actual threat to Americans. But of course, these are not the unfortunate results of collateral damage. They are deliberate hits! The lap dog media of Don Obama would never dare report this unless they want to risk a visit by the goombas from justice.

The actual memo is scary and vague, even though the targets are represented as al-Qaeda leadership and associates. The meaning of “associates” is unclear and could mean just about anyone. According to U.S. Judge Colleen McMahon, The Obama administration “had engaged in public discussion of the legality of targeted killing, even of citizens.”


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Obama?s License to Kill a handy item for arrogant thugs and would-be dictators « Coach is Right
And uncensored projects his broken world view onto others.

Fuck off troll.

After that beating Trajan gave you, you should be off in the gutter licking your wounds. But you're too fucking stupid to grasp just how thoroughly you were thrashed.

Trajan ran away and I beat you down. Your broken reactionary way of thinking makes you look so vacant and insipid.

Why do you support the Jihadists? Why do you not want them droned?
No grace period: they could have come back at any time during the trial.

What trial? This is the conduct of war, not a civil action. Americans at war with the US don't get trials.

Did they hold a trial in Yemen and give the Ft. Hood soldiers 30 days to quit the Army? When you put it in the terms of the traitors doing it also, it becomes clear that in war it is ridiculous.

Regards from Rosie

Ever hear of John walker lindh?Helloooooooo :lol:

Of course Fake the clueless thanked you for your non helpful grossly inaccurate post, so, I guess you got your money's worth, you 2 should get a room.

Walker could have been killed too.
Walker was dead man walking anytime the troops wanted to finish him off before he was in custody.

Why are the reactionaries trying to protect the jihadists from the Drone Master?
Yup, you are a sock puppet: it's obvious.

Come on, you lying sack of shit: You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! I will give you one million dollars (in gold bullion or the currency of your choice) if you can do so.

Dance, puppet, dance!
Come on, you lying sack of shit: You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! I will give you one million dollars (in gold bullion or the currency of your choice) if you can do so.

Who am I a sock for, in that fetid sewer you call a mind, jackie?
Come on, you lying sack of shit: You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! I will give you one million dollars (in gold bullion or the currency of your choice) if you can do so.

Who am I a sock for, in that fetid sewer you call a mind, jackie?

Answered above, my little sock puppet. Now dance for your master. :lol:
You mean Jr. opted to follow the laws AFTER he'd bent them to suit his own needs.

Bush had American traitors captured in accordance with the constitution and United States jurisprudence.

Obama pissed on the constitution and simply had them and their families murdered.

And you mindless sycophants praise him for it. Obama Akbar.

There is no question how the Khmer Rouge and other crimes against humanity occured. Sallow, BlindBoo, Jakematters, and you are the resounding answer. Any evil in service of your party is not only excused, but praised.
You mean Jr. opted to follow the laws AFTER he'd bent them to suit his own needs.

Bush had American traitors captured in accordance with the constitution and United States jurisprudence.

Obama pissed on the constitution and simply had them and their families murdered.

And you mindless sycophants praise him for it. Obama Akbar.

There is no question how the Khmer Rouge and other crimes against humanity occured. Sallow, BlindBoo, Jakematters, and you are the resounding answer. Any evil in service of your party is not only excused, but praised.

Walkers' unit surrendered to the Northern Alliance after US bombs were dropped on them. It wasn't until the CIA interviewed him that anyone knew Walker was fighting with the Taliban.
You mean Jr. opted to follow the laws AFTER he'd bent them to suit his own needs.

Bush had American traitors captured in accordance with the constitution and United States jurisprudence.

Obama pissed on the constitution and simply had them and their families murdered.

And you mindless sycophants praise him for it. Obama Akbar.

There is no question how the Khmer Rouge and other crimes against humanity occured. Sallow, BlindBoo, Jakematters, and you are the resounding answer. Any evil in service of your party is not only excused, but praised.

Walkers' unit surrendered to the Northern Alliance after US bombs were dropped on them. It wasn't until the CIA interviewed him that anyone knew Walker was fighting with the Taliban.


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