Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

and there ya go:lol:...... so you were against the NY Times outting Bush prgms like the Swift prgm ( monitoring financial transactions/movements) of suspected terrorists). No you weren't.

see thats exactly why you're hypocrite and lack integrity, I KNOW you had no issue at all with it becasue there was thread on it this issue, 12(?) months ago or so, where in it came up in one the usual cyclical replays of the WOT bush years and you made a comment saying that the press had/has had every right to run with it and they needed to be the watch dogs etc etc.....and there are others comments/postions you have made/taken on several issues relating to the WOT that are hardly consistent with actions taken by obama and your apparent lack of outrage or upset over.

I will however give you all (sallow, NY Carb.) high marks for consistency in that when faced with a lefty action/position that was taken or employed previously by the right your view is- right is wrong and left is always the mealy mouthed defense or willful ignorance molecule kicks in. :eusa_liar:

no explanations necessary, you just pretend ( pathologically I think) that you never took the positions you had previously......kind of scary if you ask me, I mean this is just an Internet chat/message board, why would someone whore themselves? Admitting Obama is no better and in this case a degree worse than Bush as to lack of transparency and in that Obama himself is a HUGE hypocrite himself most especially when it comes to this situation... so what? Thats worth turning yourself into a frightful hack over? really?

its sad actually, the ACLU is more honest and has more integrity than any of you do, man never thought I'd say that.....

You know you might look just a little bit less the asshole if you could produce one shred of evidence that I opposed killing Al Qaeda, American or otherwise, with drones or otherwise,

before Obama was president.

One shred. One smidgeon. One crumb.
Not to worry. Some of these would be American bad guys who wish to be drone feed just might have, in the future, their guns taken from their dead, charred hands.

What a bunch of wasted lives.
The administration managed to keep the memo under wraps for a while but apparently an executive order authorizes the execution of American citizens overseas without due process by drone strikes if "it is determined" that they are "threats" to American security. Is that OK with the left? Who makes the determination? It's pretty ironic that the US affords Constitutional protection to every person in the US regardless of their legal status but authorizes killing American citizens without due process overseas.

They get due process. They get the same due process Bin Laden got in Pakistan, or Zarqawi got in Iraq.
I normally HATE to agree with NYCarby.

Nevertheless, he said it right.

They get the process which is due.

If it happens to come in the form of a drone's bomb up their asses, who are we to quibble?
Yes, you are a reactionary, as your posts clearly show, a radical who has difficulty thinking.

:lol: And you are a sock puppet as well. That's OK: I will continue to kick your butt no matter what moniker you employ.

Wow, this is dumber than usual for you...and THAT is saying something, kid. You call me a reactionary, then you call me a radical in the same sentence! You should not use words unless you know what they mean; when you do, you look dumber than usual. "Radical" and "reactionary" are antonyms.

I am not a sock puppet. If you claim I am, prove it. Otherwise, shut your cake flap.

I can't help you with your hallucinations...try to lay off the hard drugs.

Kid, you can't hide, don't you know. Radical and reactionary, for instance, are not automatically antonyms, don't you know. You are so stupid, kid. I don't have to prove you are a sock puppet: the way you post is clear to those who know your style elsewhere on the board.

You, as always, cheer us up with grins and chuckles, for that is what you can do, nothing else. :lol:

Wow...Jake is doubling down on stupid! Reactionary and radical are antonyms, no amount of shrieking BS to the heavens will change that fact! You're up against the dictionary here, child. If you were one-tenth as smart as you think you are, you would be ten times as smart as you are.

You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! (For the record: I'm not. I was referred here from someone at I don't remember who and you are not important enough for me to go to the trouble of checking.)
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This President and his AG screamed about "warrantless wiretaps" and the "detaining" of Americans without the due process of the Law.

...and now they, AND you pig fuckers think its ok to kill them.

What a bunch of clueless assholes you people are.
Wow, this is dumber than usual for you...and THAT is saying something, kid. You call me a reactionary, then you call me a radical in the same sentence! You should not use words unless you know what they mean; when you do, you look dumber than usual. "Radical" and "reactionary" are antonyms.

I am not a sock puppet. If you claim I am, prove it. Otherwise, shut your cake flap.

I can't help you with your hallucinations...try to lay off the hard drugs.

Kid, you can't hide, don't you know. Radical and reactionary, for instance, are not automatically antonyms, don't you know. You are so stupid, kid. I don't have to prove you are a sock puppet: the way you post is clear to those who know your style elsewhere on the board.

You, as always, cheer us up with grins and chuckles, for that is what you can do, nothing else. :lol:

Wow...Jake is doubling down on stupid! Reactionary and radical are antonyms, no amount of shrieking BS to the heavens will change that fact! You're up against the dictionary here, child. If you were one-tenth as smart as you think you are, you would be ten times as smart as you are.

You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! (For the record: I'm not. I was referred here from someone at I don't remember who and you are not important enough for me to go to the trouble of checking.)

Yup, you are a sock puppet: it's obvious.

Well, my puppet, you are right in that I found two sites that support your antonyms for radical and reactionary. I can live with it, for you have been incorrect dozens of times on important topics to the insignificant one of mine. :lol:
You know what pisses me about you...specifically you? I am constantly seeing you post these fucking challenges. Use Google if you want to disprove a GD post you lazy shite!

Does this source work better for you???

hmmmmm crickets?

Post the text from the memo that confirms what the OP claims.

Go read the article. As the Times clearly demonstrates the content of the memo has been disclosed from a reliable source that was/is a party to it. The fact of the matter is that Obama has expanded the Patriot Act to allow him to operate outside the very trappings of the law he claimed to want upheld while Bush was president.

The fact you are in here defending Bush Bush, policies that even Bush dared not enact- shows you for nothing but disingenuous and hypocritical,
This President and his AG screamed about "warrantless wiretaps" and the "detaining" of Americans without the due process of the Law.

...and now they, AND you pig fuckers think its ok to kill them.

What a bunch of clueless assholes you people are.

Yep, you are right on time. I have never had trouble with any president using drones to get bad guys overseas.

And I don't have any problem with LEO using it here if someone holes up and LEO can't get at him without real danger of someone other than the bad guy getting hurt.

Like Dorner for instance. Or a militia mutt. Or a lefty revolutionary.

When a fool wages war on the USA, that fools wages war on the Constitution, and that document is not a suicide pact.

Have no pity on those who sound like drone feed.
This President and his AG screamed about "warrantless wiretaps" and the "detaining" of Americans without the due process of the Law.

...and now they, AND you pig fuckers think its ok to kill them.

What a bunch of clueless assholes you people are.

Yep, you are right on time. I have never had trouble with any president using drones to get bad guys overseas.

And I don't have any problem with LEO using it here if someone holes up and LEO can't get at him without real danger of someone other than the bad guy getting hurt.

Like Dorner for instance. Or a militia mutt. Or a lefty revolutionary.

When a fool wages war on the USA, that fools wages war on the Constitution, and that document is not a suicide pact.

Have no pity on those who sound like drone feed.

Well that sounds like an invitation to send a drone after the president...
I normally HATE to agree with NYCarby.

Nevertheless, he said it right.

They get the process which is due.

If it happens to come in the form of a drone's bomb up their asses, who are we to quibble?

Don't let this get out..dude.

But you are okay..

This President and his AG screamed about "warrantless wiretaps" and the "detaining" of Americans without the due process of the Law.

...and now they, AND you pig fuckers think its ok to kill them.

What a bunch of clueless assholes you people are.

Yep, you are right on time. I have never had trouble with any president using drones to get bad guys overseas.

And I don't have any problem with LEO using it here if someone holes up and LEO can't get at him without real danger of someone other than the bad guy getting hurt.

Like Dorner for instance. Or a militia mutt. Or a lefty revolutionary.

When a fool wages war on the USA, that fools wages war on the Constitution, and that document is not a suicide pact.

Have no pity on those who sound like drone feed.

Well that sounds like an invitation to send a drone after the president...

Actually it sounds like you.
Yep, you are right on time. I have never had trouble with any president using drones to get bad guys overseas.

And I don't have any problem with LEO using it here if someone holes up and LEO can't get at him without real danger of someone other than the bad guy getting hurt.

Like Dorner for instance. Or a militia mutt. Or a lefty revolutionary.

Have no pity on those who sound like drone feed.

Well that sounds like an invitation to send a drone after the president...

Actually it sounds like you.

No, it doesn't Jake. But you really have proven your vapid pseudo intellectualism has no end.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

and refusing judicial oversight.

Basically, the government are reserving the right to kill anyone, for any reason they choose.
No evidence, no trial, no lawyer, no judge.

I believe that's murder.
Wow, this is dumber than usual for you...and THAT is saying something, kid. You call me a reactionary, then you call me a radical in the same sentence! You should not use words unless you know what they mean; when you do, you look dumber than usual. "Radical" and "reactionary" are antonyms.

I am not a sock puppet. If you claim I am, prove it. Otherwise, shut your cake flap.

I can't help you with your hallucinations...try to lay off the hard drugs.

Kid, you can't hide, don't you know. Radical and reactionary, for instance, are not automatically antonyms, don't you know. You are so stupid, kid. I don't have to prove you are a sock puppet: the way you post is clear to those who know your style elsewhere on the board.

You, as always, cheer us up with grins and chuckles, for that is what you can do, nothing else. :lol:

Wow...Jake is doubling down on stupid! Reactionary and radical are antonyms, no amount of shrieking BS to the heavens will change that fact! You're up against the dictionary here, child. If you were one-tenth as smart as you think you are, you would be ten times as smart as you are.

You made the accusation I am a sock puppet...therefore, it is up to YOU to prove it! (For the record: I'm not. I was referred here from someone at I don't remember who and you are not important enough for me to go to the trouble of checking.)

Radical and reactionary are only antonyms when using one of the several definitions of 'radical'.

It's like saying the opposite of left is right. That is so under some definitions of those two words, not under others.
Did the Taliban give us permission to invade Afghanistan to go after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

We went to war with Afghanistan.

Don't you grasp the concepts of "at peace" and "ally?"

The reality is that you are such a partisan that you'll say anything to cover for or promote your shameful party. You don't give a fuck about facts or reality, only about serving your party.

This is why I point out that y'all are good little Khmer Rouge drones. Not a one of you ever entertains a thought, you just blindly goosestep to the beat of your shameful party.
Did the Taliban give us permission to invade Afghanistan to go after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

We went to war with Afghanistan.

Don't you grasp the concepts of "at peace" and "ally?"

The reality is that you are such a partisan that you'll say anything to cover for or promote your shameful party. You don't give a fuck about facts or reality, only about serving your party.

This is why I point out that y'all are good little Khmer Rouge drones. Not a one of you ever entertains a thought, you just blindly goosestep to the beat of your shameful party.

And we see Uncensored goose stepping along his blind, absolutist path.
Oh really.

From a right wing hack site.

Got it.


You're a lying hack with not so much as a hint of integrity.

{ Judge Finds Clinton in Contempt of Court

Jones Case Judge May Cite Clinton (Washington Post, Feb. 17)
By Roberto Suro and Joan Biskupic
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, April 13, 1999; Page A1

A federal judge yesterday held President Clinton in contempt of court for giving "intentionally false" testimony about his relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky in the Paula Jones lawsuit, marking the first time that a sitting president has been sanctioned for disobeying a court order.} Special Report: Clinton Accused

He plead guilty - you partisan moron.

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