Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?
By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?

You know what pisses me about you...specifically you? I am constantly seeing you post these fucking challenges. Use Google if you want to disprove a GD post you lazy shite!

Does this source work better for you???
By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. ...

Let's just remember, the Republicans started the "war on terror." Obama's just better at it.

I didn't know it was Republicans that flew those airliners into the WTC and the Pentagon. Live and learn.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

The only trials held in the Senate are impeachment trials as far as I know.

The appropriate place to hold a trial would be in a court of law where politics do not interfere with judicial decisions.
Let's just remember, the Republicans started the "war on terror." Obama's just better at it.

Yes Josef Stalin, Your retention of the past seems to be fleeting. How quickly you have forgotten the many attacks by terrorists during the 80's 90's right up until 9/11/01 and beyond. But hey, given your ideology and the drugs you take, it's no wonder you make that claim.....

What's your point?
No grace period: they could have come back at any time during the trial.

What trial? This is the conduct of war, not a civil action. Americans at war with the US don't get trials.

Did they hold a trial in Yemen and give the Ft. Hood soldiers 30 days to quit the Army? When you put it in the terms of the traitors doing it also, it becomes clear that in war it is ridiculous.

Regards from Rosie

Ever hear of John walker lindh?Helloooooooo :lol:

Of course Fake the clueless thanked you for your non helpful grossly inaccurate post, so, I guess you got your money's worth, you 2 should get a room.
By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?

You Fake and Shallow need to read this and think on it..........

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.

Doc does not get that the Patriot Act is a Bushian creation. I agree that Obama has merely stepped up the Frankenstein creation of the bushies.

Presidents don't enact law. They can sign it when the legislative branch enacts it.

But it was a Congressional creation.

Yes, it was, and both Bush and Obama loved it.
Right. It WAS a Congressional creation, not a "booooosh" creation.

And I don't care who else "loved" it. I supported it then and I still do.

Does it require lots of oversight (checks and balances?) to help stem the prospect of dangerous misuse? Yep. But that doesn't mean that, in and of itself, The USA Patriot Act is "wrong."
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By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?

You Fake and Shallow need to read this and think on it..........

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


You are a simplistic buffoon: a redundancy, I know. ACLU would be wrong. Bush would have had every right to target Americans who hid beyond the reach of LEO to help jihad.
By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?

You Fake and Shallow need to read this and think on it..........

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


I think there's nothing I can do to prove that I've supported this sort of policy for at least a decade.
By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. ...

Let's just remember, the Republicans started the "war on terror." Obama's just better at it.

Yes Josef Stalin, Your retention of the past seems to be fleeting. How quickly you have forgotten the many attacks by terrorists during the 80's 90's right up until 9/11/01 and beyond. But hey, given your ideology and the drugs you take, it's no wonder you make that claim.....

Why don't you tell us what your pre-November 2012 username was, so we can check your consistency on these issues.
Trajan is merely whining.

No just allowing you all to once more reveal yourselves as the hypocrites you fell in nicely, not that anyone who has read your posts for almost 3 years didn't know already, but it's always nice to see you thrashing around your cesspool of dishonesty.........

Have a great day guys:razz:
You are the hypocrite, Trajan my lad. What the fuck is wrong with you, other than you are sick in the head?

I supported Afghanistan until the Spec Ops and chopper units were pulled for Iraq, opposed Iraq, voiced great concern about the Patriot Act, and always thought using drones was a super idea to visit hellfire on the bad boys and girls.

Your thinking is disintegrating, with a loss of clarity, context, and nuance.

We lost the election, in part because of nonsensical hatred like yours. You have to get over it.
no, that doesn't work jake, IF you've read my posts in this thread, you know EXACTLY why your initergity is
You are one of those inept, impotent creatures used by more powerful people, Trajan.

You have no integrity.
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By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition

Can you cite the actual text from the memo that says what your post claims it says?

You know what pisses me about you...specifically you? I am constantly seeing you post these fucking challenges. Use Google if you want to disprove a GD post you lazy shite!

Does this source work better for you???

hmmmmm crickets?

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