Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

The ex-cop and murderer Dorner has apparently holed up somewhere in or near Big Bear ski resort east of LA in the mountains. Do think that if the CA LEO establishment thought for a moment they would take further casualties that they would not call in a drone strike in a heart beat, guys?

When Americans put themselves in a situation where normal LEO situations can't work, then, yes, drones are absolutely constitutionally acceptable.

Any American who can't accept this might as well move to Iran right now.

Thank the stars that GOP and conservatives overwhelmingly support the admin's position on this. The American people certainly do.

say what? , you are saying if they locate the guy and hes hunkered down and they don't and risk rushing the pace, they should J-dam it with a drone? are you fucking nuts?

well, wait you defended Waco so yea, that follows..:rolleyes:

I defended the right of the govt to intervene at Waco, yes, no bones about it. The feds should have taken Koresh when he was away from the compound. That was a terrible, terrible incident.

whoa, wait, what was terrible? that Koresh et al died or ? exactly?

so to recoup-

if this Dorner guy gets cornered and the feds/whomever say hey its gonna get sticky getting this guy outta there, no problem-time for the Drone to J-Dam his ass.....Jyou scope a John Walker Lindh on a cellphone? Drone his ass......its all good.

BUT, hold battlefield combatants with AQ affiliations etc. in Gitmo? Travesty, Military Tribunal? Travesty.......Warrant-less wiretaps? Travesty......
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.

uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't. right, parsing, its overrated:lol:

You have no idea of what you are discussing, do you?

here we go folks.....:lol: the old oh hey thats not what I was talking about game.....:rolleyes:
say what? , you are saying if they locate the guy and hes hunkered down and they don't and risk rushing the pace, they should J-dam it with a drone? are you fucking nuts?

well, wait you defended Waco so yea, that follows..:rolleyes:

I defended the right of the govt to intervene at Waco, yes, no bones about it. The feds should have taken Koresh when he was away from the compound. That was a terrible, terrible incident.

whoa, wait, what was terrible? that Koresh et al died or ? exactly?

so to recoup-

if this Dorner guy gets cornered and the feds/whomever say hey its gonna get sticky getting this guy outta there, no problem-time for the Drone to J-Dam his ass.....Jyou scope a John Walker Lindh on a cellphone? Drone his ass......its all good.

BUT, hold battlefield combatants with AQ affiliations etc. in Gitmo? Travesty, Military Tribunal? Travesty.......Warrant-less wiretaps? Travesty......

You are merely vomiting talking points.

Let's take them one by one.
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.

uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't. right, parsing, its overrated:lol:

Jarlaxle, Trajan, and QWB are the Jane Fondas of today. Just better looking :lol:

you didn't edit in time Jake advocates J-Daming fugitives....:clap2:

thats very george W Bush of you jake, or shall I call you cowboy now? ...:rolleyes:
I defended the right of the govt to intervene at Waco, yes, no bones about it. The feds should have taken Koresh when he was away from the compound. That was a terrible, terrible incident.

whoa, wait, what was terrible? that Koresh et al died or ? exactly?

so to recoup-

if this Dorner guy gets cornered and the feds/whomever say hey its gonna get sticky getting this guy outta there, no problem-time for the Drone to J-Dam his ass.....Jyou scope a John Walker Lindh on a cellphone? Drone his ass......its all good.

BUT, hold battlefield combatants with AQ affiliations etc. in Gitmo? Travesty, Military Tribunal? Travesty.......Warrant-less wiretaps? Travesty......

You are merely vomiting talking points.

Let's take them one by one.

oh is time for some moral relativism now? that ship has won't work for you.
uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't. right, parsing, its overrated:lol:

Jarlaxle, Trajan, and QWB are the Jane Fondas of today. Just better looking :lol:

you didn't edit in time Jake advocates J-Daming fugitives....:clap2:

thats very george W Bush of you jake, or shall I call you cowboy now? ...:rolleyes:

Hey, goofy, why are you acting like you are having a bad reaction to drugs?

You are acting like Jane Fonda from 40 years ago, just on the other side.

So let's take them one by one, if you are able. Otherwise, keep vomiting.
whoa, wait, what was terrible? that Koresh et al died or ? exactly?

so to recoup-

if this Dorner guy gets cornered and the feds/whomever say hey its gonna get sticky getting this guy outta there, no problem-time for the Drone to J-Dam his ass.....Jyou scope a John Walker Lindh on a cellphone? Drone his ass......its all good.

BUT, hold battlefield combatants with AQ affiliations etc. in Gitmo? Travesty, Military Tribunal? Travesty.......Warrant-less wiretaps? Travesty......

You are merely vomiting talking points.

Let's take them one by one.

oh is time for some moral relativism now? that ship has won't work for you.

Moral relativism? You are reacting badly. Come on, stop imploding, and let's see if we can make some sense out of your none.
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.

uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't. right, parsing, its overrated:lol:

Jarlaxle, Trajan, and QWB are the Jane Fondas of today. Just better looking :lol:

Dude, the dry-cleaner called. Your straitjacket is ready.
Ah, because as a democrat, laws don't apply to him.

Yep, that is the Khmer Rouge position.

They are for the peasants.

You go lie to the grand jury comrade, and see what happens.

The crime of perjury is to tell a material lie under oath. Clinton told an immaterial lie under oath.

I recommend you look up 'perjury', 'material', and 'immaterial'.

Wrong, Clinton was found to have suborned perjury- without question, on several occasions. The actual question is whether or not these perjured lies while under oath, were impeachable offenses.

The best analysis of his perjury I have found

Oh really.

From a right wing hack site.

Got it.

Jarlaxle, Trajan, and QWB are the Jane Fondas of today. Just better looking :lol:

you didn't edit in time Jake advocates J-Daming fugitives....:clap2:

thats very george W Bush of you jake, or shall I call you cowboy now? ...:rolleyes:

Hey, goofy, why are you acting like you are having a bad reaction to drugs?

You are acting like Jane Fonda from 40 years ago, just on the other side.

So let's take them one by one, if you are able. Otherwise, keep vomiting.

Obama, Townhall, 2008-

This administrations attitude was that we don’t have to worry about the constitution, we’ve declared a war on terrorism, and that gives me George W Bush the power to pretty much do whatever I want… I if I am going to detain people in Gitmo without charging them, I can do that, if I want to declare an American an enemy combatant, and suspend their civil liberties, I can do that…

this of course is meaningless to Obama sycophants...right Fake?

so Flake, what is my position on using drones to kill AQ and AQ affiliated terrorists even if they are citizens?

still waiting.....
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.
you didn't edit in time Jake advocates J-Daming fugitives....:clap2:

thats very george W Bush of you jake, or shall I call you cowboy now? ...:rolleyes:

Hey, goofy, why are you acting like you are having a bad reaction to drugs?

You are acting like Jane Fonda from 40 years ago, just on the other side.

So let's take them one by one, if you are able. Otherwise, keep vomiting.

Obama, Townhall, 2008-

This administrations attitude was that we don’t have to worry about the constitution, we’ve declared a war on terrorism, and that gives me George W Bush the power to pretty much do whatever I want… I if I am going to detain people in Gitmo without charging them, I can do that, if I want to declare an American an enemy combatant, and suspend their civil liberties, I can do that…

this of course is meaningless to Obama sycophants...right Fake?

so Flake, what is my position on using drones to kill AQ and AQ affiliated terrorists even if they are citizens?

still waiting.....

Certain people, if we have possession of them, have to be held, indefinitely if they can't be processed in federal courts, or if political pressure prevents federal court procedure.

Your position should be the president has, in time of war, the powers sufficient to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. If you don't believe that, then you are a potential enemy of the American people.

Why are you acting as if you are Jane Fonda? This is not about Bush or Obama, this is about protecting the country. Those who promise to aid, abet, and help the enemy and are beyond effective LEO reach by, their own volition, become drone feed.
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Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Article II of the Constitution gives the president the necessary power to protect the Constitution, the country, and the people. If a citizen has given clear evidence that s/he has every intention of waging war and aiding/abetting the enemy, and if the enemy is beyond reach of LEO, then the enemy willingly adopts the persona of drone feed.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Article II of the Constitution gives the president the necessary power to protect the Constitution, the country, and the people. If a citizen has given clear evidence that s/he has every intention of waging war and aiding/abetting the enemy, and if the enemy is beyond reach of LEO, then the enemy willingly adopts the persona of drone feed.

Yeah, but to clear up the legal and moral issues is why I think it should be put to a 2/3rds vote in the Senate. Additionally, giving them 30 days to return to the U.S. shows that we aren't going off half cocked, because if the person is truly innocent, they would return and get a lawyer.

But on the 31st day? You're right...................feed 'em to the drones.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Article II of the Constitution gives the president the necessary power to protect the Constitution, the country, and the people. If a citizen has given clear evidence that s/he has every intention of waging war and aiding/abetting the enemy, and if the enemy is beyond reach of LEO, then the enemy willingly adopts the persona of drone feed.

Yeah, but to clear up the legal and moral issues is why I think it should be put to a 2/3rds vote in the Senate. Additionally, giving them 30 days to return to the U.S. shows that we aren't going off half cocked, because if the person is truly innocent, they would return and get a lawyer.

But on the 31st day? You're right...................feed 'em to the drones.

No would be American jihadist is worth the time of the Senate. Let the executive staff do the necessary paper work to verify the accusation, give public notice to the wanted individual, notify the Senate if you wish, then feed the person to the drones.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

The Senate? Repubs would stall any action that might have the remotest of chances of painting the President in a good light such as getting awlaki in yemen.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

The Senate? Repubs would stall any action that might have the remotest of chances of painting the President in a good light such as getting awlaki in yemen.

Dot Com, all votes are a matter of public record, and if a congress critter votes that their innocent, all Americans would be able to see it.

If the GOP intentionally blocked a vote like that, I'd be willing to bet it would be their last term in the Senate.

Hey Jake, yeah......................since it happens so rarely, and is a pretty big deal for an American to be helping the terrorists, I do think it deserves time in front of the Senate.
Hey, goofy, why are you acting like you are having a bad reaction to drugs?

You are acting like Jane Fonda from 40 years ago, just on the other side.

So let's take them one by one, if you are able. Otherwise, keep vomiting.

Obama, Townhall, 2008-

This administrations attitude was that we don’t have to worry about the constitution, we’ve declared a war on terrorism, and that gives me George W Bush the power to pretty much do whatever I want… I if I am going to detain people in Gitmo without charging them, I can do that, if I want to declare an American an enemy combatant, and suspend their civil liberties, I can do that…

this of course is meaningless to Obama sycophants...right Fake?

so Flake, what is my position on using drones to kill AQ and AQ affiliated terrorists even if they are citizens?

still waiting.....

Certain people, if we have possession of them, have to be held, indefinitely if they can't be processed in federal courts, or if political pressure prevents federal court procedure.

Your position should be the president has, in time of war, the powers sufficient to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. If you don't believe that, then you are a potential enemy of the American people.

Why are you acting as if you are Jane Fonda? This is not about Bush or Obama, this is about protecting the country. Those who promise to aid, abet, and help the enemy and are beyond effective LEO reach by, their own volition, become drone feed.

*sigh*, answer the question jake, what is my position?
Obama, Townhall, 2008-

This administrations attitude was that we don’t have to worry about the constitution, we’ve declared a war on terrorism, and that gives me George W Bush the power to pretty much do whatever I want… I if I am going to detain people in Gitmo without charging them, I can do that, if I want to declare an American an enemy combatant, and suspend their civil liberties, I can do that…

this of course is meaningless to Obama sycophants...right Fake?

so Flake, what is my position on using drones to kill AQ and AQ affiliated terrorists even if they are citizens?

still waiting.....

Certain people, if we have possession of them, have to be held, indefinitely if they can't be processed in federal courts, or if political pressure prevents federal court procedure.

Your position should be the president has, in time of war, the powers sufficient to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. If you don't believe that, then you are a potential enemy of the American people.

Why are you acting as if you are Jane Fonda? This is not about Bush or Obama, this is about protecting the country. Those who promise to aid, abet, and help the enemy and are beyond effective LEO reach by, their own volition, become drone feed.

*sigh*, answer the question jake, what is my position?

Quite being dramatic, Jane, and answer your own question.
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