Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

And exactly when did you want to end the AUMF?

Or the idiocy of Enemy Combatants?

Or the dangerous Patriot Act?


Of course it doesn't surprise me.

Because here you are attacking the President.

Not the underlying "powers" that have been afforded TO the President.

You're being ridiculous....but, then again, you knew that already. They were fighting with the enemy against the US, so they got what was coming to them. End of story. The pathetic libs and the idiot libertarians seem to be minus about a billion brain cells when it comes to this sort of thing.

Not being ridiculous at all.

The right wing is looking for a way to unseat the President.

The vehicle they use doesn't matter. Whether that be Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Birtherism or the killing of American Terrorists.

It's not the "issues" it's the President.

It was the EXACT same thing with President Clinton.

The right wing doesn't have a problem with long as it's the government they want.

No, really, it's the issues. You libs love to portray the conservatives as being against the prez because he's black or because he's lib or some other retarded reason.....but the fact is that conservatives are against him because he make piss poor decisions based on his liberal agenda.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Don't even need that: simply try them in absentia for treason.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Don't even need that: simply try them in absentia for treason.

As long as it does not interfere with the drone feeding schedule.
Certain people, if we have possession of them, have to be held, indefinitely if they can't be processed in federal courts, or if political pressure prevents federal court procedure.

Your position should be the president has, in time of war, the powers sufficient to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. If you don't believe that, then you are a potential enemy of the American people.

Why are you acting as if you are Jane Fonda? This is not about Bush or Obama, this is about protecting the country. Those who promise to aid, abet, and help the enemy and are beyond effective LEO reach by, their own volition, become drone feed.

*sigh*, answer the question jake, what is my position?

Quite being dramatic, Jane, and answer your own question.

answer jake, do I agree with it or not?

take your time:eusa_whistle:
:rofl: answer, Jane, do you agree or not? We all wait with baited breath. Don't be shy, Jane, tell us.
Yanno, if you are an American citizen, and you decide to go overseas to help those who would do this country harm, telling the U.S. Government along the way that you don't want your citizenship, fine.

First, assemble all the evidence against the person, and have it brought before a full gathering of the Senate. If he's found to be guilty by a 2/3rds vote or more, then give them 30 days from the date of the vote to return to the U.S. to face charges. On the date the vote is taken, announce via press conference that they have 30 days to return to the US, or be considered an enemy combatant.

If they don't come back by then? On the 31st day, announce via press conference that the individual in question has been found to be guilty of treason, and if found out on the battlefield, they will be killed.

Problem solved.

Don't even need that: simply try them in absentia for treason. I said.................when they are found to be guilty, they should have a 30 day grace period to come back to the U.S. and hire their own lawyers to clear their name.

If they hit 31 days? Hit 'em with a drone as soon as possible.
Now of course I do not agree with everything Code Pink has to say but when Bush was president the MSM was in love with code pink. How many of you know that his even happened?

CODEPINK Repeatedly Disrupts Brennan Hearing Calling Out Names of Civilians Killed in Drone Strikes

They are right about the use of predator missiles. I can not for the life of me understand how so many can just say yeah use them without a whole lot of qualifications. First of all the 16 year old that was killed by Obama was in a restaurant. I assume he was eating. If so there are others in the restaurant, others that could be killed. Do we just pooh pooh collateral damage because they are merely brown skinned people living in a third world country????

So let's bring them to the US. What if this guy in eating in a McDonald's? Are we to take the whole place out? Might as well according to Obama Dad's are killing their kids with Happy Meals so the process is only being sped up. Why don't we just say to police, if you know he is there then just splay the whole area with machine gun fire. Kill them all let God sort them out.

I have no problem the police taking down this guy. I have a problem with some pimple faced kid at Langley flying a drone in California as if a video game taking the guy out without regard to collateral damage. All on the say so of the CIA or FBI. I don't know what you folks think a predator missile is but it isn't precise enough to single out one person.

Those of you on the right that support the government deciding who lives or dies think of your response to the same government at Waco or Ruby Ridge.

Those of you on the left that supports this type of jurisprudence think of how many time you have defended cop killers.

Back to the 16 year old that was killed by Obama. From the Huffypost:

He was a boy who hadn't seen his father in two years, since his father had gone into hiding. He was a boy who knew his father was on an American kill list and who snuck out of his family's home in the early morning hours of September 4, 2011, to try to find him. He was a boy who was still searching for his father when his father was killed, and who, on the night he himself was killed, was saying goodbye to the second cousin with whom he'd lived while on his search, and the friends he'd made. He was a boy among boys, then; a boy among boys eating dinner by an open fire along the side of a road when an American drone came out of the sky and fired the missiles that killed them all.

What was Gibbs' defense?: Robert Gibbs Says Anwar al-Awlaki's Son, Killed By Drone Strike, Needs 'Far More Responsible Father'

If that is the official excuse by this administration then the killing of the boy and his friends is an impeachable office, as stated in the HP column. The boy wasn't even on the CIA kill list according to reports.

Robert Gibbs Says Anwar al-Awlaki's Son, Killed By Drone Strike, Needs 'Far More Responsible Father'
No grace period: they could have come back at any time during the trial.

What trial? This is the conduct of war, not a civil action. Americans at war with the US don't get trials.

Did they hold a trial in Yemen and give the Ft. Hood soldiers 30 days to quit the Army? When you put it in the terms of the traitors doing it also, it becomes clear that in war it is ridiculous.

Regards from Rosie
Read the post you quoted...the entire thing, not just the part you quoted. Comprehend it. Then and only then respond. Thank you.
By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. They randomly identify anyone as a terrorist without any proof, even Americans without due process. The most controversial target of the Obama regime was an American born teenage son of Nassar al-Awlaki, a known American born terrorist. Abdulrahman Al-Awlaki had no ties to terrorist organizations yet was killed by a drone on Oct 14, 2011. He was targeted by the Obama White House while the Eric “The Cleaner” Holder Justice Department shields the Chicago good-fellas by justifying the assassination.


Despite the efforts of Congress and the courts to force the Obama Family controlled White House to release a DOJ memo concerning Drone killings, it was leaked to the Obama friendly NBC news. The 16 Page memo provided details for the justification of the Obama hit squad to select “enemies of the state” for execution. If they happen to be Americans so be it, even if they are not indicted and represent no actual threat to Americans. But of course, these are not the unfortunate results of collateral damage. They are deliberate hits! The lap dog media of Don Obama would never dare report this unless they want to risk a visit by the goombas from justice.

The actual memo is scary and vague, even though the targets are represented as al-Qaeda leadership and associates. The meaning of “associates” is unclear and could mean just about anyone. According to U.S. Judge Colleen McMahon, The Obama administration “had engaged in public discussion of the legality of targeted killing, even of citizens.”


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Obama?s License to Kill a handy item for arrogant thugs and would-be dictators « Coach is Right
By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. ...

Let's just remember, the Republicans started the "war on terror." Obama's just better at it.
By Jim Emerson
February 9th, 2013

The “Nobel Peace Prize Winner” Obama and Mr. Brennan issued themselves a license to kill anyone, anywhere at any time in the name of national security. Unlike the most famous figure–007–Mr. Obama and Mr. Brennan feel they answer to no one for their actions. ...

Let's just remember, the Republicans started the "war on terror." Obama's just better at it.

Yes Josef Stalin, Your retention of the past seems to be fleeting. How quickly you have forgotten the many attacks by terrorists during the 80's 90's right up until 9/11/01 and beyond. But hey, given your ideology and the drugs you take, it's no wonder you make that claim.....
By John Semmens
9 Feb 2013

A 16-page internal Department of Justice memo leaked to the media asserts that any person, American citizen or not, can be legally assassinated if “a high ranking White House official deems it warranted.”

While this asserted authority would appear to contradict the Constitution's prohibition of capital punishment except where the accused has had the benefit of a fair trial, Attorney General Eric Holder maintains that “the President and those he appoints to serve under him have the residual authority to override this protection if national security requires it. Action taking at the behest of an informed high-level official is to be preferred, as I see it, to a ritualistic reliance on devotion to out-dated legal traditions.”

Press Secretary Jay Carney pronounced that “Attorney General Holder's reassurance on this matter should convince Americans that these targeted killings are legal, ethical and wise. The voters have freely elected Barack Obama to be their President. Now is the time for them to reap the benefits of his judgment.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed some reservations. “There's no question that if George Bush had tried this we'd be unloading on him with everything we had,” observed spokesman Bertram Petty.


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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, February 10, 2013 Edition
Doc does not get that the Patriot Act is a Bushian creation. I agree that Obama has merely stepped up the Frankenstein creation of the bushies.

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