Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

Well, if enough pubs go along with attacking the president for being strong on national defense, then the pubs are going to throw away a strong suit card in the next election.

If the dems do this well, they will end up as the defenders of the nation as well as the people.

That leaves the pubs with nothing much at all, except tax cuts for the rich.

if being strong on national defense is proven by drone strikes ( on Americans too boot) , then bush should be your saint, he went in their on the ground and killed people, lots of people, right?

"If the dems do this well"?...........glad to see politics is all that matters now:lol: but then again it always has, Pelosi could not even admit she knew about water boarding, this thread is a prime example, as you and the rest of the hypocrites scramble around trying to square this circle. Shouldn't you be excoriating the ACLU about now for bashing this policy? :eusa_liar:

Invading Iraq wrongfully but using drones rightfully describes Bush, so the Bush card fails.

Trajan, the GOP better think very carefully about what the idiot right is doing in criticizing the use of drones. Americans think the use is right, and I agree with the public on this one.

"wrongfully"...:lol: is that the new slogan?

the gop is doing nothing the left didn't do AND Obama did, vociferously, here again, for example, I have only posted 2-3 times now;

"Now let me be clear: We are indeed at war with al Qaeda and its affiliates. We do need to update our institutions to deal with this threat. But we must do so with an abiding confidence in the rule of law and due process; in checks and balances and accountability. For reasons that I will explain, the decisions that were made over the last eight years established an ad hoc legal approach for fighting terrorism that was neither effective nor sustainable — a framework that failed to rely on our legal traditions and time-tested institutions, and that failed to use our values as a compass. "

Remarks by the President On National Security, 5-21-09 | The White House

and that is just the tip of the iceberg regarding excoriation of Bush WOT actions, presumptions etc. You just don't have the stones to to criticize Obama.

I see sallow slipped in a remark on agreeing tat it may be valuable to see more oversight like a Fisa convention/codicil etc..I mentioned Fisa to him and explained the inference 3 times......I think hes coming around, I guess his hypocrisy has a half life, yours Jake doesn't appear to have one at all....prove me wrong.
Are you an actual PERSON ortare you a spambot?

I've considered that Jakematters might well be an artificial stupidity routine programmed by a master developer. If so, it is the finest example of a machine generating complete stupidity in history.
No one of good will is questioning Obama and Bush for using drones, Trajan.

The majority of the country believes Bush was wrong for invading Iraq, Trajan.

Those two facts are not contradictory, Trajan.
No one of good will is questioning Obama and Bush for using drones, Trajan.

The majority of the country believes Bush was wrong for invading Iraq, Trajan.

Those two facts are not contradictory, Trajan.

I am not discussing Iran jake, hello.

I am discussing the lack of intellectual honesty and rank hypocrisy displayed by folks like you, sallow ny carb et al who , after watching obama basically take every one ( Patriot act, Fisa etc. ) of bushs wWOT tactics, plans etc. re-enact them OR as he does here push them out into further waters ( ala due process? hello I am not questioning the use of drones per se') have no critique to offer, after that was so fulsomely and loudly exclaimed when bush did same..............

gitmo? gotta close it its a hell hole and a travesty of justice....a hell hole, military tribunals = star chambers were they won't get adequate protections or due process..... harsh interrogation, raise hell and cast Bush as satan.......,

assassinate someone from 10K feet? oh its all good, amercian citizens ? aint no thing:rolleyes:....
Trajan, I opposed Bush because of his invasion of Iraq. I supported his use of drones. I support Obama's use of drones. If you want to talk about national security infringing on personal liberties, I am willing to listen.
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Trajan, I opposed Bush because of his invasion of Iraq. I supported his use of drones. I support Obama's use of drones. If you want to talk about national security infringing on personal liberties, I am willing to listen.

willing to listen??I have spoken in plain English, no jake you don't listen, I am not even sure you hear, and this is an old story, in all seriousness, I think you have severe reading comprehension issues.
In all seriousness, you have let your excessive partisanship damage your objectivity, emotional stability, and understanding of what America means and what it means to be an American.
Ah, because as a democrat, laws don't apply to him.

Yep, that is the Khmer Rouge position.

They are for the peasants.

You go lie to the grand jury comrade, and see what happens.

The crime of perjury is to tell a material lie under oath. Clinton told an immaterial lie under oath.

I recommend you look up 'perjury', 'material', and 'immaterial'.

Wrong, Clinton was found to have suborned perjury- without question, on several occasions. The actual question is whether or not these perjured lies while under oath, were impeachable offenses.

The best analysis of his perjury I have found

lol. You found someone who thinks it was perjury.

You accused him of a war crime and of violating US laws against assassinations.


You accused me of lying when I said there were conservatives who did that.

I accused you of lying when you claimed that "the right said Obama murdered bin Laden.'

No one did. We said Obama violated the Geneva convention (a war crime) by invading a sovereign nation to conduct the raid.

You don't care whether the terrorists are American, or Saudi, or from the moon. You don't believe that the US has the legal right to defend ourselves against them.

I expect this nation to operate within the law.

Bush targeted Saddam Hussein on day one of shock and awe. Or at least where they thought he was.
The ex-cop and murderer Dorner has apparently holed up somewhere in or near Big Bear ski resort east of LA in the mountains. Do think that if the CA LEO establishment thought for a moment they would take further casualties that they would not call in a drone strike in a heart beat, guys?

When Americans put themselves in a situation where normal LEO situations can't work, then, yes, drones are absolutely constitutionally acceptable.

Any American who can't accept this might as well move to Iran right now.

Thank the stars that GOP and conservatives overwhelmingly support the admin's position on this. The American people certainly do.
In all seriousness, you have let your excessive partisanship damage your objectivity, emotional stability, and understanding of what America means and what it means to be an American.

:lol: you cannot even parse the topic for god sakes.....ramble on...
The ex-cop and murderer Dorner has apparently holed up somewhere in or near Big Bear ski resort east of LA in the mountains. Do think that if the CA LEO establishment thought for a moment they would take further casualties that they would not call in a drone strike in a heart beat, guys?

When Americans put themselves in a situation where normal LEO situations can't work, then, yes, drones are absolutely constitutionally acceptable.

Any American who can't accept this might as well move to Iran right now.

Thank the stars that GOP and conservatives overwhelmingly support the admin's position on this. The American people certainly do.

say what? , you are saying if they locate the guy and hes hunkered down and they don't and risk rushing the pace, they should J-dam it with a drone? are you fucking nuts?

well, wait you defended Waco so yea, that follows..:rolleyes:
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.
You accused him of a war crime and of violating US laws against assassinations.


You accused me of lying when I said there were conservatives who did that.

I accused you of lying when you claimed that "the right said Obama murdered bin Laden.'

No one did. We said Obama violated the Geneva convention (a war crime) by invading a sovereign nation to conduct the raid.

You don't care whether the terrorists are American, or Saudi, or from the moon. You don't believe that the US has the legal right to defend ourselves against them.

I expect this nation to operate within the law.

Did the Taliban give us permission to invade Afghanistan to go after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?
The ex-cop and murderer Dorner has apparently holed up somewhere in or near Big Bear ski resort east of LA in the mountains. Do think that if the CA LEO establishment thought for a moment they would take further casualties that they would not call in a drone strike in a heart beat, guys?

When Americans put themselves in a situation where normal LEO situations can't work, then, yes, drones are absolutely constitutionally acceptable.

Any American who can't accept this might as well move to Iran right now.

Thank the stars that GOP and conservatives overwhelmingly support the admin's position on this. The American people certainly do.

say what? , you are saying if they locate the guy and hes hunkered down and they don't and risk rushing the pace, they should J-dam it with a drone? are you fucking nuts?

well, wait you defended Waco so yea, that follows..:rolleyes:

I defended the right of the govt to intervene at Waco, yes, no bones about it. The feds should have taken Koresh when he was away from the compound. That was a terrible, terrible incident.
In all seriousness, you have let your excessive partisanship damage your objectivity, emotional stability, and understanding of what America means and what it means to be an American.

:lol: you cannot even parse the topic for god sakes.....ramble on...

:eek: :lol: go back a few pages and tell me things have been on topic..

I dare you

*shrugs* as to others? thats not my concern, I remain consistent, my charges of uber hypocrisy vis a vis the likes of well, anyone who has lapped this all up, but used bush as a punching bag for doing same or less, if the others want to veer off, hey have at
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.

uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't.

right, parsing, its overrated:lol:
Trajan's uber-partisanship now borders on near criminality. We are not parsing here, bub, we are talking real life.

uhm no, thats your hang up Fake, do you even know my position on obamas proposed ( well past tense) use of drone attacks upon amercian citizens vis a vis AQ affiliations etc.?

No, you don't. right, parsing, its overrated:lol:

Jarlaxle, Trajan, and QWB are the Jane Fondas of today. Just better looking :lol:
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