Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

We executed them. Internment camps were here in the country for those who had not already committed acts of war. You simply are a drool tool for the reactionary unthinking right.

Jake, you're just a Soros hack - a lying fuck who posts anything to promote your shameful democratic party. Ignoring you, since you add a bit less value to the forum than Mr. Shaman or del, is the best course.

But occasionally you post things so outrageously stupid that they need to be challenged, not that you have the integrity to respond, but just to expose what a pile of lying shit you are.

So Jakematters, post a case of an American who was extra-judiciously assassinated in WWII.

I'll hold my breath while I wait, you sleazy scumbag.
Uncensored is a scumbag reactionary hater, period, who despises American liberties.


Unlike Scumbag America Hater Uncensored..we had a different reaction to the obliteration of Osama Bin Laden in NYC.

[ame=]Times Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 19 - YouTube[/ame]
We executed them. Internment camps were here in the country for those who had not already committed acts of war. You simply are a drool tool for the reactionary unthinking right.

Jake, you're just a Soros hack - a lying fuck who posts anything to promote your shameful democratic party. Ignoring you, since you add a bit less value to the forum than Mr. Shaman or del, is the best course.

But occasionally you post things so outrageously stupid that they need to be challenged, not that you have the integrity to respond, but just to expose what a pile of lying shit you are.

So Jakematters, post a case of an American who was extra-judiciously assassinated in WWII.

I'll hold my breath while I wait, you sleazy scumbag.

:lol: You offer nothing but hated. You post a question that does not apply to our day and age, Uncensored. You are so easy to reject as a responsible patriotic American.

Shifting your goal posts from internment to assassination simply reveals you comprehend so little.
Uncensored cherishes Osama and the other enemies of America.
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Clinton was "guilty" of being a Democrat.

Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

It's the attempts to revise this history are failing.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.

1. Bullshit.
2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.
3. Back at ya.

Did Clinton lie under oath? The answer is an unequivacal yes he lied under oath. The only defense that ever was offered was that lying under oath to a grand jury is not high crimes as described in the Consitution. Never was the issue of him lying denied. So what does a country that is actually built on laws made to protect the rights of its citizens do when the most powerful man in the world, who has sworn to tell the truth does not? What message should our legislature send? The right moral lesson was sent, lying under oath is not permissible. The liberal left does not agree on moral lessons everything is realtive to ideology. Lying is OK if the person is ideologically in sync. Killing Americans is OK as long as the person ends DADT.

Clinton did actually commit crimes, at least Nixon had the moral integrity to step down.
Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.

1. Bullshit.
2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.
3. Back at ya.

Did Clinton lie under oath? The answer is an unequivacal yes he lied under oath. The only defense that ever was offered was that lying under oath to a grand jury is not high crimes as described in the Consitution. Never was the issue of him lying denied. So what does a country that is actually built on laws made to protect the rights of its citizens do when the most powerful man in the world, who has sworn to tell the truth does not? What message should our legislature send? The right moral lesson was sent, lying under oath is not permissible. The liberal left does not agree on moral lessons everything is realtive to ideology. Lying is OK if the person is ideologically in sync. Killing Americans is OK as long as the person ends DADT.

Clinton did actually commit crimes, at least Nixon had the moral integrity to step down.


And umitigated bullshit.

Congress was engaged in a panty raid..and they wanted that to be bubbled up into something it wasn't.

It was a disgrace to the nation what happened to Clinton, one of our greatest Presidents.

You want real lies?

Try Reagan.

[ame=]Reagan Breaks Laws then Lies About It - YouTube[/ame]

That was a real fucking lie.

And treason.

And Reagan was a traitor to the country.
Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.

1. Bullshit.
2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.
3. Back at ya.

Did Clinton lie under oath? The answer is an unequivacal yes he lied under oath. The only defense that ever was offered was that lying under oath to a grand jury is not high crimes as described in the Consitution. Never was the issue of him lying denied. So what does a country that is actually built on laws made to protect the rights of its citizens do when the most powerful man in the world, who has sworn to tell the truth does not? What message should our legislature send? The right moral lesson was sent, lying under oath is not permissible. The liberal left does not agree on moral lessons everything is realtive to ideology. Lying is OK if the person is ideologically in sync. Killing Americans is OK as long as the person ends DADT.

Clinton did actually commit crimes, at least Nixon had the moral integrity to step down.

Clinton was exonerated by the American public who punished the Republicans in the 1998 elections. Nixon stepped down because he would have been removed from office: that required no integrity just a reality check.
1. Bullshit.

Lying scumbag.

{… he helped Monica Lewinsky write a false affidavit denying sexual relations with him; he intended the false affidavit to be used during his deposition, and in fact his lawyer (Bob Bennett) did use (unwittingly) the false affidavit to try to convince the judge overseeing the deposition (Susan Webber Wright) to limit questions to Clinton during the deposition; Clinton himself confirmed the accuracy of the false Lewinsky affidavit during his deposition; and Clinton lied repeatedly during the sworn deposition about his relationship with Lewinsky}

Bill Clinton?s Perjury - By Mark R. Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

You're a lying pile of shit, Shallow.

{Twice in the last two months, Vernon E. Jordan Jr., a close friend of Clinton's and longtime Revlon board member, telephoned Perelman directly to cadge a $40,000-a-year job for Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern. One of those calls, sources say, came 24 hours after Lewinsky swore out an affidavit in which she denied having sex with the president. (Jordan's wife, Ann, is a board member at another Perelman company.)} Special Report: Clinton Accused

Seriously, you have no integrity at all.

Should President Clinton Have Been Convicted?: An Analysis of the Impeachment Charges Against the President

2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.

The "actual crimes" of Nixon are paltry in comparison to Clinton, much less the murderer in chief, Obama.

You're just a partisan hack who lies without regard and attacks anything with an "R" attached.

The only impeachable charge against Nixon was perjury - Which Clinton is guilty of.

3. Back at ya.

Seriously dude, you're scum. Being partisan is one thing, but you have no integrity at all. You'll say anything to promote your shameful party - you don't give a flying fuck if it's true or an absurd lie.
Which basically shows how much of a scumbag Uncensored2008 really is.

The fact that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the horrific deaths of 3000 Americans has no bearing on his shallow hatred of the President.

This scumbag says the President is wrong for killing him.

Fuck him.

Uh, no - I sure didn't.

But you don't mind lying.
Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.

1. Bullshit.
2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.
3. Back at ya.

Did Clinton lie under oath? The answer is an unequivacal yes he lied under oath. The only defense that ever was offered was that lying under oath to a grand jury is not high crimes as described in the Consitution. Never was the issue of him lying denied. So what does a country that is actually built on laws made to protect the rights of its citizens do when the most powerful man in the world, who has sworn to tell the truth does not? What message should our legislature send? The right moral lesson was sent, lying under oath is not permissible. The liberal left does not agree on moral lessons everything is realtive to ideology. Lying is OK if the person is ideologically in sync. Killing Americans is OK as long as the person ends DADT.

Clinton did actually commit crimes, at least Nixon had the moral integrity to step down.

His lying under oath was not a crime. Believe it or not, not all lies under oath are criminal offenses.
We executed them. Internment camps were here in the country for those who had not already committed acts of war. You simply are a drool tool for the reactionary unthinking right.

Jake, you're just a Soros hack - a lying fuck who posts anything to promote your shameful democratic party. Ignoring you, since you add a bit less value to the forum than Mr. Shaman or del, is the best course.

But occasionally you post things so outrageously stupid that they need to be challenged, not that you have the integrity to respond, but just to expose what a pile of lying shit you are.

So Jakematters, post a case of an American who was extra-judiciously assassinated in WWII.

I'll hold my breath while I wait, you sleazy scumbag.

The question is, would it have been illegal to kill Americans who fought for the Nazis in WWII?
In case you can't figure that out, it would mean Americans who went to Germany, joined the German military, and fought against us.

Now entertain us with another dodge of that question.
When you get busted you should at least take it like a man.

You think that makes me "busted?"


You really are dumb.

Tell me fool, how many times in that thread did I say I was glad Osama was dead? 200? 300?

Obama violating the Geneva convention (seems a common theme with this thug) doesn't mean I was sad Osama went to hell to be with Allah.
The question is, would it have been illegal to kill Americans who fought for the Nazis in WWII?

The claim by your Obamunists is that we assassinated Americans siding with the Nazis in WWII.

I await some sort of evidence.

We both know you'll never produce any, because it never happened.

In case you can't figure that out, it would mean Americans who went to Germany, joined the German military, and fought against us.


Why wouldn't it mean Americans who went to Canada, Australia, or some other allied country and worked on behalf of the Nazis?

Now entertain us with another dodge of that question.

So, you can't support your claim?

Obviously not - since NO PRESIDENT, other than Obama has assassinated U.S. Citizens on friendly soil.

Standard Disclaimer: Lincoln might have, but no actual proof exists.
Which basically shows how much of a scumbag Uncensored2008 really is.

The fact that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the horrific deaths of 3000 Americans has no bearing on his shallow hatred of the President.

This scumbag says the President is wrong for killing him.

Fuck him.

Uh, no - I sure didn't.

But you don't mind lying.

You've been busted you lying sack of shit.

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