Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process


We've had 2 President impeached. Neither was put on trial after their impeachment. In fact, neither was removed from office.

Sorry sir but you are sadly mistaken, Johnson stood trial and was aquitted by one vote.

Clinton too stood trial and 50 voted guilty for one count and 45 the other far short of removing him from office. But the truth is two presidents were impeached, which means they stood trial. Clinton was guilty as hell but the democrats sold their souls and saved him.

Stood "trial" in congress.

There was a reason Gerald Ford nixed his re-election chances by pardoning Nixon.

And Clinton wasn't "guilty" of anything..except bad judgement.

Wrong YET AGAIN: Clinton most certainly was proven by the fact he was disbarred for it!

Do you EVER get tired of always being wrong?
You posted a simple declarative statement, to wit: "The very day a President is impeached AND THEN put on trial for ANYTHING..will be the end of the Nation." That is, of course, completely and utterly wrong in all respects. So, in are utterly clueless. Thank you for playing.

This was explained to you, Jarlaxle. Now run along and play.

No, you (along with the dude that posted it) were shown to be wrong, then (predictably) tried to tap-dance around it.

Dance, puppet, dance!

Two presidents were impeached, given a political hearing in front of the Senate, and the charges were not sustained by vote.

Son, there was no criminal trial. Do you understand that?
This was explained to you, Jarlaxle. Now run along and play.

No, you (along with the dude that posted it) were shown to be wrong, then (predictably) tried to tap-dance around it.

Dance, puppet, dance!

Two presidents were impeached, given a political hearing in front of the Senate, and the charges were not sustained by vote.

Son, there was no criminal trial. Do you understand that?

Dance, my puppet! Dance!
No, you (along with the dude that posted it) were shown to be wrong, then (predictably) tried to tap-dance around it.

Dance, puppet, dance!

Two presidents were impeached, given a political hearing in front of the Senate, and the charges were not sustained by vote.

Son, there was no criminal trial. Do you understand that?

Dance, my puppet! Dance!

You are being the fool. :lol: You are the dancing Puppet Jarlaxle.
The administration managed to keep the memo under wraps for a while but apparently an executive order authorizes the execution of American citizens overseas without due process by drone strikes if "it is determined" that they are "threats" to American security. Is that OK with the left? Who makes the determination? It's pretty ironic that the US affords Constitutional protection to every person in the US regardless of their legal status but authorizes killing American citizens without due process overseas.

methinks the 'left' was onto this before you were .. like a few years ago. :rofl:

You need to come out from under your rock more often. This has been discussed to death and it has been one of the "left's" main beefs with President Obama.


You really hate it when reasonable people challenge the hypocrisy and idiocy of the left, don't you....
"Due process" doesn't really apply in a combat zone. Suspected bad guy doing bad things = dead bad guy. An American citizen in a group of known Taliban would give the Taliban blanket protection from any missle or artillery attacks if due process were applied.

It's not limited to just combat zones.

Obama has said that he has this authority anywhere in the world. And he didn't exclude inside the borders of the United States.

And exactly when did you want to end the AUMF?

Or the idiocy of Enemy Combatants?

Or the dangerous Patriot Act?


Of course it doesn't surprise me.

Because here you are attacking the President.

Not the underlying "powers" that have been afforded TO the President.

You're being ridiculous....but, then again, you knew that already. They were fighting with the enemy against the US, so they got what was coming to them. End of story. The pathetic libs and the idiot libertarians seem to be minus about a billion brain cells when it comes to this sort of thing.
Quite a few stupid cons are going crazy over the drone thing, gwennie, as well as libs and libertarians.

They are all wrong.
Was it illegal to kill Americans who fought for Hitler in WWII?

Yes...he was fighting in the armed forces of a nation at war with the US.

No, whether in the organized armed forces of another country or as an nonuniformed enemy noncombatant supporting the enemy regime, the individual may be killed as an enemy.

Suppose a citizen of the USA supports the activities of an enemy as a civilian. The USA can capture him and put him on trial for treason. But if he is a civilian supporting an enemy's war effort they cannot target him as an enemy combatant. Giving aid and comfort to an enemy during a war makes you a traitor, but it does not necessarily make you an enemy combatant.
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.
I'm really shocked at the "Progresives" who feel that terrorists deserve due process. They have killed our innocent people here on American soil on several occasions. Now all of a sudden they deserve due process? REALLY??? What about our soldiers? Are they receiving due process? I'm surprised at Ed. I thought that his cognitive proceses were deeper. (Still love you though). Why is it that everything that President Obama does is wrong, even if it has been done before by the other party? No due process for terrorists, because once they decide to become terrorists, they relinquish their American citizenship!!!

The reactionary far right shows its true color (yellow) as they defend the terrorists, such as Obama and others, from being attacked by our armed forces.

Traitors, all of them.
Well, if enough pubs go along with attacking the president for being strong on national defense, then the pubs are going to throw away a strong suit card in the next election.

If the dems do this well, they will end up as the defenders of the nation as well as the people.

That leaves the pubs with nothing much at all, except tax cuts for the rich.
Sorry sir but you are sadly mistaken, Johnson stood trial and was aquitted by one vote.

Clinton too stood trial and 50 voted guilty for one count and 45 the other far short of removing him from office. But the truth is two presidents were impeached, which means they stood trial. Clinton was guilty as hell but the democrats sold their souls and saved him.

Stood "trial" in congress.

There was a reason Gerald Ford nixed his re-election chances by pardoning Nixon.

And Clinton wasn't "guilty" of anything..except bad judgement.

Wrong YET AGAIN: Clinton most certainly was proven by the fact he was disbarred for it!

Do you EVER get tired of always being wrong?

Clinton was "guilty" of being a Democrat.

The right wing went way to far with extreme measures to embarrass and remove President they didn't like.

It's the attempts to revise this history are failing.
This was explained to you, Jarlaxle. Now run along and play.

No, you (along with the dude that posted it) were shown to be wrong, then (predictably) tried to tap-dance around it.

Dance, puppet, dance!

Two presidents were impeached, given a political hearing in front of the Senate, and the charges were not sustained by vote.

Son, there was no criminal trial. Do you understand that?

They absolutely do not understand that.

And they don't understand that this sort of political theater weakens the government over the long term.
It's not limited to just combat zones.

Obama has said that he has this authority anywhere in the world. And he didn't exclude inside the borders of the United States.

And exactly when did you want to end the AUMF?

Or the idiocy of Enemy Combatants?

Or the dangerous Patriot Act?


Of course it doesn't surprise me.

Because here you are attacking the President.

Not the underlying "powers" that have been afforded TO the President.

You're being ridiculous....but, then again, you knew that already. They were fighting with the enemy against the US, so they got what was coming to them. End of story. The pathetic libs and the idiot libertarians seem to be minus about a billion brain cells when it comes to this sort of thing.

Not being ridiculous at all.

The right wing is looking for a way to unseat the President.

The vehicle they use doesn't matter. Whether that be Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Birtherism or the killing of American Terrorists.

It's not the "issues" it's the President.

It was the EXACT same thing with President Clinton.

The right wing doesn't have a problem with long as it's the government they want.
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.

and we are in no way surprised at your lack of integrity............

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