Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

I'm really shocked at the "Progresives" who feel that terrorists deserve due process. They have killed our innocent people here on American soil on several occasions. Now all of a sudden they deserve due process? REALLY??? What about our soldiers? Are they receiving due process? I'm surprised at Ed. I thought that his cognitive proceses were deeper. (Still love you though). Why is it that everything that President Obama does is wrong, even if it has been done before by the other party? No due process for terrorists, because once they decide to become terrorists, they relinquish their American citizenship!!!

It's not the progressives in this thread who are trying to protect the terrorists.
Well, if enough pubs go along with attacking the president for being strong on national defense, then the pubs are going to throw away a strong suit card in the next election.

If the dems do this well, they will end up as the defenders of the nation as well as the people.

That leaves the pubs with nothing much at all, except tax cuts for the rich.

if being strong on national defense is proven by drone strikes ( on Americans to boot) , then bush should be your saint, he went in their on the ground and killed people, lots of people right?

hey if they had J-Damed Walker Lindh would you be cheering? I suspect not, not then, but now its a new ball game.......Forget "Cowboy"...its Terminator time......

"If the dems do this well"?...........glad to see politics is all that matters now:lol: but then again it always has, Pelosi could not even admit she knew about water boarding, this thread is a prime example, as you and the rest of the hypocrites scramble around trying to square this circle. Shouldn't you be excoriating the ACLU about now for bashing this policy? :eusa_liar:
Well, if enough pubs go along with attacking the president for being strong on national defense, then the pubs are going to throw away a strong suit card in the next election.

If the dems do this well, they will end up as the defenders of the nation as well as the people.

That leaves the pubs with nothing much at all, except tax cuts for the rich.

if being strong on national defense is proven by drone strikes ( on Americans too boot) , then bush should be your saint, he went in their on the ground and killed people, lots of people, right?

"If the dems do this well"?...........glad to see politics is all that matters now:lol: but then again it always has, Pelosi could not even admit she knew about water boarding, this thread is a prime example, as you and the rest of the hypocrites scramble around trying to square this circle. Shouldn't you be excoriating the ACLU about now for bashing this policy? :eusa_liar:

Invading Iraq wrongfully but using drones rightfully describes Bush, so the Bush card fails.

Trajan, the GOP better think very carefully about what the idiot right is doing in criticizing the use of drones. Americans think the use is right, and I agree with the public on this one.
The question is, and always has been....who makes the decision? We might consider the bloody 20th century where the concept was to kill as many civilians as it took for your enemy to surrender or the JFK crazy "exploding cigar" diplomacy that may or may not have resulted in his assassination. It seems that we are stuck in a killing spree whenever the liberal media justifies every decision by a democrat and especially a radical left wing president

So you would prefer to roll back the clock on Obama to where the number of Al Qaeda killed by drones is 'zero'?
The question is, and always has been....who makes the decision? We might consider the bloody 20th century where the concept was to kill as many civilians as it took for your enemy to surrender or the JFK crazy "exploding cigar" diplomacy that may or may not have resulted in his assassination. It seems that we are stuck in a killing spree whenever the liberal media justifies every decision by a democrat and especially a radical left wing president

So you would prefer to roll back the clock on Obama to where the number of Al Qaeda killed by drones is 'zero'?

whitehall hates Obama more than he loves America.
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

I don't get you fascist Obamunists, I really don't. Blatant lies don't help your cause, and just make it less likely that anyone will believe the more subtle lies you tell.

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.

As a goosestepping Obamunist, can you point to a post by someone "on the right" who claimed bin Laden was murdered? Not Eots or the other certifiables, but someone "on the right."

Didn't think so.

"Lying leftist" is redundant.
Stood "trial" in congress.

There was a reason Gerald Ford nixed his re-election chances by pardoning Nixon.

And Clinton wasn't "guilty" of anything..except bad judgement.

Look, you're a partisan hack, and you have not so much as a hint of integrity.

But even one with no ethics like you can't possibly say "And Clinton wasn't "guilty" of anything" with a straight face.

Being a lying partisan fuck is one thing Shallow, but seriously..
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

I don't get you fascist Obamunists, I really don't. Blatant lies don't help your cause, and just make it less likely that anyone will believe the more subtle lies you tell.

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.

As a goosestepping Obamunist, can you point to a post by someone "on the right" who claimed bin Laden was murdered? Not Eots or the other certifiables, but someone "on the right."

Didn't think so.

"Lying leftist" is redundant.

You. Right here:

Clinton was "guilty" of being a Democrat.

Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

The right wing went way to far with extreme measures to embarrass and remove President they didn't like.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

It's the attempts to revise this history are failing.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.
They absolutely do not understand that.

And they don't understand that this sort of political theater weakens the government over the long term.

If you ever told the truth, would you like burst into flames or something?

{In the extended plea bargain between Bill Clinton and independent counsel Robert Ray, the ultimate key turned out to be Clinton's Arkansas law license, but that would not have been obvious from the beginning.

Ray announced last summer that he was proceeding with the possible indictment of Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Eventually he entered discussions with David Kendall, Clinton's attorney, in an effort to "resolve the matter," which is what lawyers say when they want to cut a deal. While both sides had good reason to reach an agreement, acceptable terms must have been elusive.}

It Takes A Plea Agreement - Chicago Tribune
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

I don't get you fascist Obamunists, I really don't. Blatant lies don't help your cause, and just make it less likely that anyone will believe the more subtle lies you tell.

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.

As a goosestepping Obamunist, can you point to a post by someone "on the right" who claimed bin Laden was murdered? Not Eots or the other certifiables, but someone "on the right."

Didn't think so.

"Lying leftist" is redundant.

You. Here also:

Obama illegally 'assassinated' Bin Laden...
Clinton was "guilty" of being a Democrat.

Well that, and perjury, and obstruction of justice, bribing a witness, threatening a witness.

Oh, and I'll bet that made you cum, the way Clinton told a 62 year old black woman that if she didn't perjure herself on his behalf, he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. I mean, scumbags must have smiled when he stuck it to Betty Currie like that. Hey, but he's not guilty of anything, because he was above the law.

The right wing went way to far with extreme measures to embarrass and remove President they didn't like.

Right, because the lesson of Nixon that no one is above the law doesn't count for ruling democrats. Destroying evidence in a federal investigation is just stuff and bother.

It's the attempts to revise this history are failing.

You're total scum Shallow, I mean that most sincerely.

1. Bullshit.
2. Nixon was never impeached, committed actual crimes..and was pardoned.
3. Back at ya.
The unthinking reactionary radical right are the greatest threat to American liberties in modern times.
Just a reminder,

there was quite a vocal contingent on the right who claimed that President Obama murdered Osama Bin Laden, at the time,

I don't get you fascist Obamunists, I really don't. Blatant lies don't help your cause, and just make it less likely that anyone will believe the more subtle lies you tell.

so if nothing else we should not be in any way shocked we are getting the sort of sentiments from conservatives that we're seeing in this thread.

As a goosestepping Obamunist, can you point to a post by someone "on the right" who claimed bin Laden was murdered? Not Eots or the other certifiables, but someone "on the right."

Didn't think so.

"Lying leftist" is redundant.

You. Here also:

Obama illegally 'assassinated' Bin Laden...

Which basically shows how much of a scumbag Uncensored2008 really is.

The fact that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the horrific deaths of 3000 Americans has no bearing on his shallow hatred of the President.

This scumbag says the President is wrong for killing him.

Fuck him.
Uncensored is a partisan reactionary hater, period, who despises American liberties.

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