Pres. Obama's speech calms a shocked nation.

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I am so glad that we have Pres. Obama to rule over us during these trying times.

He was on TV a couple of hours after the Boston marathon bombing.

Although he only spoke for less than three minutes.

Our beloved President brought peace of mind and comfort to a shocked nation.

He wasn't a bloated wind bag like Churchill or Roosevelt who went on and on with their amateur speeches during the war years.

We are truly a blessed nation to have a great orator like Pres. Obama to sooth a grieving nation. .:cool:
Oh come on, it was a good speech for the situation. American people don't need speeches to calm and make us feel secure anyway. We are resilient and tough.
I am so glad that we have Pres. Obama to rule over us during these trying times.

He was on TV a couple of hours after the Boston marathon bombing.

Although he only spoke for less than three minutes.

Our beloved President brought peace of mind and comfort to a shocked nation.

He wasn't a bloated wind bag like Churchill or Roosevelt who went on and on with their amateur speeches during the war years.

We are truly a blessed nation to have a great orator like Pres. Obama to sooth a grieving nation. .:cool:

So how much peace of mind and comfort did he bring?:2up:
ooooh gimme a fucking break, that son-of-a-bitch couldn't soooooth a cold turd, his "speech" was about as bland as a blank sheet of paper. what did the SOB say that could put anyones mind at ease ??

personally i believe he is happy it happened, after all he IS a muslime and an illegal alien who never experienced growing up in America. had he been born in Shitcago, the chances of him reaching 21 y.o. would be very slim !! :up:
You really and truly have no shame, do you Sunni?

I think his post was meant to be sarcastic. If not, he's completely flipped his lid.

Every time obama speaks, he isn't reassuring jack shit. He's making half the nation feel like they need to VOMIT.
Sunni Man is doing propaganda for CAIR and Muslims generally.

Nobody pays any attention to Obama or bothers to watch him, do they?

I certainly don't.
It was obviously a masterful impromptu speech but without a teleprompter.

That's why it only lasted 3 min.

Because when he uses a teleprompter; his animated pontifications drag on for hours.

Yet, on a positive note, this shows that he reads printed text very well. .:cool:
I am so glad that we have Pres. Obama to rule over us during these trying times.

I'm still trying to figure out when Americans began loving to be ruled. The man spoke. Who gives a fuck what he says? Is he down there helping with victims, or cleaning up, or actually getting involved?


He comes on TV with extra security, cradles you sycophants and you love it. You're pathetic.
fear not, obama has put Holder on the case. maybe a shipment of guns to the muslim brotherhood will reveal the killers names.
ooooh gimme a fucking break, that son-of-a-bitch couldn't soooooth a cold turd, his "speech" was about as bland as a blank sheet of paper. what did the SOB say that could put anyones mind at ease ??

personally i believe he is happy it happened, after all he is a muslime and an illegal alien who never experienced growing up in America. had he been born in Shitcago, the chances of him reaching 21 y.o. would be very slim !! :up:

Isn't there a Silly Boy corner for retards like you ?
After hearing my beloved President speak on this tragic event.

A sense of well being and calmness washed over me.

Which was quit different than the usual tingle down my leg I get when hearing his words.

I knew that our leader has everything under control.

And I am secure and safe....... :cool:
After hearing my beloved President speak on this tragic event.

A sense of well being and calmness washed over me.

Which was quit different than the usual tingle down my leg I get when hearing his words.

I knew that our leader has everything under control.

And I am secure and safe....... :cool:

No doubt many thought that yesterday as well.

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