Pres. Obama's speech calms a shocked nation.

Sunni Man is doing propaganda for CAIR and Muslims generally.

Nobody pays any attention to Obama or bothers to watch him, do they?

I certainly don't.

Sunni is just on here to make muslims look bad. He is no more a muslim than my cat is.
Sunni Man is doing propaganda for CAIR and Muslims generally.

Nobody pays any attention to Obama or bothers to watch him, do they?

I certainly don't.

Sunni is just on here to make muslims look bad. He is no more a muslim than my cat is.
Don't be a hater........ :doubt:

Can I be a (mad) hatter? Oh wait. That's Ravi. No, wait. Ravi hates hatters. Oh, dear. It's all SO confusing!

Sunni Man is doing propaganda for CAIR and Muslims generally.

Nobody pays any attention to Obama or bothers to watch him, do they?

I certainly don't.

Sunni is just on here to make muslims look bad. He is no more a muslim than my cat is.

That would explain a lot. He/she is just what you'd want your enemy to have as a friend.
You really and truly have no shame, do you Sunni?

I think his post was meant to be sarcastic. If not, he's completely flipped his lid.

Every time obama speaks, he isn't reassuring jack shit. He's making half the nation feel like they need to VOMIT.

Fuck you, asshole.

If he did not speak in situations like this, you would go on and on about how heartless he is. When he does speak, you go on and on about how bad it is.

Our President was voted in by a majority of American voters. Twice! You don't like that fact, go to Somalia and enjoy true freedom. You can do anything you like for as long as you survive.
^^^ there4eyeM is my own personal stalker who follows me from thread to thread making inane comments.

I am flattered........ :cool:

Small Man becomes more and more pathetic and hopeless. So inflated that she/he imagines her/himself important enough to be stalked, she/he stalks all of us with vicious, facile, childish tantrums and puerile arguments (or it could be pure ill). It's just the type that makes discussion here depressing sometimes. Fortunately there are others who show intelligence, wit, tolerance and thought, even those with whom I usually disagree such as 'Chic or 'reb'.
S.M. is generous with 'negs' and stingy with positive contributions. It is a compliment to be identified as apart from her/his world.
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He was again shoving his face into the cameras. He needs a prop backdrop of shocked survivors to make it really good.
Oh come on, it was a good speech for the situation. American people don't need speeches to calm and make us feel secure anyway. We are resilient and tough.

It was a bare minimum, and not even worth mention. The twerp is in over his head. I put him at a Bush level president.

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