Presbyterians Edge Closer to Same-Sex Marriage Acceptance

How could a group of people calling themselves Christian claim their "faith" lead them to embrace something the bible considers a grave sin against God? You're wayyyy out there sometimes, Peach.
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Where have you been. Presbyterians accepted same sex marriage two years ago. It split the Presbyterians into two groups. Presbyterians who reject same sex marriage and Presbyterian USA that has acceptance. The article specifically references Presbyterians USA.
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The Bible said this would happen. Even the way Christians are turning away from the path. It's all there. Christianity was always supposed to be difficult.
There is a difference between churches accepting gays in the pews & churches endorsing gay marriage & homosexuality as okay. Ofcourse they want gays to show up, they want all sinners to show up. I can't remember who said it, but I think this sums it up well, "Church is not supposed to be a lounge for saints, but a hospital for recovering sinners"...something like that. If you think most churches will not tell you you are sinning,'ve got another thing coming. What they will try to do is help you change your ways...which is the whole point of being a Christian.

To the "catholic church is the one true church" guy, don't make me laugh! It's the church Satan will use to introduce the anti-Christ according to many end-times prophecy experts.

They describe your latest pope as the last pope before the one world religion & government will be upon us. The BIBLE describes your pope as the last pope.
There is a difference between churches accepting gays in the pews & churches endorsing gay marriage & homosexuality as okay. Ofcourse they want gays to show up, they want all sinners to show up. I can't remember who said it, but I think this sums it up well, "Church is not supposed to be a lounge for saints, but a hospital for recovering sinners"...something like that. If you think most churches will not tell you you are sinning,'ve got another thing coming. What they will try to do is help you change your ways...which is the whole point of being a Christian.

To the "catholic church is the one true church" guy, don't make me laugh! It's the church Satan will use to introduce the anti-Christ according to many end-times prophecy experts.

They describe your latest pope as the last pope before the one world religion & government will be upon us. The BIBLE describes your pope as the last pope.

One will lead to the other. Fewer and fewer people can look their loved ones in the eyes and say "I love you, but don't think you deserve the same happiness or rights as I have". People will start leaving their anti-gay churches for more inclusive ones. Old churches with old attitudes will find their membership dying off and not being replaced...until their old ideas are replaced.

You can look at history and see the inevitable.
You can read in the bible that that will happen, as it is happening. You and the OP are on Satan's side of this. The people who fall away are going to be eternally seperated from God because of things like this, misleading souls.

You obviously haven't read revelations.
You can read in the bible that that will happen, as it is happening. You and the OP are on Satan's side of this. The people who fall away are going to be eternally seperated from God because of things like this, misleading souls.

You obviously haven't read revelations.

I can read the bible and know that more people will choose to follow Jesus and be loving and accepting of their gay brothers and sisters than will choose to be hateful bigots. I can also read history books and know that religious extremists clung to the bible to justify their racist bigotry...until it became too unpopular. History repeats...
There is a difference between churches accepting gays in the pews & churches endorsing gay marriage & homosexuality as okay. Ofcourse they want gays to show up, they want all sinners to show up. I can't remember who said it, but I think this sums it up well, "Church is not supposed to be a lounge for saints, but a hospital for recovering sinners"...something like that. If you think most churches will not tell you you are sinning,'ve got another thing coming. What they will try to do is help you change your ways...which is the whole point of being a Christian.

To the "catholic church is the one true church" guy, don't make me laugh! It's the church Satan will use to introduce the anti-Christ according to many end-times prophecy experts.

They describe your latest pope as the last pope before the one world religion & government will be upon us. The BIBLE describes your pope as the last pope.

One will lead to the other. Fewer and fewer people can look their loved ones in the eyes and say "I love you, but don't think you deserve the same happiness or rights as I have". People will start leaving their anti-gay churches for more inclusive ones. Old churches with old attitudes will find their membership dying off and not being replaced...until their old ideas are replaced.

You can look at history and see the inevitable.

The church can change, but the Bible won't.
This is why there are churches that are strictly KJV(not NKJV)when it comes to the bible. The KJV is the original English translation & does not contain the contradictions, is not missing important verses & words within verses that the ESV, NIV, NKJV, & other modern "bibles" have in them.

The funny thing that Wytchy seems not to understand is Jesus was not a uniter, he said he came to divide, not unite.

Matthew 10:35 "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.".

Jesus was not some bronze age hippy. He also told his followers to carry weapons...another thing liberals disagree with in the bible.

Wytchy would rather see a majority of mislead Christians souls in hell with her, than admit she & her ilk are perverted sinners.
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There is a difference between churches accepting gays in the pews & churches endorsing gay marriage & homosexuality as okay. Ofcourse they want gays to show up, they want all sinners to show up. I can't remember who said it, but I think this sums it up well, "Church is not supposed to be a lounge for saints, but a hospital for recovering sinners"...something like that. If you think most churches will not tell you you are sinning,'ve got another thing coming. What they will try to do is help you change your ways...which is the whole point of being a Christian.

To the "catholic church is the one true church" guy, don't make me laugh! It's the church Satan will use to introduce the anti-Christ according to many end-times prophecy experts.

They describe your latest pope as the last pope before the one world religion & government will be upon us. The BIBLE describes your pope as the last pope.

One will lead to the other. Fewer and fewer people can look their loved ones in the eyes and say "I love you, but don't think you deserve the same happiness or rights as I have". People will start leaving their anti-gay churches for more inclusive ones. Old churches with old attitudes will find their membership dying off and not being replaced...until their old ideas are replaced.

You can look at history and see the inevitable.

The church can change, but the Bible won't.

The bible didn't change from when it was used by bigots either.
You can read in the bible that that will happen, as it is happening. You and the OP are on Satan's side of this. The people who fall away are going to be eternally seperated from God because of things like this, misleading souls.

You obviously haven't read revelations.

You need to teach them that God hates Fags
You can read in the bible that that will happen, as it is happening. You and the OP are on Satan's side of this. The people who fall away are going to be eternally seperated from God because of things like this, misleading souls.

You obviously haven't read revelations.

You need to teach them that God hates Fags

According to the bible, God hates sin not "sinners". That is why Fred Phelps was wrong & westboro continues to be wrong. Gays should be welcome in the church, so long as they're trying to give up that sin & follow Christ, just like the rest of us sinners who sin in different ways. Atleast that is how I was taught to interpret the bible on these matters.
You can read in the bible that that will happen, as it is happening. You and the OP are on Satan's side of this. The people who fall away are going to be eternally seperated from God because of things like this, misleading souls.

You obviously haven't read revelations.

You need to teach them that God hates Fags

According to the bible, God hates sin not "sinners". That is why Fred Phelps was wrong & westboro continues to be wrong. Gays should be welcome in the church, so long as they're trying to give up that sin & follow Christ, just like the rest of us sinners who sin in different ways. Atleast that is how I was taught to interpret the bible on these matters.

Hate the sin and not the sinner. Too bad progressives don't follow the same concept.
The vast majority of liberals think the right is evil, all their arguments today are hinged on that assumption, martybegan. Christianity is apolitical, but you cannot be a bible believing Christian and be a leftist, not today anyway.

The left today hates Christianity, God booed by Democrats at their convention not too long ago should tell any person who values their faith over politics that they cannot support the Democratic Party...but you have some who want to stay Christian & be accepted by the world. The bible says christians will be hated by those caught up in wordly things...not that the church should become more worldly.

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