Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Of course it is. If they're undercutting the cost of R&D, that will have a negative effect on future innovation. Since manufacturing and R&D probably amount to about 20% of the price of a pill, what they're undercutting is excessive profit, corporate bureaucracy and executive compensation. I'm sure your clients think that's horrible.

And you know it's "excessive profit" not "R&D" costs how other than pulling it out of your ass, Karl? And you are wrong, so however you know that, stop listening to them
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Where are these jobs where you don't have sit through endless boring meetings? I've never had one.

He learned about scientific jobs on the Big Bang Theory. He thinks that's what they are like. He is legitimately sick of boring meetings though. And I'm sure his supervisor is sick of having boring meetings with him. Look you imbecile, you pick up the burger on the spatula and flip it. What is wrong with you? How many times do I have to explain this?
And you know it's "excessive profit" not "R&D" costs how other than pulling it out of your ass, Karl? And you are wrong, so however you know that, stop listening to them
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Where are these jobs where you don't have sit through endless boring meetings? I've never had one.
Become a design engineer. There are meetings but they're few and have a point.

You arrange sesame seeds on buns?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

.AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

And you believed it when they said Obamacare was going to be free?


I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Where are these jobs where you don't have sit through endless boring meetings? I've never had one.
Become a design engineer. There are meetings but they're few and have a point.

I'm a software architect. We have lots of meetings.

Yep, I'm in IT management/management consulting. We are the ones who keep dragging you into those. Sorry...

Actually though, the business I own does graphic design and related services (we print on paper, promotional items, the web, ...) I have to agree with Joey that my staff don't have many meetings. They discuss jobs, but it's not in a conference room with a bunch of people.

I'm not sure where he gets though that being a Marxist is "Normal"
Of course it is. If they're undercutting the cost of R&D, that will have a negative effect on future innovation. Since manufacturing and R&D probably amount to about 20% of the price of a pill, what they're undercutting is excessive profit, corporate bureaucracy and executive compensation. I'm sure your clients think that's horrible.

And you know it's "excessive profit" not "R&D" costs how other than pulling it out of your ass, Karl? And you are wrong, so however you know that, stop listening to them
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Strawman. I didn't say it's "irrelevant," I said it's irrelevant to the point I'm making. What is wrong with you? How can you not read and comprehend simple sentences? Do you not want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got so they can read and lucidly respond to simple points like you can't do?
The point you're making... WTF is the point you're making? Err, trying to make?
Last edited:
And you know it's "excessive profit" not "R&D" costs how other than pulling it out of your ass, Karl? And you are wrong, so however you know that, stop listening to them
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Where are these jobs where you don't have sit through endless boring meetings? I've never had one.

He learned about scientific jobs on the Big Bang Theory. He thinks that's what they are like. He is legitimately sick of boring meetings though. And I'm sure his supervisor is sick of having boring meetings with him. Look you imbecile, you pick up the burger on the spatula and flip it. What is wrong with you? How many times do I have to explain this?
Yeah, I get it. You're mad that I dissed consultants. Well don't look now but most people think they're imbeciles.
And you know it's "excessive profit" not "R&D" costs how other than pulling it out of your ass, Karl? And you are wrong, so however you know that, stop listening to them
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Strawman. I didn't say it's "irrelevant," I said it's irrelevant to the point I'm making. What is wrong with you? How can you not read and comprehend simple sentences? Do you not want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got so they can read and lucidly respond to simple points like you can't do?
The point you're making... WTF is the point you're making? Err, trying to make?

Yes, I explained it in words, then I explained it in numbers, and you're still "WTF is the point you're making." If you don't understand words and you don't understand numbers, how exactly do you want me to explain it to you? Companies won't invest in R&D if they can't make their R&D back. Europe/Canada are screwing US pharmaceuticals with price caps, so Americans get hit with more R&D costs and higher prices. Your solution is to stop R&D all together and only sell the drugs they already created. And you are justifying it with deflections (advertising costs) and just your general anti-corporate Marxist rhetoric
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Where are these jobs where you don't have sit through endless boring meetings? I've never had one.

He learned about scientific jobs on the Big Bang Theory. He thinks that's what they are like. He is legitimately sick of boring meetings though. And I'm sure his supervisor is sick of having boring meetings with him. Look you imbecile, you pick up the burger on the spatula and flip it. What is wrong with you? How many times do I have to explain this?
Yeah, I get it. You're mad that I dissed consultants. Well don't look now but most people think they're imbeciles.

Yes, I was mad when you dissed consultants, that's it. You can tell by the heavy defense I put in by agreeing with what you said. You clued in right there that it bothered me and I was upset.

What a dumb ass
I've posted this twice already. I guess once more isn't going to kill me.

Show me something better. You know, like not from a right wing rag.

Yes, you posted that before, and it's still irrelevant to the discussion
Pharmaceutical R&D costing half of marketing is irrelevant? Bwahahaha!

You know people enter scientific and engineering careers partly because the work tends to be interesting and it feels good to make or discover things that improve other people's lives. It's even worth something of a lesser salary not having to kowtow to shmucks or to sit through endless, boring meetings. What's not ok is when management, through gross incompetence or greed makes our jobs harder and/or steers the company in an unsustainable direction. That has happened with pharma and healthcare in general.

Strawman. I didn't say it's "irrelevant," I said it's irrelevant to the point I'm making. What is wrong with you? How can you not read and comprehend simple sentences? Do you not want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got so they can read and lucidly respond to simple points like you can't do?
The point you're making... WTF is the point you're making? Err, trying to make?

Yes, I explained it in words, then I explained it in numbers, and you're still "WTF is the point you're making." If you don't understand words and you don't understand numbers, how exactly do you want me to explain it to you? Companies won't invest in R&D if they can't make their R&D back. Europe/Canada are screwing US pharmaceuticals with price caps, so Americans get hit with more R&D costs and higher prices. Your solution is to stop R&D all together and only sell the drugs they already created. And you are justifying it with deflections (advertising costs) and just your general anti-corporate Marxist rhetoric
And I explained to you that R&D is a minor component of drug pricing. Of course you want to believe that lowering the price of a drug will eliminate new development while ignoring the ridiculous amounts of money spent on marketing, bureaucracy, profit and executive compensation. Your imbecilic explanation of how Europe is screwing the system didn't help your case.
And I explained to you that R&D is a minor component of drug pricing

First of all, that's a ridiculous point, it's not. And second of all, you make things like advertising sound insignificant. Obviously that's to grow sales. They cut advertising sales drop. Companies need to make money after all their costs, not just the ones you approve of

And of course you want to believe that lowering the price of a drug will eliminate new development while ignoring the ridiculous amounts of money spent on marketing, bureaucracy, profit and executive compensation. Your imbecilic explanation of how Europe is screwing the system didn't help your case.

That's just stupid. You have no idea what you're talking about
And I explained to you that R&D is a minor component of drug pricing

First of all, that's a ridiculous point, it's not. And second of all, you make things like advertising sound insignificant. Obviously that's to grow sales. They cut advertising sales drop. Companies need to make money after all their costs, not just the ones you approve of

And of course you want to believe that lowering the price of a drug will eliminate new development while ignoring the ridiculous amounts of money spent on marketing, bureaucracy, profit and executive compensation. Your imbecilic explanation of how Europe is screwing the system didn't help your case.

That's just stupid. You have no idea what you're talking about
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't. My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Again, WHO has been President the last 7 years? Obama!
- Something wrong with his F*ing PEN and/or PHONE?!

WHO held a near SUPER MAJORITY in Congress during Obama's 1st 2 years in office? DEMOCRATS!
- They were too busy running guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and passing nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self-party-serving PORK that did not stop unemployment from going up to 10.1 % - as promised - and eventually cost tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved!

The GOP has not done a thing about it, Libs?

STFU hypocrites! :talktothehand:
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.

Right, you have an anti-Corporate Marxist list of sweeping unsubstantiated allegations. And ridiculous assumptions like that cutting advertising won't have an affect on sales and that reducing executive compensation won't affect the quality of the management they can hire, so let's go ahead and fuck every company in the industry because you don't like them
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.
I know that one reason the drugs are cheaper in other countries than here is because their government have the power to negotiate prices for the people, if the drug is not cheap enough, the people don't get it. and at the same time those governments threaten compulsory licensing which is essentially breaking a patent. Since its a U.S patent its hard to bring to justice another country that steals it. So, the Pharm companies are more likely to sell for a little than to lose everything.
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.

Right, you have an anti-Corporate Marxist list of sweeping unsubstantiated allegations. And ridiculous assumptions like that cutting advertising won't have an affect on sales and that reducing executive compensation won't affect the quality of the management they can hire, so let's go ahead and fuck every company in the industry because you don't like them
I thought the threat of reduced R&D was what was supposed to keep everybody on board with being raped by the pharmaceutical companies. Now it's advertising and quality of management? Why don't you tell us that 10's of thousands of advertising jobs would be lost if they tightened their belts. Because it would be absurd. Honestly, who besides the advertisers would care? And as for the quality of management, it tops out at about 2x my salary. Beyond that, there's a strong correlation with self promoting douchebags. (Note that I've kept open the possibility of high level execs not being douchebags - it's just rare.)
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.

Right, you have an anti-Corporate Marxist list of sweeping unsubstantiated allegations. And ridiculous assumptions like that cutting advertising won't have an affect on sales and that reducing executive compensation won't affect the quality of the management they can hire, so let's go ahead and fuck every company in the industry because you don't like them
I thought the threat of reduced R&D was what was supposed to keep everybody on board with being raped by the pharmaceutical companies. Now it's advertising and quality of management? Why don't you tell us that 10's of thousands of advertising jobs would be lost if they tightened their belts. Because it would be absurd. Honestly, who besides the advertisers would care? And as for the quality of management, it tops out at about 2x my salary. Beyond that, there's a strong correlation with self promoting douchebags. (Note that I've kept open the possibility of high level execs not being douchebags - it's just rare.)

I'll explain this in your native language, simpleton.

Advertising is done by companies to grow revenue

If you advertise less, you sell less

That means the R&D per pill goes up, not down

So that does what to the price of each pill?

LOL, what a dumb ass. How do you know nothing about business, I mean seriously? Drool, dar, why do companies advertise? I don't get it? Isn't that just spending money?
You're a fucking moron if you think that R&D is an expendable cost and advertising isn't.
You're a fucking moron if you think I said that R&D is an expendable coast and advertising isn't. I said all costs count, you proposed the inane idea that they don't need to recover their advertising costs

My estimate of manufacturing and R&D being about 20% of a pill cost is probably fairly accurate considering I have access to those costs in several industries. If the Europeans have negotiated a price of 50% of what we pay, there's still plenty of slop to allow full R&D and then some advertising, some profit and even some executive compensation - just not the exorbitant amounts that our broken system provides.
Industry stats are of dubious value. You just hate business and love government. The point is that Europe only allows them to capture their direct costs and a portion of their indirect costs, they don't allow them to capture the full cost. So prices are higher in the US because of that.

My point is clear, stop being a dumb ass
Profit is what's left over after all unavoidable costs are met. I think the pharmaceutical companies are at least smart enough to see that R&D is their future (then again, given the short term thinking I've seen in a variety of corporations, maybe I'm being too kind). Advertising is somewhat mutable and so is executive compensation although I'm sure if the feeding trough allows, these guys will get all they can. If there's not enough profit left over after whatever costs they deem unavoidable are met, they shouldn't sell to the Europeans.

You know that's not going to happen though. It's only because OUR system is so screwed up - in no small part because of their lobbying - that they can make a killing here. They're probably terrified that we might wake up someday.

Right, you have an anti-Corporate Marxist list of sweeping unsubstantiated allegations. And ridiculous assumptions like that cutting advertising won't have an affect on sales and that reducing executive compensation won't affect the quality of the management they can hire, so let's go ahead and fuck every company in the industry because you don't like them

The claim that R&D constitutes 13% of the price of a drug is leftwing propaganda. The true costs are much higher:

The Cost Of Creating A New Drug Now $5 Billion, Pushing Big Pharma To Change

These leftwing douche nozzles just pull numbers out of their ass. You can never take anything they say at face value.
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