Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

So you advance the free market by vastly expanding socialism?

Are these people simpletons?
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.
Are these people simpletons?
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Personal responsibility is in our national interest. In fact it starts there. Paying people's bills for them is welfare and it's in the interest of the person getting the welfare. Government should not be benefitting one citizen at the expense of another
that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?

Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?
Are these people simpletons?
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?

Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Since Barrycare my premiums went up almost fifty percent.
So you advance the free market by vastly expanding socialism?

Are these people simpletons?
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.
how is it in our best interest to extend the life of someone that did not bother to complete even high school, does not work, will never work, that just sits at home doing drugs and popping out babies.
Seriously, how is this persons longevity in our best interest

Talk about being out of touch. Perhaps research healthcare in the US.
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?

Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Since Barrycare my premiums went up almost fifty percent.

I don't believe you?
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
congress blocked negotiating with phama on prices for the ACA and medicare part D, in truthfulness, some democrats also supported blockage
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Personal responsibility is in our national interest. In fact it starts there. Paying people's bills for them is welfare and it's in the interest of the person getting the welfare. Government should not be benefitting one citizen at the expense of another
Your non govt country with just personal responsibility would turn into a hell hole.
There sure is a lot of bullshit that comes out from subsidized corporate entities when they think they may have to quit playing around with other peoples lives, health and money.

Who We Are
NIH is the nation’s medical research agency, supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health.

The NIH Director
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., provides leadership for the 27 institutes and centers that make up the NIH.

Funding for Research

NIH is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality jobs.

Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Since Barrycare my premiums went up almost fifty percent.

I don't believe you?

I dont care?
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Since Barrycare my premiums went up almost fifty percent.

I don't believe you?

I dont care?

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.

Gee fly like the rich, then you wont have to worry about potholes.
Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.

Why do you keep changing the subject?
Oh...and the roads where I live are just fine.
You dumb fucks that want everyone to pay their own way will end up with a country with tons of uneducated without even a high school education because they cant afford it. Health care for only those who can afford it with people dying on the streets, Our citizens having worse living conditions than fucking communist russia. But hey, govt was just in the way!

Bunch of fucking morons that don't know how good they have it BECAUSE we have a good govt.
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.

Why do you keep changing the subject?
Oh...and the roads where I live are just fine.
Some federal taxes went towards those roads give me my money back you fucking leach.
You dumb fucks that want everyone to pay their own way will end up with a country with tons of uneducated without even a high school education because they cant afford it. Health care for only those who can afford it with people dying on the streets, Our citizens having worse living conditions than fucking communist russia. But hey, govt was just in the way!

Bunch of fucking morons that don't know how good they have it BECAUSE we have a good govt.

What the fuck does school have to do with healthcare?
Stick to the topic dumb shit.
I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.

Why do you keep changing the subject?
Oh...and the roads where I live are just fine.
Some federal taxes went towards those roads give me my money back you fucking leach.

I can assure you I pay far more in taxes then you make in a year.
Ya fucken bum..
One thing is that the pharmaceutical companies are raising prices right now due to the threat of price controls by congress.
they are trying to get as much as they can before patents run out and to recover the cost of research that failed.
The biggest increase right now is actually the fault of Valeant, a Canadian company that is buying up other pharmaceutical companies, getting rid of their Research and development departments ( why keep another companies expensive R&D when you can use your own ) and then raising the price on the medications.
the insurance companies can negotiate lower prices because they are considered to purchase in large quantities, most pharmaceutical companies also have lower rates for those that are poor.
the ones that really get hurt are those that dont have a prescription plan and have to pay out of pocket.
Regardless of this, the increase is on average around 19% it has not doubled, although there are a few medications that have doubled.
Hey who has been president for the last 7 years? who had both the house and senate under his control two of those seven years? Dumbass

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