President Biden's 8/20/2021 Address to the Nation Regarding Afghanistan

no no it didnt

Yes, yes the Taliban members were part of the 1979 Muhahedeen, just like Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were.
The CIA was directly responsible for forcing the Phastun Mujahedeen to accept the Arab al Qaeda, against their wishes.
Blaming the Mujahedeen or Taliban for the crimes of the CIA back al Qaeda is just evil.
It is just a lie.
It was the CIA who created al Qaeda and forced the Afghans to tolerate them.
The good guys...

The guys so 'good' they stone women for being raped and bar girls from receiving an education as one is not necessary to be sold into sex slavery...

Those 'good' guys.

Sometimes I think you can never one up the last insane thing I see you state then you surprise me. I cant fathom how you can one up this one though...

The Taliban do not believe in stoning since the Quran forbids it.
If someone was stoned during the Taliban control, it was likely some misinformed locals.

And the Quran is clear that all people must get an education.
They all have to be able to read the Quran.
Yes, yes the Taliban members were part of the 1979 Muhahedeen, just like Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were.
The CIA was directly responsible for forcing the Phastun Mujahedeen to accept the Arab al Qaeda, against their wishes.
Blaming the Mujahedeen or Taliban for the crimes of the CIA back al Qaeda is just evil.
It is just a lie.
It was the CIA who created al Qaeda and forced the Afghans to tolerate them.
no the Taliban didn’t form until the early 90s

try again
Yes, yes the Taliban members were part of the 1979 Muhahedeen, just like Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were.
The CIA was directly responsible for forcing the Phastun Mujahedeen to accept the Arab al Qaeda, against their wishes.
Blaming the Mujahedeen or Taliban for the crimes of the CIA back al Qaeda is just evil.
It is just a lie.
It was the CIA who created al Qaeda and forced the Afghans to tolerate them.
CIA forced Muslims to do something they didn’t want to do?
Hilarious. Biden’s withdrawal should have been a cakewalk then.
CIA forced Muslims to do something they didn’t want to do?
Hilarious. Biden’s withdrawal should have been a cakewalk then.

The CIA had things the Mujahedeen wanted back in 1979, like weapons and money that they could use to defeat the Soviets.
Remembers we gave them Stingers that shot down a whole lot of Soviet Hind helicopters.
Since Afghanistan is war torn again, likely they could have been easily bribed with money.
So I agree Biden should not have had trouble arranging this withdrawal.
The Taliban were members of the Mujahedeen right from the beginning.
They just did not aggregate on that name.
no man, the Taliban didn’t exist then. Some members maybe later 15 years later may have become members of the Taliban.

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