President Biden's 8/20/2021 Address to the Nation Regarding Afghanistan

I wonder if these stupid uneducated Moon Bats even know that the MSM is turning against Mr. Potatohead?

Without the protection of the MSM the Democrat Party will crumble.

Don't believe that for a second. When they are needed, the MSM will be their own typical lackey self
Yep. He took questions only from the AP, Bloomberg, ABC, PBS, and NPR.

Trump would take questions from hostile press corps endlessly, and answer them off the top of his head with honest replies which were not pre-scripted.

Trump was a real President. Not some Mr. Potatohead lackey.
I want him run out at every opportunity, to embarrass the living shit out of the boobs who voted for and support that addle-brained sock puppet.

Maybe we can get the full stroke out today.
If you think Democrats care about American lives or the lives of those who help America, you're mistaken. Democrats see the news in Afghanistan and root for the Taliban.
My god.

At the end of the answer to the first "question" Biden said that the Taliban government was going to receive US foreign aid: "there are going to be strong conditions that we apply depending on how well they treat women and girls".

Does that mean he is going fund the Taliban? Is he letting the Taliban hold people as hostages if they don't get paid?
I was shocked by that too. Why the heck is he already even thinking about that.????!

It's very unlikely that the Taliban is going to set up a regime that is friendly to the US and deserved of US aid.

He hasn't even made the US citizens safe yet, and is talking about giving aid to the party which is endangering them? Difficult question, and he resorts to the standard Democrat tactic of saying we'll spend taxpayer money, but give it to our adversaries?

Biden's mental state is in serious decline.
Jenifer Griffin was shaking she is so mad at the lies Joe just tried to pass off....
Yep, she said it was full of misrepresentations of the reality of what is happening on the ground...

She calls Biden's understanding "an alternate reality."
Didn't a reporter ask a question off script and Dufus said "wait I thought the question was..."
Yep. 21:24 in the OP video. Reporter asked a slightly different version than what Biden had been prepared to answer by his handlers.
Biden's initial address to the nation on this botched withdrawl operation was a disaster. Today's attempt to do damage control and stop the bleeding was even worse.

He was forced into taking questions and that didn't go well.

I don't know if he can make it to the end of the year still in office.

BIDEN: "We have no indication that [Americans] haven’t been able to get in Kabul through the airport. We made an agreement with the Taliban…”

Like that will ever hold up.

The lie was shot down in mere minutes. by Senator Blackburn...

Joe Biden said there is “no circumstance” where Americans have been blocked from the Kabul airport.
This is a lie.
My office has received reports of Americans unable to enter the airport. We have told @StateDept and nothing has been done about it.
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) August 20, 2021

I want him run out at every opportunity, to embarrass the living shit out of the boobs who voted for and support that addle-brained sock puppet.

Maybe we can get the full stroke out today.

You know it's bad if he even struggles to answer questions from prearranged reporters. Heh heh.

Uh, uh, uh, sorry I forgot the question....
Fox just reported that the Taliban HAS beat some Americans asses. :spank:

Defense Secretary Austin contradicts Biden, says Americans beaten by Taliban trying to reach airport​

Didn't a reporter ask a question off script and Dufus said "wait I thought the question was..."
"the question" means a previous question asked before. NPR reporter didn't ask his own "pre-approved" question and asked a follow-up question. It forced Biden to clear what he said. When Biden said Americans could pass the checkpoint with USA passport, he meant the checkpoint at the airport front, not the checkpoints in the city.
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ABC News straight up calls Biden a liar...


Mr. Potatohead said he was sending troops but he really didn't say what they would be doing.

What he didn't say was the troops would do what allied troops were doing and rescuing stranded citizens.

Looks like he will be sitting on his ass and hoping Obama's Taliban buddies will let American citizens in.

Maybe he is planning to bribe the Taliban with barrels of cash to let the the Americans in. It has been done before.

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