President Biden's 8/20/2021 Address to the Nation Regarding Afghanistan

Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Joe Biden said there is “no circumstance” where Americans have been blocked from the Kabul airport.

This is a lie.

My office has received reports of Americans unable to enter the airport. We have told
and nothing has been done about it.
The Marines at the White House need to remove this brain dead idiot from office.

Maybe they should call in the 1/6 Patriots to help them do the right thing.
Seeing how thoroughly these assholes lie about everything…it really makes you trust the validity of the COVID vaccine crap now…not.
1:00 p.m. today EDT....

I wonder if he will take questions for a change.

Wow, so he took questions, and some of them did not appear to be pre-scripted, although the first seemed to be. It appeared he was reading a long answer from the teleprompter.

Some things that were notable to me were:
- He again blamed Trump
- He promised to do our best to get all US citizens out, giving them priority, and also US allies, but he could not promise that we would be successful.
- When asked why he didn't get civilians out first, ha admitted it was poor planning and he had assumed the "consensus" was that things would not deteriorate so rapidly.
- He said that our allies are with us, and his admin has been in close communication with NATO allies.
- He said the Taliban is honoring American passports.
- He said we'll keep troops longer than 8/31 if necessary.
- I noticed when he stumbled or said stupid things, Kamala tended to look downward.

We'll see how much of this turns out to be true. I am skeptical.

I got the impression he knows there is a good chance things are going to get very ugly in the near future.
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Joe Biden is derelict in his duty. His State Department failed to prepare adequately to get Americans and our allied Afghans out of the country in time. His Department of Defense made the decisions that left our resources and materiel to be used by the Taliban. His intelligence units were the ones he now claims — despite evidence to the contrary — never warned that the Afghan government could fall so fast.

This was a failure of many institutions of American government. But above all, it was a failure of the Commander in Chief.i


Even Barak Obama knew it and was not afraid to say it:

'Never underestimate Joe's ability to F* things up!.
Lindsey Graham said today that if a general left people behind, they would be court marshaled, and if Biden does it, he should be impeached. Lindsey's RINO flip flopping annoys me, but I appreciate it when he speaks bluntly like this as an American leader who honors his duty to the citizenry.
I wonder if these stupid uneducated Moon Bats even know that the MSM is turning against Mr. Potatohead?

Without the protection of the MSM the Democrat Party will crumble.
This is insane. Pre-chosen reporters with pre-arranged questions. So fucked up it's painful to watch.

They're all reading off of cards.
Yep. He took questions only from the AP, Bloomberg, ABC, PBS, and NPR.

Trump would take questions from hostile press corps endlessly, and answer them off the top of his head with honest replies which were not pre-scripted.

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