President Biden's Approval Ratings have been down since leaving Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2021
I have seen Biden's ratings dip below 50% for the first time in September, and been floundering around there ever since. Will his ratings go back up?

The Democrats must pass this Infrastructure Bill if his ratings are to improve.
Probably. America is full of complete morons.
Thanks for admitting your situation in life but it doesn't matter if his numbers are up or down the same old same old continues no matter where they are and it continues even if a Republican is in office.
you are totally full of shit
I can tell you've been looking up my asshole again....Yet, that has nothing to do with politics or the same old screw the public demands of politicians and corporations.
Probably. America is full of complete morons.

They will go back up if things get better, that is just common sense.

Have you noticed more and more stories in the MSM attacking/negative of Biden? I cannot recall anytime in my lifetime where they went after a Dem in this manner. Even say one that started with "Biden word salad seemed to say...".
Realistically speaking, he's gotta be in the very low twenties.

Pretty sure we're gonna see a thorough housecleaning at the mid-terms.

I'm not really a fan of the Republican establishment either. Except for the folks we've got in there under the Republican banner. They're not what I'd refer to as establishment Republicans, however.

But yeah, no, Dems are very likely to largely be shown the door this next time around.

It's almost a good thing that the socialist/communist faction has infiltrated the Democrat party and other levels of officialdom and are openly trying to overthrow our Republic in such a blatant manner. The electorate really did need to see and experience this in order to understand what they're really about.
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I can tell you've been looking up my asshole again....Yet, that has nothing to do with politics or the same old screw the public demands of politicians and corporations.
we weren't in this MASSIVE shithole when Trump was of the MAJOR fk ups is the border--no way it was like that
Realistically speaking, he's gotta be in the very low twenties.

Pretty sure we're gonna see a thorough housecleaning at the mid-terms.

I'm not really a fan of the Republican establishment either. Except for the folks we've got in there under the Republican banner. They're not what I'd refer to as establishment Republicans, however.

But yeah, no, Dems are very likely to largely be shown the door this next time around.

It's almost a good thing that the socialist/communist faction has infiltrated the Democrat party and other levels of officialdom and are openly trying to overthrow our Republic in such a blatant manner. The electorate really did need to see and experience this in order to understand what they're really about.

The party out of power has always won the House and Senate.
So it doesn't really matter since the Dems and the GOP basically do the same things constantly when they get into office.
Trump vs Biden---two different things. One was a great president while the other needs someone else to wipe his ass.
Trump vs Biden---two different things. One was a great president while the other needs someone else to wipe his ass.

Neither were even a good president, let alone great. Trump may end up being better than Biden, but that is like being a better NFL QB than Ryan means nothing.

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