President Brandon suddenly realizes his Inflationary policies are a problem

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What a bunch of looney toons.

I thought the 9/11 “Truthers” were crazy.

This is like a spreading disease

Virtually everything above this post is batshit crazy

No one said inflation wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t and still isn’t a BIG problem.

Fricken brilliant, get your head out of your rear and pay attention.

I quoted "President" Biden. He's, well the people running the Presidency, created ALL of the inflationary problem

Inflation Hits 30-Year High on Broad Price Jump

The consumer-price index rose at a three-decade high of 6.2% last month, delivering widespread price increases for everything from groceries to cars due to supply shortages and strong consumer demand.

This from the Wall Street Journal this morning. Yeah, we've definitely got inflation.

And shortages. The local BJs Warehouse store lacked stock in so many things on our list we went to another store entirely. That had some shortages, too, whole feet of empty spaces, but fortunately different shortages than the BJs.

Shortages and inflation. Things are not going well in the Brandon presidency.
What a bunch of looney toons.

I thought the 9/11 “Truthers” were crazy.

This is like a spreading disease

Virtually everything above this post is batshit crazy

No one said inflation wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t and still isn’t a BIG problem.
did you think they were crazy? Obama and Xiden put them in their admin

very telling

Inflation Hits 30-Year High on Broad Price Jump

The consumer-price index rose at a three-decade high of 6.2% last month, delivering widespread price increases for everything from groceries to cars due to supply shortages and strong consumer demand.

This from the Wall Street Journal this morning. Yeah, we've definitely got inflation.

And shortages. The local BJs Warehouse store lacked stock in so many things on our list we went to another store entirely. That had some shortages, too, whole feet of empty spaces, but fortunately different shortages than the BJs.

Shortages and inflation. Things are not going well in the Brandon presidency.
Careful. I started a thread on the food shortages, and the lefties came out in droves to call me a liar. The problem is that people are seeing for themselves what’s happening, and they won’t be able to fool Americans.

You‘re right about different things missing from different stores. Apparently, the days of going to one supermarket are over. I stopped in for hot dog and hamburger buns, and there wasn‘t a single package of either one. Drove two miles down the road, and another store had them.

Guess it’s true when Biden says we need to lower our expectations. Under the Dems, this country is failing rapidly.
Zero Hedge? :laugh2:

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Careful. I started a thread on the food shortages, and the lefties came out in droves to call me a liar. The problem is that people are seeing for themselves what’s happening, and they won’t be able to fool Americans.

You‘re right about different things missing from different stores. Apparently, the days of going to one supermarket are over. I stopped in for hot dog and hamburger buns, and there wasn‘t a single package of either one. Drove two miles down the road, and another store had them.

Guess it’s true when Biden says we need to lower our expectations. Under the Dems, this country is failing rapidly.
Yes! Some stores manage to source things better than others. Jeepers, the day we walked into BJs Warehouse and they had NO MEAT, and I mean all the meat shelves just cleaned right out ---- I felt like we were in Poland in the 1980s.

We'll have to quit BJs --- they just aren't able to manage these shortages. I don't know what their problem is, but we cannot get what we are used to and it just gets worse and worse every week.

"... on inflation, today’s report shows an increase over last month. Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks, and reversing this trend is a top priority for me. The largest share of the increase in prices in this report is due to rising energy costs—and in the few days since the data for this report were collected, the price of natural gas has fallen.

I have directed my National Economic Council to pursue means to try to further reduce these costs, and have asked the Federal Trade Commission to strike back at any market manipulation or price gouging in this sector."

It's like the iceberg directing the Titanic to take on less water.

Pray for America

Biden Starts To Freak Out About Soaring Inflation, Orders Economic Council To "Reduce Energy Costs" | ZeroHedge

After they pissed the infrastructure billboard he now figures every move they make brings inflation, weird.
And next...look out for a crippling truckers strike...they can't afford the fuel....just like Jimmy Carters presidency but worse....
Jimmy Carter inherited STAGFLATION, a word coined by the economists which was needed to define the Nixon/Ford Administration economy.
Jimmy Carter inherited STAGFLATION, a word coined by the economists which was needed to define the Nixon/Ford Administration economy.
We don't have stagflation and won't. Stagflation resulted in part from the oil embargos and Nixon devaluing the dollar. And the Fed anno,unced yesterday they're pulling back on supporting equity and bond markets, and real estate is not in a bubble.

Partisans on both sides blame the other for what their own "team" creates. And Trump's tariffs fucked supply chains, even thought there were warnings (unheard and disregared) that simply offshoring everything was in itself making markets opaque and inelastic.

But both Biden and Trump play a game where demand is supposed to rise before supply. But generally, capital is to anticipate demand, and those who best gauge the market win and those , who don't lose. Maybe it shouldn't matter, but our supply chains were fucked before Covid, so supply is inelastic. And the centristes are right that funding soc sec and medicare would not be inflationary, but simply giving people more money sure is, if the supply of goods doesn't keep pace.

Biden and Buddagivich are idiots, but it's not like we didn't know that.
did you think they were crazy? Obama and Xiden put them in their admin

very telling
Obama put 9/11 Truthers in his Admin?

No. He didn’t. But thanks for another example of “the crazy” that has taken over the GOP
It is not exactly heartening, btw, to read Yellen say the "fed" won't allow 1970's inflation. The fed "cured" inflation first under Carter by initiating a recession that had 10%plus inflation and ended the economic liberalism of 1932-1976. Avoiding the whole thing would be better. But you go Red Bernie and All About Cortez

"... on inflation, today’s report shows an increase over last month. Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks, and reversing this trend is a top priority for me. The largest share of the increase in prices in this report is due to rising energy costs—and in the few days since the data for this report were collected, the price of natural gas has fallen.

I have directed my National Economic Council to pursue means to try to further reduce these costs, and have asked the Federal Trade Commission to strike back at any market manipulation or price gouging in this sector."

It's like the iceberg directing the Titanic to take on less water.

Pray for America

Biden Starts To Freak Out About Soaring Inflation, Orders Economic Council To "Reduce Energy Costs" | ZeroHedge

Just reverse everything you have done to fuck up the energy sector since you took office, YOU DUMB FUCK.

Just reverse everything you have done to fuck up the energy sector since you took office, YOU DUMB FUCK.

I thought it interesting that the Biden admin was talking about replacing a section of the mich pipeline to make it safer, rather than just ending the use.
It is not exactly heartening, btw, to read Yellen say the "fed" won't allow 1970's inflation. The fed "cured" inflation first under Carter by initiating a recession that had 10%plus inflation and ended the economic liberalism of 1932-1976. Avoiding the whole thing would be better. But you go Red Bernie and All About Cortez
Do you realize that you are whining about Yellen saying that WON’t happen?
Essentially President Brandon wants to regulate companies properly reacting to his inflationary policies.

If only he was unconstrained by that pesky Constitution and had the power other Progressive leaders like Fidel and Mao had to handle their self inflicted economic problems

If only.
There is a reason I coined the phrase Idiot-Gram, it was named after you:

I thought it interesting that the Biden admin was talking about replacing a section of the mich pipeline to make it safer, rather than just ending the use.
Possibly due to some of the lead is not used in all of the pipeline.
What a bunch of looney toons.

I thought the 9/11 “Truthers” were crazy.

This is like a spreading disease

Virtually everything above this post is batshit crazy

No one said inflation wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t and still isn’t a BIG problem.

Ah, here come the apparatchiks to tell us historic inflation is good.

There is a reason I coined the phrase Idiot-Gram, it was named after you:

And why presidents cannot be allowed to set interest rates (and support QE)
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