President Christie, meet President Guiliani

The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

CA-RIST, you are dumb as a box of rocks! Does it hurt to be THIS FUCKIN' STUPID, kid?

Nice of ya to call me "kid"..

And I speak pretty well thank you.

Other than that?

I am completely correct..with the possible exception that the TPM is looking to turn the USA into a White Evangelist Theocracy..and I don't think Christie wants to go that far.

Do you know nothing of the TP, are are you just LYING, child? It has to be one or the other. There are no other possibilities.
I have never really moved away from my initial opinion of him: He's an egomaniacal blowhard with no core beliefs and a lust for power.

I'm really hoping he doesn't get nominated....if it's between him and hitlery, I may not even vote! If either of them become president, the Democrats win either way.......
CA-RIST, you are dumb as a box of rocks! Does it hurt to be THIS FUCKIN' STUPID, kid?

Nice of ya to call me "kid"..

And I speak pretty well thank you.

Other than that?

I am completely correct..with the possible exception that the TPM is looking to turn the USA into a White Evangelist Theocracy..and I don't think Christie wants to go that far.

Do you know nothing of the TP, are are you just LYING, child? It has to be one or the other. There are no other possibilities.

Lying about what, exactly?

The liars are the Tea Party.

You guys run religious fanatics all the time.

Start being honest.

Will ya?
The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

Sallow, I have not been able to find where his views are spelled out. Can you link me to some of his more conservative values?


I'm in Jersey as we speak.

He's basically anti-union, cuts taxes on the rich, cuts funding for education, anti-abortion and has a plethora of other very right wing views. He took the gay marriage thing to the supreme court.

One of the things that keep him from going "full bore" on this is that he's in a very liberal state.

They love him here. But they don't like all his views.

He's got the "The guy you wanna have a beer with" thing nailed down pat. Heck..he's a very charismatic likable guy.

Translation: as usual, I am pulling things out of my sphincter and will attempt to distract.
Nice of ya to call me "kid"..

And I speak pretty well thank you.

Other than that?

I am completely correct..with the possible exception that the TPM is looking to turn the USA into a White Evangelist Theocracy..and I don't think Christie wants to go that far.

Do you know nothing of the TP, are are you just LYING, child? It has to be one or the other. There are no other possibilities.

Lying about what, exactly?

The liars are the Tea Party.

You guys run religious fanatics all the time.

Start being honest.

Will ya?

Think hard, boy! I promise it will not hurt.
Sallow, I have not been able to find where his views are spelled out. Can you link me to some of his more conservative values?


I'm in Jersey as we speak.

He's basically anti-union, cuts taxes on the rich, cuts funding for education, anti-abortion and has a plethora of other very right wing views. He took the gay marriage thing to the supreme court.

One of the things that keep him from going "full bore" on this is that he's in a very liberal state.

They love him here. But they don't like all his views.

He's got the "The guy you wanna have a beer with" thing nailed down pat. Heck..he's a very charismatic likable guy.

Translation: as usual, I am pulling things out of my sphincter and will attempt to distract.

What is it with you guys and men's asses?

Do you know nothing of the TP, are are you just LYING, child? It has to be one or the other. There are no other possibilities.

Lying about what, exactly?

The liars are the Tea Party.

You guys run religious fanatics all the time.

Start being honest.

Will ya?

Think hard, boy! I promise it will not hurt.

[ame=]Christine O'Donnell "Where in constitution is the separation of church and state?" - YouTube[/ame]

Take your own advice.

The fact that you gun for Christie like this evaporates any semblance of you formerly being a Republican. An "Eisenhower Republican" would cream in his pants at that thought of a Christie presidency.

Good job showing your true colors, your progressive statist.

Not at all, Marty. I think it just shows how crazy the GOP has fallen that it sees a guy like Christie as a "moderate".

Christie has made his bones by bashing labor and workers.

Including the ones who did the hard work after Sandy that he took credit for.

What would Ike think about this?

Today in America, unions have a secure place in our industrial life. Only a handful of reactionaries harbor the ugly thought of breaking unions and depriving working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice. I have no use for those -- regardless of their political party -- who hold some vain and foolish dream of spinning the clock back to days when organized labor was huddled, almost as a hapless mass. Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice.—Dwight D. Eisenhower

Quote Eisenhower all you like, but when he made those comments, unions were useful, and honest and served a purpose. Everything the unions of Eisenhower's era demanded are now entrenched and accepted law, and the unions' influence is clearly enforced in pretty much all non-union shops. In other words, unions are about as obsolete as buggy whips and as useless as teats on a male boar.

All the unions want nowadays is unreasonable amount of vacation, paid holidays, unearned time-offs, undeserved benefits, insanely high wages which have absolutely no relation to value of work performed, sick time for the healthy, immunity from dismissal for tardiness and incompetence, all fueled by delusions of grandeur and envy of others who have more than they do.

If you feel compelled to quote Eisenhower to make your point, quote some of his contemporary Democrats regarding civil rights for people who used to be called Negroes then, then, but are called African-Americans today, for no discernible reason than political correctness.

The fact that you gun for Christie like this evaporates any semblance of you formerly being a Republican. An "Eisenhower Republican" would cream in his pants at that thought of a Christie presidency.

Good job showing your true colors, your progressive statist.

The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

Sallow, I have not been able to find where his views are spelled out. Can you link me to some of his more conservative values?


I'm in Jersey as we speak.

He's basically anti-union, cuts taxes on the rich, cuts funding for education, anti-abortion and has a plethora of other very right wing views. He took the gay marriage thing to the supreme court.

One of the things that keep him from going "full bore" on this is that he's in a very liberal state.

They love him here. But they don't like all his views.

He's got the "The guy you wanna have a beer with" thing nailed down pat. Heck..he's a very charismatic likable guy.

Thank you, Sallow. Don't know about the general anti union, but heard him speaking to a teacher in regard to education cuts and the teacher union. As a former teacher and rep, I am in his corner after liste ning to him.

He had a $1b education windfall that the governor used the year before and he had to make up for that loss the year he came he tried to negotiate with the Union President who would not negotiate and ended up laying off teachers.

I am NOT for cut taxes to the rich and my views on abortion have nothing to do with presidential politics. Neither does gay marriage. Actuallu anti union is not a player in presidential politics for me either

What does matter to me is his leadership skills an character, integrity. How would you rate those? Could he get Congress working again..reaching across the aisle?
Sallow, I have not been able to find where his views are spelled out. Can you link me to some of his more conservative values?


I'm in Jersey as we speak.

He's basically anti-union, cuts taxes on the rich, cuts funding for education, anti-abortion and has a plethora of other very right wing views. He took the gay marriage thing to the supreme court.

One of the things that keep him from going "full bore" on this is that he's in a very liberal state.

They love him here. But they don't like all his views.

He's got the "The guy you wanna have a beer with" thing nailed down pat. Heck..he's a very charismatic likable guy.

Thank you, Sallow. Don't know about the general anti union, but heard him speaking to a teacher in regard to education cuts and the teacher union. As a former teacher and rep, I am in his corner after liste ning to him.

He had a $1b education windfall that the governor used the year before and he had to make up for that loss the year he came he tried to negotiate with the Union President who would not negotiate and ended up laying off teachers.

I am NOT for cut taxes to the rich and my views on abortion have nothing to do with presidential politics. Neither does gay marriage. Actuallu anti union is not a player in presidential politics for me either

What does matter to me is his leadership skills an character, integrity. How would you rate those? Could he get Congress working again..reaching across the aisle?

Like I said, he is a very likable guy..and what you see is what you get.

He's doesn't pull punches, doesn't call himself perfect and in a mixed environment he does compromise.

I don't think he beats Hillary..but if he runs against Biden? That's a horse race.

The bigger picture is..Americans actually like a mixed government. I've voted for some Republicans locally, mainly because I am in the mind that if every one thinks exactly the same, you get some bad outcomes.

You need challenges to policies and ideas, if, for nothing else, to find the flaws.

I'm in Jersey as we speak.

He's basically anti-union, cuts taxes on the rich, cuts funding for education, anti-abortion and has a plethora of other very right wing views. He took the gay marriage thing to the supreme court.

One of the things that keep him from going "full bore" on this is that he's in a very liberal state.

They love him here. But they don't like all his views.

He's got the "The guy you wanna have a beer with" thing nailed down pat. Heck..he's a very charismatic likable guy.

Thank you, Sallow. Don't know about the general anti union, but heard him speaking to a teacher in regard to education cuts and the teacher union. As a former teacher and rep, I am in his corner after liste ning to him.

He had a $1b education windfall that the governor used the year before and he had to make up for that loss the year he came he tried to negotiate with the Union President who would not negotiate and ended up laying off teachers.

I am NOT for cut taxes to the rich and my views on abortion have nothing to do with presidential politics. Neither does gay marriage. Actuallu anti union is not a player in presidential politics for me either

What does matter to me is his leadership skills an character, integrity. How would you rate those? Could he get Congress working again..reaching across the aisle?

Like I said, he is a very likable guy..and what you see is what you get.

He's doesn't pull punches, doesn't call himself perfect and in a mixed environment he does compromise.

I don't think he beats Hillary..but if he runs against Biden? That's a horse race.

The bigger picture is..Americans actually like a mixed government. I've voted for some Republicans locally, mainly because I am in the mind that if every one thinks exactly the same, you get some bad outcomes.

You need challenges to policies and ideas, if, for nothing else, to find the flaws.

Thanks Sallow, I would call you our resident expert on Christie!

GOVERNMENT LABOR UNIONS. He has nothing against private labor unions. I also tend to recall that FDR was a huge critic of public sector unions, something progressives tend to gloss over.

Note Eisenhower is talking about industrial unions, not government unions.

Try to read the crap you post.

Guy, please, your Boy Jabba is against all unions. If you don't t hink that by breaking the government unions they aren't going after the private sector unions, you're delusional.

Point was, FDR and Ike understood the middle class built America. Guys like Jabba just want to tear it down.

The fact that you gun for Christie like this evaporates any semblance of you formerly being a Republican. An "Eisenhower Republican" would cream in his pants at that thought of a Christie presidency.

Good job showing your true colors, your progressive statist.

Not at all, Marty. I think it just shows how crazy the GOP has fallen that it sees a guy like Christie as a "moderate".

Christie has made his bones by bashing labor and workers.

Including the ones who did the hard work after Sandy that he took credit for.

What would Ike think about this?

Today in America, unions have a secure place in our industrial life. Only a handful of reactionaries harbor the ugly thought of breaking unions and depriving working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice. I have no use for those -- regardless of their political party -- who hold some vain and foolish dream of spinning the clock back to days when organized labor was huddled, almost as a hapless mass. Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice.—Dwight D. Eisenhower

JoeB, Marxist

So you are saying Ike is a Marxist?

Hoover was a Stalinist?

Guy, you really do see Commies under your bed, it's kind of sad.

Quote Eisenhower all you like, but when he made those comments, unions were useful, and honest and served a purpose. Everything the unions of Eisenhower's era demanded are now entrenched and accepted law, and the unions' influence is clearly enforced in pretty much all non-union shops. In other words, unions are about as obsolete as buggy whips and as useless as teats on a male boar.

All the unions want nowadays is unreasonable amount of vacation, paid holidays, unearned time-offs, undeserved benefits, insanely high wages which have absolutely no relation to value of work performed, sick time for the healthy, immunity from dismissal for tardiness and incompetence, all fueled by delusions of grandeur and envy of others who have more than they do.

If you feel compelled to quote Eisenhower to make your point, quote some of his contemporary Democrats regarding civil rights for people who used to be called Negroes then, then, but are called African-Americans today, for no discernible reason than political correctness.

I'm curious what you conisder "unreasonable" amounts of vacation.

Most of Europe, six weeks is normal.

In the US< you are lucky to get two.

Now here's the thing. I agree, unions haven't been good at keeping up with the times. They are worse at demonstrating to non-union guys their value. (You think you'd be enjoying a nice middle class lifestyle if a union wasn't out there fighting for it?)

But the very fact you have a union buster enemy of the middle class like Jabba Christy out there, and he's considered a Moderate because although he hates working people, he's not going on about talking snakes, then it shows how nuts the GOP has gotten since Ike. Or even Reagan, for that matter.

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