President Christie, meet President Guiliani

The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

CA-RIST, you are dumb as a box of rocks! Does it hurt to be THIS FUCKIN' STUPID, kid?

Nice of ya to call me "kid"..

And I speak pretty well thank you.

Other than that?

I am completely correct..with the possible exception that the TPM is looking to turn the USA into a White Evangelist Theocracy..and I don't think Christie wants to go that far.

The fact that you gun for Christie like this evaporates any semblance of you formerly being a Republican. An "Eisenhower Republican" would cream in his pants at that thought of a Christie presidency.

Good job showing your true colors, your progressive statist.

The only difference between Christie and the Tea party is Christie doesn't hate blacks and Muslims.

Otherwise? He's right in their pocket with his views.

CA-RIST, you are dumb as a box of rocks! Does it hurt to be THIS FUCKIN' STUPID, kid?

One would need at least a rudimentary nervous system to feel pain.

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