President Doesn't Trust US Intelligence

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Basically five years difference to the day:

NONE of us should.

Independentthinker people need to learn history --the CIA/etc have fkd up many times--MAJOR fk ups
Bay of Pigs/Iran Contra/Dumbass William Buckley--CIA chief in Beirut/Iran Hostage Crisis/etc etc ..the list is endless
We have no military intelligence, we have Democrat politicians. We have no FBI or CIA we have Democrat politicians. We have no news Media we have Democrat politicians. We have no medical leadership, we have Democrat politicians. Yes ladies and gents we are screwed.

They need to totally lose their Country before they believe this.
Then, it's too late.
So be it.

Wait.. This is 2021 right? who is the president?? This is getting Heavy Doc...


One thing is for sure here in 2021. Biden ignored all of his military intelligence and yanked out all support for Afghan fighters and civilians... a foreseeable slaughter, and then blamed them for it, saying they didn't fight hard enough even though 50,000 Afghanis have died fighting terror groups over the past 7 years.

This is Biden's worst hour by any measure. What a complete douche.

Wait.. This is 2021 right? who is the president?? This is getting Heavy Doc...

View attachment 527193

One thing is for sure here in 2021. Biden ignored all of his military intelligence and yanked out all support for Afghan fighters and civilians... a foreseeable slaughter, and then blamed them for it, saying they didn't fight hard enough even though 50,000 Afghanis have died fighting terror groups over the past 7 years.

This is Biden's worst hour by any measure. What a complete douche.

The Afghans are just sick of the warlords, the Haqqani Mafia and a corrupt government.

Wait.. This is 2021 right? who is the president?? This is getting Heavy Doc...

View attachment 527193

One thing is for sure here in 2021. Biden ignored all of his military intelligence and yanked out all support for Afghan fighters and civilians... a foreseeable slaughter, and then blamed them for it, saying they didn't fight hard enough even though 50,000 Afghanis have died fighting terror groups over the past 7 years.

This is Biden's worst hour by any measure. What a complete douche.

This is what happens when the Dimm Party hoodwinks the electoral system with mail-in ballots.
The last election was the 1st time in history that 2/3rds of ballots were mail-in!
The Dimm's spent 2 years rigging the election in battleground states while diverting the nation's attention on Trump's 2nd impeachment!!
Pelosi needs to be put under a truth serum needle.
Democrats have depended on U.S. "Intelligence" before JFK used the CIA to raise and train an illegal invasion army that they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ let the CIA run the Vietnam conflict while the Generals stood by. How did that work out? The CIA ran the conflict in Afghanistan and it ended just like Vietnam did. The truth is that democrats don't trust the Military and they depend on clerks and pencil pushers and paper shufflers and college grads in "intelligence" who never saw a shot fired in anger.
Obviously. Everyone has known since the early 2000's this was the only possible conclusion. Sorry not enough Americans died for your tastes.
Intellectuals who are deficient denied Warriors who are efficient for many decades as their power pushed ludicrous agendas. We became a self conscious empire winning battles and maybe wars if we left quickly. We ended the draft to blame volunteers when it did not go well for the reality is that American families do not want to see their children killed and worse. As it is their fault for some reason when the powers that be do not so the expedient thing or what we put people in charge to trust. So tell us how 9/11 happened then with so many smart people being paid the big bucks to not let something like that happen? Tell us about Covid. Golly gee. Other events also. What hurts is that a good percentage of Americans give up right like drinking water. For personal comforts as a trade off that really does not have to exist if we believed in our system of government that the authoritarians destroy and we accept. We are moving into a new area. An area of stringent control on us all. We let the weakest take control and they were found to not be the best with pure opportunity given if only they followed responsible ways. That is for us all. The best of the best of the best must be the best to provide a great living and great things for us. We have lowered the standards to an office type of visionaries with the "equity" people holding everything back or slowing the advancement. This makes any man or woman who do a good job but may be unfairly judged by others. And that exists and sucks.
Before 9-11 the CIA was the premier "intelligence " network. Today we have about a half a dozen no doubt competing with each other and about as effective as the CIA was before 9-11. Like it or not the most important mission of any bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. The CIA hasn't been on top of any world shaking event since WW2. There are no secrets anymore so the CIA has evolved into a pro-active arm of mostly democrat administrations. How smart can they be when they blamed (republican) president George Bush for "outing" former agent Valerie Plame when it was newsman Robert Novak
Independentthinker people need to learn history --the CIA/etc have fkd up many times--MAJOR fk ups
Bay of Pigs/Iran Contra/Dumbass William Buckley--CIA chief in Beirut/Iran Hostage Crisis/etc etc ..the list is endless
I was pointing out the Biden and the left criticized Trump for saying that he doesn't trust US intelligence and here Biden goes - not trusting US intelligence.

Wait.. This is 2021 right? who is the president?? This is getting Heavy Doc...

View attachment 527193

One thing is for sure here in 2021. Biden ignored all of his military intelligence and yanked out all support for Afghan fighters and civilians... a foreseeable slaughter, and then blamed them for it, saying they didn't fight hard enough even though 50,000 Afghanis have died fighting terror groups over the past 7 years.

This is Biden's worst hour by any measure. What a complete douche.
As bad as Afghanistan was, Biden's got a few other things that haven't gone well - record inflation and Covid getting out of control. That doesn't even count the flood of illegals crossing over the border which the left really don't care about anyway.
As bad as Afghanistan was, Biden's got a few other things that haven't gone well - record inflation and Covid getting out of control. That doesn't even count the flood of illegals crossing over the border which the left really don't care about anyway.
Thanks to the media's never ending gushing reports it seemed like the Navy Seals were the super military force of the new millennium. Army Rangers and USMC Recon units have capable sniper units that received identical training and are evaluated the same way as Navy Seals so why the hell were Navy personnel posted on buildings as snipers in the freaking desert when USMC and Army units could have done it better and with less communication and logistics problems than the Seals? The dirty little secret was that (untrained and unauthorized?) CIA agents were calling the shots and that the Seals had become the black army of the CIA taking orders from clerks in the CIA alone while the rest of the Military stood by. Trump ended that and was criticized for it.

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