President Donald Trump's Mental Health As The Left Sees It


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Every time I switch the channel over to CNN or MSNBC, the recurring narrative coming from the leftists is that President Trump is mentally unfit, deranged, or lacking in the mental facilities it takes to lead this the greatest country in the world. This seems to be an ongoing topic of discussion within the leftard pundits those fake media channels allow to spew their hateful anti-Trump tirades. A good example would be the disgusting Morning Show on MSNBC, where they have repeatedly claimed that Trump has had dementia since at least 2016. This is of course is nothing new to me but it occurred to me that the largest number of mental hospitals and insane asylums where dissidents were shipped off to were maintained by the former Soviet Union. Any suspected "Enemy of the State" who was perhaps too high of a profile to merely ship off to the Gulag or have a bullet put in the back of their head, was judicially committed to the Soviet's vast governmental mental health-care system for Revolutionary Re-education on the basis of what they deemed a "thought crime". It was one of the principal methods the former Soviet Union used to silence their critics and maintain order.

So what has changed since the Cold War? And how is it that the American left has adopted the same tactics used buy the former Soviet Union to silence their critics?

Every time I hear some shithead leftist pundit on CNN or MSNBC questioning Trump's sanity or mental fitness to bring this country back to the greatness it once enjoyed, I realize one thing: Commies never change. Whether they be Cold War era communists of modern-day American Progressives, socialists, or Democrats, the same Stalinist tactics remain the same.

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