President elect Trump says maybe fencing instead of a wall...LOL

"I will build a great wall... and believe me, nobody builds walls better than me." - Donald J. Trump

And now...


More like this one boy...:slap:


Europe Looks to Israel For Example of Effective Border Fence

This has been tried and the GOP cut it's funding because it didn't work...

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

How many times do you have to to be told this... Are you fucking dumb or something?
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

He said a wall... Where is our Wall?

This is a flip flop in record time... He didn't even make it a week...
By 2020, Trump will have amassed a record as president.
it will be a continuation of the policies that deliver most of the gains to the richest Americans....the rubes will just have to lump it....and the loss of Medicare too
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

He said a wall... Where is our Wall?

This is a flip flop in record time... He didn't even make it a week...

If a semantic argument is the best you can muster, well that's just sad.

Pretty sure Trump's supporters want the border protected, whether that be via a wall, a fence or a men with guns.

I'm sure they'll be REAL reasons to criticize Trump soon enough. Hang in there.
Will you idiots PLEASE educate yourselves on the barrier at the US/Mexico border?

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006’s goal is to help secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles (1,100 km) of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Additionally, the law authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting as well as authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce infrastructure at the border.

Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence.

And the Result was:

The Republican Party's 2012 platform highlighted the fact that the rest of the double fencing was never built and stated that "The double-layered fencing on the border that was enacted by Congress in 2006, but never completed, must finally be built."[7] The Washington Office on Latin America, claims on itsBorder Fact Check site that the extremely high cost of complying with the Secure Fence Act's mandate-estimated at US$4.1 billion, or more than the Border Patrol’s entire annual budget of US$3.55 billion- was the main reason that it was not fulfilled.[8] In short, Congress failed to continue to fund the project past the initial $1.2 billion procured, in order to finish building the fence.


We were promised a Wall with bells on it and he says he might have a fence... Fence didn't work before and the GOP cut the funding in the end..

We want a big white elephant wall... Bigger the better, we want it huge...
If anyone wants Trumps opinion on anything just find the last
person that Donald spoke to....
That will be Trumps position....
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

He said a wall... Where is our Wall?

This is a flip flop in record time... He didn't even make it a week...

If a semantic argument is the best you can muster, well that's just sad.

Pretty sure Trump's supporters want the border protected, whether that be via a wall, a fence or a men with guns.

I'm sure they'll be REAL reasons to criticize Trump soon enough. Hang in there.

Want a white elephant wall so when the next Trump comes we can point to a useless wall...

His ambition is to deport just 20% more than Obama achieved and build a fence which the GOP cut funding to because it was ineffective...

This is the shake it all up candidate and his big thing was immigration... I want my money's worth...
Will you idiots PLEASE educate yourselves on the barrier at the US/Mexico border?

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006’s goal is to help secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles (1,100 km) of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Additionally, the law authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting as well as authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce infrastructure at the border.

Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence.

So you're admitting Trump told 2 lies then. Mexico isn't paying for the wall, and it isn't going to be a wall. Gotcha. So what Trump lie will finally get you off his nuts?

If Hillary doesn't go to jail.

I don't care the nature of the barrier. It can be a 10 mile wide moat filled with burning oil or maybe alligators with laser beams that shoot out of their eyes. Or maybe it can just be filled with the tears of liberals from the past week.

If he significantly REDUCES ILLEGAL immigration, he is cool with me. I'd like an increase in LEGAL IMMIGRATION so we know who is moving into our country.

But his ambition is only 20% above what Obama actually achieved...

So if he gets the same number as Obama he will consider it close to a success...
The biggest butt hurt for the Trump supporters is that he did not win the popular vote sticks in their craw ...they always respond to posts that point out Trump did not win the popular vote
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:

What he said was:

On day one we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. We will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors--that's the tunnels, remember that--above and below, above and below ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out criminal cartels, and Mexico--you know that--will work with us, I really believe that.

So now they are going to spend billions on a fence which might cost $21.98 wirecutter...

Way to go, idiots...

4 years seems like a long time, huh?

The laugh is through selective amnesia in 4 years they are going to rewrite his whole campaign...

Lets make it clear, he said a Wall the whole way... We expect to see a wall...

Sorry....I'm 82 years old and the last thing I expect to see is a wall on our southern border. Trump is a goddamned egotistical blowhard and a liar.

Thats because you havent been in the workforce for,,,how long? You dont understand the ill effects of illegal immigration. Your disconnected as well.
You need to look at trumps own words. He might deport them but he will let them back with visas...whats the difference?
If Trump had a landslide in the EV by getting 290 and losing the Popular vote then what did Obama have in 2008 when he won the electoral college 365 EV to 170 something and had a ten million vote margin in the popular vote
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Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

Let them off with the wall...


Costs less than a war

Leaves a white elephant that will stand for decades

Achieve nothing

Mexico are not paying...

Mexico might sue US for the exportation of arms into their country...

At the rate it is going Obama will have higher deportations than Trump
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

He said a wall... Where is our Wall?

This is a flip flop in record time... He didn't even make it a week...

If a semantic argument is the best you can muster, well that's just sad.

Pretty sure Trump's supporters want the border protected, whether that be via a wall, a fence or a men with guns.

I'm sure they'll be REAL reasons to criticize Trump soon enough. Hang in there.

Want a white elephant wall so when the next Trump comes we can point to a useless wall...

His ambition is to deport just 20% more than Obama achieved and build a fence which the GOP cut funding to because it was ineffective...

This is the shake it all up candidate and his big thing was immigration... I want my money's worth...

Changes nothing. Still a sad little semantic argument that holds no water.
The biggest butt hurt for the Trump supporters is that he did not win the popular vote sticks in their craw ...they always respond to posts that point out Trump did not win the popular vote
He won the pop vote
Not according to mathematics ...the number of votes for Clinton exceed those for Trump by over a million..its a math thing you would not know...

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