President elect Trump says maybe fencing instead of a wall...LOL

Funny I Tweeted Trump today that he should start a swear jar for every time he cursed on Twitter or in a Press Conference and he should put in $10,000 each time. #payoffthedebt I should have put #Payforthewall
If we had 10k in the jar for every retarded thing you left wing morons posted we'd have a surplus.

Coming from a guy that just referenced Briebart... about Mexico paying for the wall.
Give me a solid reason why I should take your news source above mine in honesty and accuracy.

What do you want to know? That Trump and his camp have already referenced trying to use a law from 2006 to build and fund the wall? Not Mexico? That Trump himself has now back peddled from building a "Great Wall" to where now he is saying he is open to some of it being a fence?

Let me ask you a serious question, do you see a difference between a wall and a fence?

Which would you want as your front door to your house?

So the wall should have been built back in 2006. I'm kinda wondering why your president didn't actually get that done from 2008 until present?

No, the fence was approved but bureaucrats kept it from going forward.
If we had 10k in the jar for every retarded thing you left wing morons posted we'd have a surplus.

Coming from a guy that just referenced Briebart... about Mexico paying for the wall.
Give me a solid reason why I should take your news source above mine in honesty and accuracy.

What do you want to know? That Trump and his camp have already referenced trying to use a law from 2006 to build and fund the wall? Not Mexico? That Trump himself has now back peddled from building a "Great Wall" to where now he is saying he is open to some of it being a fence?

Let me ask you a serious question, do you see a difference between a wall and a fence?

Which would you want as your front door to your house?

So the wall should have been built back in 2006. I'm kinda wondering why your president didn't actually get that done from 2008 until present?

No, the fence was approved but bureaucrats kept it from going forward.
Bureaucrats like obie. Guess he is no longer a problem and we can do what the law says.
Funny I Tweeted Trump today that he should start a swear jar for every time he cursed on Twitter or in a Press Conference and he should put in $10,000 each time. #payoffthedebt I should have put #Payforthewall
If we had 10k in the jar for every retarded thing you left wing morons posted we'd have a surplus.

Coming from a guy that just referenced Briebart... about Mexico paying for the wall.
Give me a solid reason why I should take your news source above mine in honesty and accuracy.

What do you want to know? That Trump and his camp have already referenced trying to use a law from 2006 to build and fund the wall? Not Mexico? That Trump himself has now back peddled from building a "Great Wall" to where now he is saying he is open to some of it being a fence?

Let me ask you a serious question, do you see a difference between a wall and a fence?

Which would you want as your front door to your house?

So the wall should have been built back in 2006. I'm kinda wondering why your president didn't actually get that done from 2008 until present?

Simple ---- he needed the voters.
If we had 10k in the jar for every retarded thing you left wing morons posted we'd have a surplus.

Coming from a guy that just referenced Briebart... about Mexico paying for the wall.
Give me a solid reason why I should take your news source above mine in honesty and accuracy.

What do you want to know? That Trump and his camp have already referenced trying to use a law from 2006 to build and fund the wall? Not Mexico? That Trump himself has now back peddled from building a "Great Wall" to where now he is saying he is open to some of it being a fence?

Let me ask you a serious question, do you see a difference between a wall and a fence?

Which would you want as your front door to your house?

So the wall should have been built back in 2006. I'm kinda wondering why your president didn't actually get that done from 2008 until present?

No, the fence was approved but bureaucrats kept it from going forward.

Actually, it was Obama himself that stalled the installation.
You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

I'm sure there are plenty of things we can cut. Funding to Planned Parenthood is a great place to start. Same with funding to PBS and other leftist outlets. Do you know after DumBama doubled the food stamp role, it didn't go down all that much all these years? That's a couple billion a year right there.
Trump says 'certain areas' of border wall with Mexico could be fence

You RWers feeling stupid yet. Not even sworn in and he is flipping :badgrin:you all off.:rofl:

It's pretty obvious his wall thing was a lie. Look at Israel and you'll see that a small country has a "wall" that is 90% fence, and only has walls to stop snipers in sensitive areas. How many people worry about Mexican snipers?

Seriously, every promise he's ever made has gone already, and we're a T-2 months.
You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

I'm sure there are plenty of things we can cut. Funding to Planned Parenthood is a great place to start. Same with funding to PBS and other leftist outlets. Do you know after DumBama doubled the food stamp role, it didn't go down all that much all these years? That's a couple billion a year right there.

Maybe stop recessions, do you know how much money you'd save? Or stopping wars like Iraq? Okay, so the rich won't get as rich.

But save money to spend it on what? He wants to increase the size of the military because.... because... no one knows why.
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:

Poor little liberals, grasping at any little crumb in an attempt to make themselves feel better..Trump should have just said barrier. Wall, high-tech fence, whatever who cares:slap:

A fence was tried and a GOP congress defunded it (because it mustn't work)... So why is the Trump Fence goiung to be better than the 2006 fence?

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

Tried and Failed...

As for his 3 million deported... Obama deported 2.5 million from a standing start, Bush had hell all in place... He removed 414,000 per year at it's height...

So his whole immigration policy,

  • Target an increase of deportations of 20% (this is not achieved, just a target)
  • Build a fence which failed to work the first time.
Fantastic... This is real change...
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

Matter of fact, we do know .... $28 billion, of which Mexico is going to pay $5-6 billion, either by check, increased tariffs, or thru forfeited foreign aid.

Delusion doesn't fund ideas. Mexico won't pay for shit.

They dont have a say in the matter.
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:

What he said was:

On day one we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. We will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors--that's the tunnels, remember that--above and below, above and below ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out criminal cartels, and Mexico--you know that--will work with us, I really believe that.

So now they are going to spend billions on a fence which might cost $21.98 wirecutter...

Way to go, idiots...

4 years seems like a long time, huh?

The laugh is through selective amnesia in 4 years they are going to rewrite his whole campaign...

Lets make it clear, he said a Wall the whole way... We expect to see a wall...

Soooo, do you get the feeling that you have been DUPED?
Trump says 'certain areas' of border wall with Mexico could be fence

You RWers feeling stupid yet. Not even sworn in and he is flipping :badgrin:you all off.:rofl:

Just wait....the only thing he will do is cut tax rates for the rich. That's all the Republican party stands for any more.

Dems already saw to it that wealthy people have loopholes to avoid taxes. They've promised for years they'd go after the wealthy and NEVER have. Think about that.

Because the GOP blocked them every step of the way.
Not long from now he'll be replacing his 45% tariff on Chinese imports with a stern look of disappointment,

aimed right at the Chinese!!!!

Yup, already talked to the Chinese leader and sore they would have a great relationship. SO WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TARIFF?
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:

What he said was:

On day one we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. We will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors--that's the tunnels, remember that--above and below, above and below ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out criminal cartels, and Mexico--you know that--will work with us, I really believe that.

So now they are going to spend billions on a fence which might cost $21.98 wirecutter...

Way to go, idiots...

4 years seems like a long time, huh?

The laugh is through selective amnesia in 4 years they are going to rewrite his whole campaign...

Lets make it clear, he said a Wall the whole way... We expect to see a wall...

Sorry....I'm 82 years old and the last thing I expect to see is a wall on our southern border. Trump is a goddamned egotistical blowhard and a liar.
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:
A fence is not a wall and this is just the first step in his complete flip on the wall. But you dont see that....
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

Well Mexico must be laughing now... They first had to pay for a Wall plus extras... Now without opening their mouths they have down to fence...

Mexicans are too lazy to carry a ladder and rope, now they just need wire cutters...

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