President elect Trump says maybe fencing instead of a wall...LOL

what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

A barrier can be built anywhere..Drones will be used as well

Sure but why waste the money if a barrier already exist? Do you put burglar alarms in your attic or on your walls?
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

I don't think liberals are good at geography, in spite of them claiming to be environmentalists.

Maybe we can just use the velvet ropes from all of Hillary's one crossed those things.

You'd need the armed secret service agents to go with those velvet ropes.
Will you idiots PLEASE educate yourselves on the barrier at the US/Mexico border?

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006’s goal is to help secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles (1,100 km) of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Additionally, the law authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting as well as authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce infrastructure at the border.

Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence.

So you're admitting Trump told 2 lies then. Mexico isn't paying for the wall, and it isn't going to be a wall. Gotcha. So what Trump lie will finally get you off his nuts?

If Hillary doesn't go to jail.

I don't care the nature of the barrier. It can be a 10 mile wide moat filled with burning oil or maybe alligators with laser beams that shoot out of their eyes. Or maybe it can just be filled with the tears of liberals from the past week.

If he significantly REDUCES ILLEGAL immigration, he is cool with me. I'd like an increase in LEGAL IMMIGRATION so we know who is moving into our country.
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what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

I don't think liberals are good at geography, in spite of them claiming to be environmentalists.

Maybe we can just use the velvet ropes from all of Hillary's one crossed those things.

You'd need the armed secret service agents to go with those velvet ropes.

What if we just have Hillary hold a permanent rally at the border? No one will show up.
i thought I was sure Trump said wall, not fence, and better than that, it sounded like Mexico was going to pay for it. Was Trump misquoted?
Will you idiots PLEASE educate yourselves on the barrier at the US/Mexico border?

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006’s goal is to help secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles (1,100 km) of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Additionally, the law authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting as well as authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce infrastructure at the border.

Congress approved $1.2 billion in a separate homeland security spending bill to bankroll the fence.

So you're admitting Trump told 2 lies then. Mexico isn't paying for the wall, and it isn't going to be a wall. Gotcha. So what Trump lie will finally get you off his nuts?

If Hillary doesn't go to jail.

I don't care the nature of the barrier. It can be a 10 mile wide moat filled with burning oil or maybe alligators with laser beams that shoot out of their eyes. Or maybe it can just be filled with the tears of liberals from the past week.

If he significantly REDUCES ILLEGAL immigration, he is cool with me. I'd like an increase in LEGAL IMMIGRATION so w elbow who is moving into our country.

Ut oh, have you seen the 60 Minutes interview from tonight?

6. He won’t commit to locking Hillary Clinton up.

Despite promising that he would appoint a special prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton in jail if he won, Trump’s stance has softened. “I’m gonna think about it,” he says. “I want to focus on jobs. I want to focus on health care.” He insists “she did some bad things,” but he showed sympathy for the Clintons: “I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people.” He’ll keep us in suspense on this one, he tells Stahl: “I’ll give you a very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes.”

Donald Trump on 60 Minutes: The 10 Most Surprising Revelations
So you're pulling a Hillary Clinton? "What difference does it make, anyway?"
Explaining away perjery like that is different.

I'm just realistic. If you really believed that Trump would actually carry through on building the wall and its that important to you... That's it's a wall and not a killer electric fence (for example) then that's your fault. I for one took it as a commitment to border security which is sorely needed. If that's a wall, fence, whatever... Any improvements are just that.
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

I don't think liberals are good at geography, in spite of them claiming to be environmentalists.

Maybe we can just use the velvet ropes from all of Hillary's one crossed those things.
Liberals didn't promise America a wall, a wall that would not cost America a dime. Nope that was a promise by Trump.
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

I don't think liberals are good at geography, in spite of them claiming to be environmentalists.

Maybe we can just use the velvet ropes from all of Hillary's one crossed those things.
Liberals didn't promise America a wall, a wall that would not cost America a dime. Nope that was a promise by Trump.

Be sure to notify the authorities. I hope you are going to be OK.

You need to pace have at least 4 years of whining, maybe 8 years.
So you're pulling a Hillary Clinton? "What difference does it make, anyway?"
Explaining away perjery like that is different.

I'm just realistic. If you really believed that Trump would actually carry through on building the wall and its that important to you... That's it's a wall and not a killer electric fence (for example) then that's your fault. I for one took it as a commitment to border security which is sorely needed. If that's a wall, fence, whatever... Any improvements are just that.
Trump didn't say improvements he said wall.
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

Matter of fact, we do know .... $28 billion, of which Mexico is going to pay $5-6 billion, either by check, increased tariffs, or thru forfeited foreign aid.
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?

Matter of fact, we do know .... $28 billion, of which Mexico is going to pay $5-6 billion, either by check, increased tariffs, or thru forfeited foreign aid.

Delusion doesn't fund ideas. Mexico won't pay for shit.
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?
Did Trump promise to reduce the debt too? I mean it's a free wall so it won't cost America a dime.

Funny I Tweeted Trump today that he should start a swear jar for every time he cursed on Twitter or in a Press Conference and he should put in $10,000 each time. #payoffthedebt I should have put #Payforthewall

@realDonaldTrump You should start a swear jar, every time you swear on Social media or a press conference you put in $10,000. #payoffthedebt
Fence, wall, machine gun nests, armed drone patrols. I don't GAF what it looks like just make sure nobody crosses that line illegally.

You have any idea how much that would cost? Aren't you all about reducing the deficit?
How much does having illegals here cost? And as long as there's illegals here why should we send Mexico a billion or more per year in subsidies? You act like we can't just stop sending them fucking money. We can. And when we do they will pay for the wall. It wasn't their money but at least we spent ours wisely.

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