President elect Trump says maybe fencing instead of a wall...LOL

You libs make sure you hold his feet to the fire about putting Hillary in jail. He promised. He should follow through.
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

So what you're saying is that Trump never knew what he was talking about in the first place, therefore it's okay that he lied. Fucking ridiculous.
I'm just realistic. If you really believed that Trump would actually carry through on building the wall and its that important to you... That's it's a wall and not a killer electric fence (for example) then that's your fault.

Go tell it to the people who actually supported him.

I for one took it as a commitment to border security which is sorely needed. If that's a wall, fence, whatever... Any improvements are just that.

So you mean to tell me that you always believed he was lying, yet still trusted him anyway? :lmao:
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

What you refuse to accept is Trump, even though he's a builder, doesn't understand some of the natural barriers that exist on the border. The whole border isn't flat desert land where a wall makes sense. There are very rugged mountainous areas where you can't move easily or quickly across it, drones would be more effective in those areas.

So what you're saying is that Trump never knew what he was talking about in the first place, therefore it's okay that he lied. Fucking ridiculous.

Yeah, we dumb non-Trump supporters don't understand the idea that there are natural barriers that may prevent an actual wall. I mean seriously... you can't build a wall on rocky mountain terrain right? And what about rivers?



Building walls in these areas are impossible, even with the great technologies we possess today!
He doesn't take office for 9 more weeks, you have no idea what he will do

You're right about that. We have no idea what he will do. Because he's already flip-flopped so many damn times, for all we know his final plan will be legoes on the moon.
it's a lie thing.
the idea that Trump, as President, would banish all the money men and billionaires who support and bankroll the Republican Party was always dubious in the extreme, and since the election it has been shown to be an utter sham

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that “at least a half dozen major Washington lobbyists and three top fundraisers for Mr. Trump’s campaign have been tasked with heading key portions of Mr. Trump’s transition team. . . . In many cases, the lobbyists are selecting administration officials for departments that will affect the interests of firms they represent.”
He doesn't take office for 9 more weeks, you have no idea what he will do

You're right about that. We have no idea what he will do. Because he's already flip-flopped so many damn times, for all we know his final plan will be legoes on the moon.

Brilliant! Legos on the moon would be a great wall to prevent Illegal Alien... Aliens from coming to the U.S. You should send this idea to Donald Trump immediately! I'm sure he and his followers will buy into it. Though he might want to save this idea for next election to use it as a campaign principle. :dance:

This idea could win him the re-election!

(Not digging on you... but this shit is funny!)
what do you not understand about MAYBE? It's a non-commitment.

What I don't understand is how "maybe a fence" adds up to his campaign promise. Trump promised a tall, impenetrable wall, complete with under ground sensors and all kinds of fancy technology.

Well Mexico must be laughing now... They first had to pay for a Wall plus extras... Now without opening their mouths they have down to fence...

Mexicans are too lazy to carry a ladder and rope, now they just need wire cutters...

I doubt that you've ever had any experience with Mexicans. They built my boat dock and put a new roof on my house. They are more industrious and work smarter than any of the local gentry who have ever done anything for me.
So you committed a felony by knowingly hiring illegals???

So did Comrade President-elect Trump.
What the fuck are people arguing?

He said, "WALL" if it's a "FENCE" in part, he LIED?

Jesus Christ....what lunatics.

Thanks for getting Trump elected, you jackasses. :badgrin:

What he said was:

On day one we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. We will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors--that's the tunnels, remember that--above and below, above and below ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out criminal cartels, and Mexico--you know that--will work with us, I really believe that.

So now they are going to spend billions on a fence which might cost $21.98 wirecutter...

Way to go, idiots...

4 years seems like a long time, huh?

The laugh is through selective amnesia in 4 years they are going to rewrite his whole campaign...

Lets make it clear, he said a Wall the whole way... We expect to see a wall...

Sorry....I'm 82 years old and the last thing I expect to see is a wall on our southern border. Trump is a goddamned egotistical blowhard and a liar.

With age, comes wisdom .... guess not, huh?
What he said was:

On day one we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall. We will use the best technology including above and below ground sensors--that's the tunnels, remember that--above and below, above and below ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out criminal cartels, and Mexico--you know that--will work with us, I really believe that.

So now they are going to spend billions on a fence which might cost $21.98 wirecutter...

Way to go, idiots...

4 years seems like a long time, huh?

The laugh is through selective amnesia in 4 years they are going to rewrite his whole campaign...

Lets make it clear, he said a Wall the whole way... We expect to see a wall...

Sorry....I'm 82 years old and the last thing I expect to see is a wall on our southern border. Trump is a goddamned egotistical blowhard and a liar.

With age, comes wisdom .... guess not, huh?

Sounds like he is dead on to me!

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