President "Make the world a safer place" Obama has really pissed off Putin this time

Interesting how Russians elected a president and Americans elected a child.

That certainly looks like rooting for Putin. We'll see who wins in the long run, ADD hater dupes of 24/7/365 bs infotainment/propaganda...I'm betting the violent outlaw gets his economy crushed and gets chucked out in the next election...

Amazing the belittling of Obama you believe, chumps of the greedy idiot rich disasters...:eusa_liar::cuckoo:
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Putin is a Thug and an accessory to murdering nearly 300 people. Who cares what he thinks.
And Russia is putting up the muscle. Morons. Our leaders are morons.


Russia to retaliate with boots on the ground and new economic sanctions on U.S. - National Finance Examiner |

Having unleashed a massive military drill earlier in the day, Russia is reportedly amassing military force on Ukraine's border once again:


Mykhailo Koval, deputy head of Ukraine’s National Defense and Security Council, spoke on Russian military buildup on ICTV channel, according to Interfax. We await YouTube confirmation...

Some have claimed up to 42,000 troops are positioned on Ukraine's borders:

The Bear Reawakens: Ukraine Claims Russia Has 33,000 Troops & 160 Tanks Near Border | Zero Hedge

"Morons" doesn't begin to describe this administration..... :cuckoo:
Pissing off Tea Party Putin?

The guy trying to rebuild the Soviet Union?

I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.
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I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.

Ah yes..

Leave us go back to those days of yore when it was Tea Party Putin who got mad:

Russia: Putin condemns Iraq war as an "error"
By Vladimir Volkov
29 March 2003

Only hours after the first American missiles landed on Iraqi territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a public declaration, condemning the onset of the US invasion as a “great political error.”

Putin did not question the goals of the war, nor did he counter the false and contrived arguments given out by the Bush administration and the US media as grounds for this bloody adventure. He merely called for national sovereignty to be respected and international law to be observed, and said that only the UN Security Council could reach a decision about Iraq.

Putin’s statement is in line with the attitude taken by Russia before the Azores summit, at which the US, British and Spanish heads of government gave Saddam Hussein their final ultimatum, having failed to obtain the agreement of the Security Council. At that time Putin had solidarised himself with French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who criticized the behaviour of the US.
Russia: Putin condemns Iraq war as an "error" - World Socialist Web Site

Remember back then?

When you were dumping french wine into the gutter and eating "freedom fries"?

Putin was like "If they can do that..I can..."

I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.

Would that be before or after He issues His groveling apology for sticking His royal nose into it?
Come on. If the US stops importing then demand and price drops. High school stuff.


Reality doesn't function like high school economics class.

Neither of you are terribly bright. I'm assuming US public education and thus more knowledge of Harriet Tubman than supply & demand.

Sad. The Chinese, who no longer concern themselves much with political indoctrination, are going to clean our clocks.
I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.

Would that be before or after He issues His groveling apology for sticking His royal nose into it?

Well, as Dr Krauthamer stated it so well, Obama will pick up his golf clubs and take the next month off. Should Putin actually advance in Ukraine, he'll deal with it (somehow) when he returns in a month or so.....

What a waste......
Ah yes, more "Conservatives" cheering for Putin. Such patriotism.

I'm guessing Putin must be a racist since he keeps kicking obie's ass. Nobody is cheering for Putin you ignorant fuck. We just know when our president is outclassed and out gunned. It doesn't matter who you cheer for after the game has started. The game will decide the stronger team. We are weak with this piece of shit playing a major position on our team. You can cheer your ass off but you yelling doesn't make him a better player. Right now we're the fucking Cubs on the world stage. No matter how stupid you get supporting them they aren't going to win.


That's the thing. Putin hasn't beaten Obama at anything. None of the above hysterics are close to being true. We're not "losing" anything.

I know you guys really, really wish it were true, but it's not.

Whatever helps you sleep at night


What victories over Obama has Putin made?

Be specific.
Syria, Ukraine and the missile system in Europe (granted, Obama's stupid unilateral decision for which he got nothing in return).

Barack is being bitch-slapped left and right. He is far too weak to put reigns on Vlad.

You're going to have to do better than that. Show that you actually understand what you're talking about, rather than just parroting talk radio. Explain

How has Obama "lost" on any of those issues? How has Putin beaten him? What has Obama done that was "weak"? What has Putin done that was "strong"?

Doing nothing instead of something is a sign of weakness.

I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.

Here is how Obama is starting WW-3. He will allow by doing nothing, Russia to invade Ukraine at which point the UN goons start massing on the border with Poland while funneling arms to the terrorist. Once Putin starts losing regular troops to American supplied arms, the escalation is on.

Fact is plain and simple. Putin will push the envelope as far as he can without consequence. He has the green light

Ah Obama will go down in history for starting the second Cold War. What a legacy! Russia is hitting back.

I'm still spitting bullets that my PM got involved in this EU vs Russia bullshit.

Contrary to the conservative trend to run from stating support for Putin on his position and action on Ukraine and Crimea since the Maidan riots and violent mob driven coup of Yanukovuch last February - I openly acknowledge that Putin is correct on principles of international law and diplomatic relations with the rest of the world and that the West and much of the world are wrong.

But the West has had the propaganda advantage over Putin since the 2008 when Sakaashvilli started a brief war by bombing Pro-Russua people in South Ossetia,

The propaganda is won by the US and EU because left and right and much of the mugwump masses fall for the government and news media bios and entertainment dredging up fear of Putin's insidious plant to re-conquer all of the former Soviet States and restore the Soviet empire.

Your talk about Obama's legacy and Cold War is more of your nonsense to blame Obama Obama for everything bad that happens.

It wouid be worse if Romney were in there.
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I fully expect Russia to invade the Ukraine within the month. There are an estimated 30,000 combat troops on the border now. Tanks, Artillery and Infantry.

It's coming and the world is wondering what (if anything) Barry will do, other than to draw a "red line". It's coming. Que the music....

What will Barry do..........?? Odds are he plays golf.

Here is how Obama is starting WW-3. He will allow by doing nothing, Russia to invade Ukraine at which point the UN goons start massing on the border with Poland while funneling arms to the terrorist. Once Putin starts losing regular troops to American supplied arms, the escalation is on.

Fact is plain and simple. Putin will push the envelope as far as he can without consequence. He has the green light


"Evil flourishes when good men stand by and do nothing"

Unfortunately, we are stuck with the thug from Chicago................So I guess Evil will flourish.

Putin knows what he is dealing with, with Obama - a pussy. He will take complete advantage of the situation - knowing full well that Barry (bluntly) ain't gonna do shit.

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