President "Make the world a safer place" Obama has really pissed off Putin this time

if we'd ramp up our natural as production here... which we have plenty of, we could cripple the Russian economy by driving the price down, But Obama's war on fossil fuels is more important

It would throw a huge spanner in the works if North America became completely energy independent to be sure.

Cripes. He won't even allow the Keystone.

I just don't understand why we are in this pissing contest with Russia to begin with. First off we back the coup which was just nutso handing the reigns of power over to these thugs in Kiev.

Then our idiot leaders wreck years of political and economic diplomacy by their chest thumping and threatening Putin and Russia over what?

This was the EU's bloody mess. We had no business at all sticking our noses in this bullshit.

Go figure. I am so pissed off.

Th US will never become energy independent. Even if we pumped everything we needed they would still ship it overseas and the price would remain high.

What victories over Obama has Putin made?

Be specific.
Syria, Ukraine and the missile system in Europe (granted, Obama's stupid unilateral decision for which he got nothing in return).

Barack is being bitch-slapped left and right. He is far too weak to put reigns on Vlad.

You're going to have to do better than that. Show that you actually understand what you're talking about, rather than just parroting talk radio. Explain

How has Obama "lost" on any of those issues? How has Putin beaten him? What has Obama done that was "weak"? What has Putin done that was "strong"?
Crimea, Syrian "red line" and Czech/Polish missile system. Google them yourself. If you're too lazy that's not my problem.
if we'd ramp up our natural as production here... which we have plenty of, we could cripple the Russian economy by driving the price down, But Obama's war on fossil fuels is more important

It would throw a huge spanner in the works if North America became completely energy independent to be sure.

Cripes. He won't even allow the Keystone.

I just don't understand why we are in this pissing contest with Russia to begin with. First off we back the coup which was just nutso handing the reigns of power over to these thugs in Kiev.

Then our idiot leaders wreck years of political and economic diplomacy by their chest thumping and threatening Putin and Russia over what?

This was the EU's bloody mess. We had no business at all sticking our noses in this bullshit.

Go figure. I am so pissed off.

Th US will never become energy independent. Even if we pumped everything we needed they would still ship it overseas and the price would remain high.
Come on. If the US stops importing then demand and price drops. High school stuff.
Syria, Ukraine and the missile system in Europe (granted, Obama's stupid unilateral decision for which he got nothing in return).

Barack is being bitch-slapped left and right. He is far too weak to put reigns on Vlad.

You're going to have to do better than that. Show that you actually understand what you're talking about, rather than just parroting talk radio. Explain

How has Obama "lost" on any of those issues? How has Putin beaten him? What has Obama done that was "weak"? What has Putin done that was "strong"?
Crimea, Syrian "red line" and Czech/Polish missile system. Google them yourself. If you're too lazy that's not my problem.


Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
It would throw a huge spanner in the works if North America became completely energy independent to be sure.

Cripes. He won't even allow the Keystone.

I just don't understand why we are in this pissing contest with Russia to begin with. First off we back the coup which was just nutso handing the reigns of power over to these thugs in Kiev.

Then our idiot leaders wreck years of political and economic diplomacy by their chest thumping and threatening Putin and Russia over what?

This was the EU's bloody mess. We had no business at all sticking our noses in this bullshit.

Go figure. I am so pissed off.

Th US will never become energy independent. Even if we pumped everything we needed they would still ship it overseas and the price would remain high.
Come on. If the US stops importing then demand and price drops. High school stuff.


Reality doesn't function like high school economics class.
You're going to have to do better than that. Show that you actually understand what you're talking about, rather than just parroting talk radio. Explain

How has Obama "lost" on any of those issues? How has Putin beaten him? What has Obama done that was "weak"? What has Putin done that was "strong"?
Crimea, Syrian "red line" and Czech/Polish missile system. Google them yourself. If you're too lazy that's not my problem.


Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
He answered your question twice, you just don't like the answer.
Crimea, Syrian "red line" and Czech/Polish missile system. Google them yourself. If you're too lazy that's not my problem.


Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
He answered your question twice, you just don't like the answer.

He "answered" with buzzwords that he doesn't actually understand and is incapable of explaining. But they sound good, so that's good enough. They feel right.


You really, really want Obama to lose, so you convince yourselves that he did.
You're going to have to do better than that. Show that you actually understand what you're talking about, rather than just parroting talk radio. Explain

How has Obama "lost" on any of those issues? How has Putin beaten him? What has Obama done that was "weak"? What has Putin done that was "strong"?
Crimea, Syrian "red line" and Czech/Polish missile system. Google them yourself. If you're too lazy that's not my problem.


Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
Sometimes I feel like I'm posting in a Pee Wee Herman website.

Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
He answered your question twice, you just don't like the answer.

He "answered" with buzzwords that he doesn't actually understand and is incapable of explaining. But they sound good, so that's good enough. They feel right.


You really, really want Obama to lose, so you convince yourselves that he did.
He answered quite succinctly. You just can't handle the fact that he did. You have no substantive rebuttal so you just keep repeating that he didn't answer.

Color me not shocked that you can't explain what you're talking about.
He answered your question twice, you just don't like the answer.

He "answered" with buzzwords that he doesn't actually understand and is incapable of explaining. But they sound good, so that's good enough. They feel right.


You really, really want Obama to lose, so you convince yourselves that he did.
Desperation and petulant denial is no solution.

It is not good for America to be matching pajama boy with a black belt. Let's face it, they've got a top-notch former intelligence operative and we've got a community organizer. What could have possibly gone wrong?!:D
Pretty much every Dem and Repub on radio and television when pressed for what they'd ACTUALLY do says "sanctions."

Obama does "sanctions."

Russia is mad and reacting to "sanctions."

Obama loses nothing. Russia loses, they are dithering. They want a UN meeting immediately.



Pretty much every Dem and Repub on radio and television when pressed for what they'd ACTUALLY do says "sanctions."

Obama does "sanctions."

Russia is mad and reacting to "sanctions."

Obama loses nothing. Russia loses, they are dithering. They want a UN meeting immediately.



Yeah, soft power is really working here:

Donetsk, Ukraine (CNN) -- A new buildup of Russian troops along the Ukraine border raised concerns Tuesday that Moscow might be contemplating another intervention like the one that annexed Crimea earlier this year.
According to a NATO official, Russia now has about 20,000 troops stationed "in an area along the entire border with eastern Ukraine." The buildup nearly doubled the troop deployment in the last week by adding 8,000 more forces to 12,000 already there, the official said.
It comes a week after the United States and the European Union increased economic sanctions on Russia for supporting pro-Russian separatists fighting Ukraine government forces in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, along the border with Russia.
In addition, Russia's Defense Ministry is staging a week of military exercises involving air troops and anti-missile defense forces. The exercises are taking place in Russia's southern Astrakhan region, roughly 500 miles from the border with Ukraine.

More Russian troops at Ukraine border raise concerns -
Meathead, your leaders universally agree that sanctions are the right approach. If youre trying to say we should be warring with Russia over this, youre dumb.
Ah yes, more "Conservatives" cheering for Putin. Such patriotism.

Fuck you. Not one post cheering Putin you jerk.

rightwingnut loons rooting for putin.


delusional freakish toons.

but thanks for your usual level of classy posts. :cuckoo:
Someone who uses "rightwing loons", "freakish toons" and ":cuckoo:" within a few disjointed phrases shouldn't use sarcasm in criticizing the class of others' posts.
Interesting how Russians elected a president and Americans elected a child.

Russia elected a President?

You can't see the rationale that the reckless tough guy act is immature on the World stage? Especially in 2014?

Putin is a petulant man-child. He is a big baby.
Ah yes, more "Conservatives" cheering for Putin. Such patriotism.

Fuck you. Not one post cheering Putin you jerk.

you did tinydancer posted that we should be afraid of putin because obama offended him... I glad he offended him ... you would rather have us hide from the russians:lol::lol::lol: you're such a patriot !!!!

Here's what I posted. I can't find the "you should be afraid of Putin" part.

Can you find it for me?

Ah Obama will go down in history for starting the second Cold War. What a legacy! Russia is hitting back.

I'm still spitting bullets that my PM got involved in this EU vs Russia bullshit. I can't wait to see how we're going to pay for our idiotic interference. YIKES!

We had no freaking business participating in this dog's breakfast. Now the chickens are going to come home to roost.
Ah Obama will go down in history for starting the second Cold War. What a legacy! Russia is hitting back.

I'm still spitting bullets that my PM got involved in this EU vs Russia bullshit. I can't wait to see how we're going to pay for our idiotic interference. YIKES!

We had no freaking business participating in this dog's breakfast. Now the chickens are going to come home to roost.

, Putin's days of sitting idly by may be over as on Aug. 5 the Russian President ordered a two-pronged attack against the U.S., Ukraine, and any European ally who chooses to become involved by mustering troops and munitions on the Ukrainian border, and issuing economic sanctions of their own that will be much stronger and more consequential to the U.S. than what President Obama has implemented so far.

" We have repeatedly spoken about the illegitimacy and groundlessness of the US sanctions against Russia.

Washington will gain nothing from such decisions except for further complication of Russian-American relations and the creation of an unfavorable atmosphere in international affairs, where the cooperation between our countries often plays a key role.

One gets the impression that the U.S. sanctions pressure, transformed now at sectoral level, has one goal - to get even with us for an independent and uncomfortable for Washington politics.

Please also note the obvious elements of unscrupulous trade and economic competition in the U.S. actions.

The losses that Washington will sustain from such a destructive and myopic policy will be very tangible.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation

Swell. Just freaking swell. They all had to be freaking strutting banty roosters. Our leaders are idiots.

More at link:

Russia to retaliate with boots on the ground and new economic sanctions on U.S. - National Finance Examiner |

To start, these are some (but not all) of the sanctions already projected, or being implemented to facilitate economic war against Washington.

Russia signs 5-yr MoU on expanding trade with Iran, Energy Ministry in Moscow says in e-mailed statement.

Russia planning to buy Iranian oil under trade accord, ministry press official says by phone, asking not to be identified due to internal policy.

Accord covers cooperation in oil-gas industry, construction of power plants, grids, supply of machinery, consumer goods, agriculture products: statement. - Zerohedge

Pissed off Putin? Bummer.

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