President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Just because you have your head up Obama's ass doesn't men the Poles do.

“The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted. Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald “Tusk will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.”…
“A Polish death camp” — Sikorski also tonight tweeted a link to an Economist story noting that “few things annoy Poles more than being blamed for the crimes committed by the Nazi occupiers of their homeland. For many years, Polish media, diplomats and politicians have tried to persuade outsiders to stop using the phrase ‘Polish death camps’ as a shorthand description of Auschwitz and other exemplars of Nazi brutality and mass murder. Unfortunately this seems to have escaped BaracK Obama’s staff seem not to have noticed this.”…
Alex Storozynski, the President of the Kosciuszko Foundation, lauded the president earlier in the day for recognizing Karski, but now says “Karski would have cringed if he heard this….So far, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press and others have changed their stylebooks to ban the use of this phrase. Now, the Obama White House must do the same. President Obama’s remarks are already being called ‘scandalous’ by media outlets in Poland. Obama was seen reading this phrase off a teleprompter. The President must acknowledge his mistake and apologize for it. He must do it for Karski and the other Poles that risked their lives trying to stop the Holocaust.”

Is it Obama's fault that the Poles were pussies and couldn't defend themselves? First the Nazis and them the Russians.

Nope, and it isn't his fault that you are a bigot either.

Next question.
Poles didn't work as guards in these Polish death camps?

Hey if you want to join Obama in now looking like a complete fool by referring to the death camps as Polish death camps, by all means continue to make an asshole of yourself.


HAHA, wait - so you say there were Polish people (and a huge number of them if you did research instead of fighting upon partisan lines) in the death camps, and I'm sure you have yet to look up the fact that the death camps, including Auschwitz, were in occupied Poland.

And you want to call Obama an idiot for saying "Polish death camps?"

Seriously, you make it too easy for me.

And I'm ready for some swift, intelligent come-back like "ok well have fun being seen as an idiot like obama!"

ugg, people these days...

Yep, go on, go onto google now and confirm what I'm saying. yeah, that's it, that's what research is like...
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Really? Fuck the Poles and their feelings, if they don't like it don't visit America.

You're compassion for your fellow man is overwhelming. You are a perfect example of why we need good leaders in office. Otherwise we might end up with someone like you.
The death camps were not just for jewish people. Polish people also filled death camps. How is identifying a death camp where there were Polish people as a "polish death camp" insulting to anyone, or factually incorrect?

Well the White House apologized for the comment. So obviously you are full of shit.
Sorry bout that,

I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Really? Fuck the Poles and their feelings, if they don't like it don't visit America.

1. ^^^^^^^ Spoken like an *Angry Negro*, with *Septic Mouth* living a *Septic Life*.
2. Take a bath once in a while, and.............
3. Get yourself free.

What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Same here...and apparently our OP doesn't know that most of the Nazi death camps were set up in Poland....a Poland conquered by the Nazis, grant you, but in Poland nonetheless.
Most of Europe was just fine and dandy with running those camps. Europe, has for centuries, been purging itself of Jewish people.

After they got their asses kicked in WWII..they were like, "What us? Purge Jews? Oh Perish the thought".

It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.


Even the poles see him for what he is, but his own base cant get past the hope and change. HAHAHAHA!!!!
how funny, we are always told Obama has uplifted our standing in the whole wide world.

but when he offends one of them, they are now the biggest piece of shit for being offended...
The death camps were not just for jewish people. Polish people also filled death camps. How is identifying a death camp where there were Polish people as a "polish death camp" insulting to anyone, or factually incorrect?

The way he said it made it sound like it was the polish who where running the deathcamps and not the Nazis. I thought that much would be obvious, I guess not.
Only propagandizing Pubs and silly dupes really care....dumbazz- the only people who hate Obama. Honest mistake, OBVIOUSLY.

So Obvious even the polish prime minister noticed. HAHA!! Obamas an embarrassment to America, and it's a shame those of you on the left don't see it. How many countries "Outside of our own" has he insulted so far? I cant count them. The funny thing is though, he never insults our enemies, only our allies....hmmmmmm.
What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Same here...and apparently our OP doesn't know that most of the Nazi death camps were set up in Poland....a Poland conquered by the Nazis, grant you, but in Poland nonetheless.

you better tell that to ABC...
President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’ - ABC News
good grief...
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He misspoke. and it may cause problems with Poland-US relations. Ultimately, I think it can be rectified without much difficulties.

And for those who dont see the problem, I think those who are upset over it are concerned that the ignorant among us may interpret his statements to mean that the Polish people were the ones setting up the death camps rather than the victims. I know most of us think that it's obvious that it would be Nazi's but there are alot of ignorant people out there who have no freakin idea what Nazi's, death camps, or Hitler were. Totally messed up.

That's because they stopped teaching it in high school and college. Alot of dumbass american kids these days think just like Achmamonkey face from Iran, that is was all a lie and never happened.
The poles are mad that they were pussies?

Don't forget the fact they were betrayed by there two main allies England and France who had signed a treaty with Poland to come to their aid if Germany invaded yet neither did when that happened. They were also betrayed by the allies again late in the war after the Germans were forced out we then let the Soviets roll in occupy Poland without intervening.

They where also betrayed again after Obama got elected and decided not to go through with the missile shield protecting them from Russia.
The death camps were not just for jewish people. Polish people also filled death camps. How is identifying a death camp where there were Polish people as a "polish death camp" insulting to anyone, or factually incorrect?

Factually incorrect.

Oh really? Then please send me to a link that shows that there were no, or hardly any, polish people in the death camps. That really is the only piece of evidence that would negate what I just said, or what Obama said.

There where a ton of polish jews. How old are you? Did you not learn about this stuff in school?
Factually incorrect.

Oh really? Then please send me to a link that shows that there were no, or hardly any, polish people in the death camps. That really is the only piece of evidence that would negate what I just said, or what Obama said.

There where a ton of polish jews. How old are you? Did you not learn about this stuff in school?

Indeed there were. Indeed there were.
The Polish government thought the comment insensitive. It was, but no international outrage has occurred. Obama did it unintentionally, and so now he has a couple to compete with Bush.

Let's move along.
Mr Obama cares little for the Poles. They are white, Roman Catholic, and a tad bit stubborn at times. And if you remember, the Poles were in the vanguard of the Soviet Union's Eastern European satellite states in throwing off the Soviet yoke. Mr Obama apparently has a long memory, and the sting of the Poles repudiation of the Communist dogma Mr Obama so dearly espouses, so many years ago, obviously still bothers him now.

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