President Obama Honors Law Enforcement

Looks like the officers who attended appreciated his words. What's different between you and them? Think hard.
Maybe they though he was finally surrendering to them, like he does to everybody else....:badgrin:
Obama is showing respect to these dead cops but you and Bucs hate that too. If he did not show up you will say where is Obama. They way we look at it you guys are happy for these 2 dead cops. Sickening considering I'm a republican.

Well, this is how batshit crazy the Right has become. All you need to do is to write the name "Obama" and, without thinking, batshit crazy Righties are frothing already. Content? Discernment? Fuggedaboudit.
Lone, It is amazing how you fondle this president. Blah blah Iraq, Bush. Yet not a word about Obama, Egypt. Obama, Syria. Obama, Libya.
He has shunned the cop's funerals while sending representatives to funerals of drug pushers. He pins a medal on a soldier, while releasing their enemies back in business to kill more of them. And yet you swoon over any and every decision he makes. You are his political caddy...
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You need to realize that it's a little late for the cops that have died because of Obama's and Sharpton's racist antics. And it all started with Ferguson, when they rushed to judgement before the truth came out that Officer Wilson acted in self defense.

Now, after a lot of riots, and cops being killed, the cops are starting to stand down in places like Baltimore, and the civilian death toll is starting to rise.

Don't you think Obama is suddenly "making nice" with the cops to keep the civilian death toll from going higher, and the Democrats facing repercussions from the people that live there?

You need to realize that it's a little late for the cops that have died because of Obama's and Sharpton's racist antics. And it all started with Ferguson, when they rushed to judgement before the truth came out that Officer Wilson acted in self defense.

Now, after a lot of riots, and cops being killed, the cops are starting to stand down in places like Baltimore, and the civilian death toll is starting to rise.

Don't you think Obama is suddenly "making nice" with the cops to keep the civilian death toll from going higher, and the Democrats facing repercussions from the people that live there?
You speak as if everyone buys that bullshit that Wilson was shooting in self defense. News flash. Millions still think he is just a racist POS. I love how you fools think think you say something and it becomes truth. The POTUS is speaking from the perspective of someone that points out racism where its at and honors those that dont participate in racism and do their jobs as LEOs.

Hate to burst your bubble on the Ferguson case, but the Grand Jury refused to indict, and the DOJ backed them up. The shooting was justified.

Guess that makes YOU a racist POS, doesn't it?

Hate to burst your bubble on the Ferguson case, but the Grand Jury refused to indict, and the DOJ backed them up. The shooting was justified.

Guess that makes YOU a racist POS, doesn't it?
I guess you are a fool that thinks everyone believes that BS. The shooting wasnt justified. The POS cop just got away clean. Nothing will change that.

No, the difference between me and you is that I knew 2 cops that were killed in the line of duty, and I have no respect for anyone who sets up conditions for more cops to die....


Understand now?

Fuck off. You live in a weird nutter fantasy land.

You need to realize that it's a little late for the cops that have died because of Obama's and Sharpton's racist antics. And it all started with Ferguson, when they rushed to judgement before the truth came out that Officer Wilson acted in self defense.

Now, after a lot of riots, and cops being killed, the cops are starting to stand down in places like Baltimore, and the civilian death toll is starting to rise.

Don't you think Obama is suddenly "making nice" with the cops to keep the civilian death toll from going higher, and the Democrats facing repercussions from the people that live there?

Fuck off again. Obama is not Sharpton and the man has not had any racist antics. You weird nutter. Eat shit.

Hate to burst your bubble on the Ferguson case, but the Grand Jury refused to indict, and the DOJ backed them up. The shooting was justified.
Guess that makes YOU a racist POS, doesn't it?
I guess you are a fool that thinks everyone believes that BS. The shooting wasnt justified. The POS cop just got away clean. Nothing will change that.

The DOJ disagrees with you, and it was proven that Brown's accomplice lied.

Sorry, but Obama screwed the pooch on that one.

At this point, I'm just curious to see if Obama's apparent change of heart holds, or if cops continue to stand down and the Democrats have to try to sneak more dead Democrat voters into the polls after the thugs take over in places like Baltimore.

Hate to burst your bubble on the Ferguson case, but the Grand Jury refused to indict, and the DOJ backed them up. The shooting was justified.
Guess that makes YOU a racist POS, doesn't it?
I guess you are a fool that thinks everyone believes that BS. The shooting wasnt justified. The POS cop just got away clean. Nothing will change that.

The DOJ disagrees with you, and it was proven that Brown's accomplice lied.

Sorry, but Obama screwed the pooch on that one.

At this point, I'm just curious to see if Obama's apparent change of heart holds, or if cops continue to stand down and the Democrats have to try to sneak more dead Democrat voters into the polls after the thugs take over in places like Baltimore.
The DOJ doesnt disagree with me. No its not proven anyone lied but the cops. Sorry but Obama is still your POTUS and sitting in the white house making you emotionally traumatized. At this point I'm just curious to see the celebration by racists when he is done and their dismay when they realize they have to pay for his retirement.

What's your position on Obama calling Missouri's governor to get the National Guard to stand down and let the thugs burn Ferguson after the shooting was found to be justified? And should Obama fire his own apparently racist DOJ (according to the Libs)?
Ha! Well....after a 6 year smear campaign...he attempts a paper thin word of support. all liberal turds...are trying slowly to walk back all the cop hate they've spewed.

Sorry. Too late. He...and all lefties...own it. Their childish anti cop smear campaign got officers killed. Its on their hands forever.

PLEASE stop jumping for joy every time a cop is shot.

Does that mean Obozo's fired his buddy Shady Al Sharpton, where he can stop causing riots and stirring up hatred for police officers?

Yeah, every time Sharpton calls for peace and calm, you're here, mixing and stirring.

You're just like bucs - celebrating death.


Um...the motto of his legacy National Action Network literally says "No peace"
Yep. He started his presidency early by a global speech to say "police acted stupidly" and went downhill from there.

The Law and Order brand of Republican seems to be reemerging. Thank God. The thuggery and hooliganism in this nation has gome far enough.

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