President Obama nominates Loretta Lynch as next Attorney General

Uh picking low qualified scum based on their skin color is typical of scum like you.

Obama being a stupid sack of shit picks another black when the majority of Americans didn't like Holder being a black racist. It shows he is stupid, racist and arrogant doubling down when he has ruined race relations.

Of course the racist picks another black to be AG......

Why do you have a problem with that?
Of course she is but by this time next week a "good" reason will be dreamed up to oppose her at all costs, don't expect too many replies on this until Monday when Rush and the like issue their marching orders.

I assume you mean a "racist" reason.
It is all about race with you idiots. Take holder, the biggest incompetent tool ever nominated for the AG, nominated for one reason, the color of his skin by obutthurt. Obutthurt is the biggest racist on the left, you tools just follow along.
She's unqualified. Her qualifications are that she's black and a friend of Al Sharpton. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, a qualified black woman was passed over because she's NOT a friend of Al Sharpton. Even if she agrees with him. Or, we'd have the California nincompoop, Kamala Harris instead.

If this unqualified black woman is confirmed, we only have to put up with her for two years.
I guarantee I could find 100 more qualified people than her.....white, Hispanic, Asian, indian, etc.

Oh but she being a female and black were her main qualifications for Obama.

Uh picking low qualified scum based on their skin color is typical of scum like you.

Of course the racist picks another black to be AG......

Why do you have a problem with that?

Please explain to us why she isn't qualified.
If Buuuuuuuuuush had an AG that was a stereotypical KKK member, then hiring a "KKK woman" to replace him when he was under investigation for crimes (like Holder) would be making a statement.

Oh but Obama doing it is no big deal to liberal scum.
A Female version of Eric Holder.

Why, because she is black?
No, because she is probably an anti American tool like obutthurt and the rest of the left. You idiot.

Why are you trying to lynch her confirmation before she even has a hearing?
If obutthurt nominated her you can count on two things, she is not qualified and she is anti American. Racist idiot.

Have you even read her qualifications? They are very impressive.
This choice is just Obama giving the American people the middle finger.

Holder was a troublemaker so Obama has gone out and picked another trouble maker but without a penis.
A Female version of Eric Holder.

Why, because she is black?
No, because she is probably an anti American tool like obutthurt and the rest of the left. You idiot.

Why are you trying to lynch her confirmation before she even has a hearing?
If obutthurt nominated her you can count on two things, she is not qualified and she is anti American. Racist idiot.

Have you even read her qualifications? They are very impressive.
You think obutthurt fake qualifications are impressive.
big frikken deal

another NOBODY to his administration

who cares anymore what that man does or nominates?

A nobody? She's been a federal prosecutor in NYC for 25 years. She prosecuted the NYPD officers who sodomized Abner Louima with a broom handle. She's also considering prosecuting the police officer who murdered Eric Garner with a chokehold which is prohibited by NYPD policy. She's also the one who indicted Congressman Michael Grimm for all of his shady shit going on.

She's more than qualified and even Rudy Giuliani, who has known her for years, was on Fox News last night saying she was a surprisingly good choice for Obama to make. There is no real rason why she shouldn't be confirmed with an almost unanimous majority.
This choice is just Obama giving the American people the middle finger.

Holder was a troublemaker so Obama has gone out and picked another trouble maker but without a penis.

What makes her a trouble maker, specifically?
One good thing, according to the article, obutthurt is leaving the confirmation up to the new senate in 2015. Not pushing it like some libtards are claiming.
A Female version of Eric Holder.

Why, because she is black?
No, because she is probably an anti American tool like obutthurt and the rest of the left. You idiot.

Why are you trying to lynch her confirmation before she even has a hearing?

We are not lynching her.
She was picked because she will be the 1st black female to hold that office, and she has the same political ideology as Holder, not because she would be the best person for the job.
It's all about politics with Obama. He had to up the left's side of 1st in this position because two republicans had their 2 historical 1st's.

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