President Obama nominates Loretta Lynch as next Attorney General

Clarence Thomas complained about a "high-tech" lynching during his confirmation hearings. Loretta Lynch may receive a "high-tech" lynching during her confirmation hearings - but I doubt we'll hear her complain about it. Unlike Thomas - she seems to be a class act.

Let's see how "classy" she is when somebody claims one of her pubes ended up in their Coke.

Anita Hill was clearly wronged by Thomas. Biden and Kennedy had more female witnesses to testify against Thomas - but Thomas' "high-tech lynching" comment scared the shit out of them - so the other female witnesses were never called. So, Clarence "Pubic Hair" Thomas got a free pass to the Supreme Court.

President Obama is the president - and has the right to nominate whomever he wishes. It will be very interesting to see how rightwingers go about trashing Loretta Lynch. Lynch sounds like an excellent choice to me.

Spot on. In 1999, as today, young black women who have just graduated from Yale law school don't go about screwing up their careers with b.s. like this. Thomas knew he could harass and torment her and she had absofuckinglutely no one who would believe her. He's a monster.

My internist is a black woman about my age. Listening to her over the years about the bullshit she's put up with would make your hair curl. She had to be faster, smarter and more clever than the white boys she went to Baylor with, for obvious reasons.
Yet you idiots worship Clinton for having sex in Oval Office and then lying about it. Idiots!!!!

Yes, we do! He was minding his own personal business until the NaziCon witch hunters unfairly attacked him.
A Female version of Eric Holder.

Why, because she is black?

She's not a black conservative. The RWnuts just a few days ago were whooping it up over Mia Love the first black this and Tim Scott the first black that,

now, when the first black female AG is appointed, suddenly the nuts find 'the first black' thing to have magically lost its charm.

Who among the sane is surprised?
Lakhota don't you think it would have been in Obama's best interest to nominate a white person?

You're party is losing blacks and latinos (as evidence by the 2014 midterms), and you have ZERO outreach to whites.
You have to admit it was a pretty smooth move by Holder to decide to remain on the job until his replacement was approved.
Lakhota don't you think it would have been in Obama's best interest to nominate a white person?

You're party is losing blacks and latinos (as evidence by the 2014 midterms), and you have ZERO outreach to whites.

White person? Obama's best interest? You poor racist fool.
Lakhota don't you think it would have been in Obama's best interest to nominate a white person?

You're party is losing blacks and latinos (as evidence by the 2014 midterms), and you have ZERO outreach to whites.

BTW, you ignorant NaziCon, the midterms are no indication that Democrats are "losing blacks and latinos"...just poor voter turnout. Blacks and Latinos sure as hell aren't moving to the right.
Lakhota don't you think it would have been in Obama's best interest to nominate a white person?

You're party is losing blacks and latinos (as evidence by the 2014 midterms), and you have ZERO outreach to whites.

White person? Obama's best interest? You poor racist fool.

BTW, you ignorant NaziCon, the midterms are no indication that Democrats are "losing blacks and latinos"...just poor voter turnout. Blacks and Latinos sure as hell aren't moving to the right.[/QUOTE]

You should really get out in the world and talk to blacks on the street.

GOP Senators Call On Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch To Weigh In On Immigration

WASHINGTON -- Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) are calling on President Barack Obama's nominee for attorney general to weigh in on the constitutionality of the administration's plans to unilaterally grant deportation relief to undocumented immigrants.

GOP Senators Call On Attorney General Nominee To Weigh In On Immigration

The NaziCons are already starting to bait their traps.
Another BLACK RACIST, SOCIALIST... This time a woman, so the REGIME can say the Republican war on women continues, and nothing about her political beliefs!
I imagine she's another race pimp.

The Socialist race pimp doesn't fall far from her tree!


Hell, why that this brain trust... at least we know for certain with old Maxipad!

There's a universe between reaity and what you imagine. Have you read her resume?
I have not. I do know what Holder and \Obama are though. There is obvious precedent for race pimps in the Obama administration. He has clearly given up on his legacy.
Obama should have nominated a white person, for the sake of his own party.

I really don't care who he nominates, because I'm no longer a Democrat. The Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot by endorsing this nomination. You have zero favor with white voters. You cannot win another election without America's majority (whites).

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