President Obama on Trayvon Martin

Neged for being such a prick.

His death is very sad. I was once a punk child. Thank god no one called me on it with a bullet. People CAN change, if they try.
Good point. Zimmerman might be able to change, but he's hardly a child.

In fact, he's 28, which is three years beyond when your brain becomes adult.

and btw, I can't be a prick if I don't have one. :lol:

he's barely out of the nest.. obama says yer a child til age 26..
Good point, Willow! In your case, I'd say yer a child until you are 98. How old are you now?
Those of you screaming about the rights reaction to this whole case but excuse Obamas race injected comments are a hoot. The man that shot him appears to be a minority as well. Not that it matters, I just don't see the need to nationalize race into every god damn issue.

The only person who is putting race into the issue is YOU. DO You stand on your church steps shouting out so the neighborhoods around you can hear you, "I'VE GOT MINE, SO FUG YOU!"'re confusing him with your typical Southern Democrat. :D
The truth of the matter is that "civil rights" cases are often little more than reverse lynch mobs. In the Old South of the past, white mobs would drag black suspects out of jail and lynch them in the streets if they felt the wheels of justice were turning too slowly. Today, black mobs, often led by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, lead street protests or riots, and the Federal government comes after white suspects with the "rope" of "civil rights" charges. And just like the old Southern sheriffs with ties to the Klan who turned a blind eye to the illegal actions of whites, the Department of Justice often refuses to act on "civil rights" violations when the perpetrators are black and the victims are white. In the eyes of the Federal government and the political Left, all whites are forever suspected of being gap-toothed Klansmen with shotguns and nooses in their pickup trucks, and all blacks are perpetually innocent, doe-eyed victims of white oppression.

This dynamic was made perfectly clear twenty years ago by the Los Angeles riots. Rodney King, a convicted felon, allegedly intoxicated, led police on a high-speed car chase and resisted arrest when he was finally cornered. Most people agree that the cops gave Rodney a few more licks than department procedures called for. But given King's background and the extenuating circumstances, the cops were acquitted of assault charges under state law. The black population of L.A. erupted in riots that killed 53 people, ignited thousands of arsons, and saw widespread looting. Korean merchants were racially targeted for arson, and resorted to defending their property with arms. Reginald Denny, a hapless white truck driver who inadvertently drove into the riots, was pulled from his vehicle by black rioters who smashed his skull in 91 places with a brick (inflicting far worse injuries than the cops had inflicted on King) and danced a jig over his prone body.

Long before Eric Holder became Attorney General, refused to prosecute black voter intimidation, and referred to blacks as "my people," the Department of Justice caved in to the pressure of the rioters by charging and convicting the L.A. cops with "civil rights" violations and sending them to Federal prison. But no such Federal charges were levied against the blacks who targeted the Koreans and attacked Reginald Denny.

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
Those of you screaming about the rights reaction to this whole case but excuse Obamas race injected comments are a hoot. The man that shot him appears to be a minority as well. Not that it matters, I just don't see the need to nationalize race into every god damn issue.

The only person who is putting race into the issue is YOU. DO You stand on your church steps shouting out so the neighborhoods around you can hear you, "I'VE GOT MINE, SO FUG YOU!"

You've had all of two interactions with me since I joined. And you label me a racist? You're a bonified idiot. I've publicly confronted every racist on this forum as well as Neged them just like im getting ready to do to your stupid ass. I neither condone nor tolerate racism.

Fug me?

FUCK YOU! (Thats big boy speak for the non fake pastors btw)
Certainly it's true that in the past, blacks have been victims of whites. But today the reality is quite different from what the street mobs, the government, the media and the P.C. crowd would have us believe. Far from being victims of white oppression, blacks today are disproportionately perpetrators of violent crimes against whites and against other blacks. According to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2009, "whites" -- a category that includes Hispanics -- were known to be responsible for 5,286 murders. Blacks, a mere 13% of the population, were known to be responsible for 5,980 murders. In 2005, the New Century Foundation's "Color of Crime" report found that "Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black" (emphasis mine). Also in 2005, the Department of Justice reported that one-third of rapes committed against white women (approximately 37,000) were perpetrated by blacks, while less than ten -- statistically zero -- rapes of black women were committed by whites.

Whatever happened in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, one thing is perfectly clear: it's high time this country quit the racial dog-and-pony show, and judged each criminal case on its individual merits instead of allowing the race-baiting demagogues to leverage each incident for political advantage in the streets and in the media.

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
Certainly it's true that in the past, blacks have been victims of whites. But today the reality is quite different from what the street mobs, the government, the media and the P.C. crowd would have us believe. Far from being victims of white oppression, blacks today are disproportionately perpetrators of violent crimes against whites and against other blacks. According to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2009, "whites" -- a category that includes Hispanics -- were known to be responsible for 5,286 murders. Blacks, a mere 13% of the population, were known to be responsible for 5,980 murders. In 2005, the New Century Foundation's "Color of Crime" report found that "Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black" (emphasis mine). Also in 2005, the Department of Justice reported that one-third of rapes committed against white women (approximately 37,000) were perpetrated by blacks, while less than ten -- statistically zero -- rapes of black women were committed by whites.

Whatever happened in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, one thing is perfectly clear: it's high time this country quit the racial dog-and-pony show, and judged each criminal case on its individual merits instead of allowing the race-baiting demagogues to leverage each incident for political advantage in the streets and in the media.

Read more: Articles: What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

They are victims if white sympathy in the form of democratic welfare programs ment to help.

Supposedly for help when in reality all it does is hold them down.

Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.

Every day in the US white people are murdered, raped, and beaten from black perpetrators. In almost all cases, there is little to no media coverage. So why is there so much coverage about a neighborhood watch captain shooting a 17-year-old teen. A search on google shows all the major cable news outlets, all the major websites, and hundreds of newspaper aggressively promoting the story from the point of view of the grieving family of the deceased. This is Agitation Propaganda (agitprop) 101.

There is definitely one detail the media is playing fast and loose with. The man fired the gun is universally described as “white.” The media wants him to be white. Having a white shooter fits their political agenda. Most media outlets are not showing his picture, even though a picture is available. All you hear and see is “George Zimmerman, white man!” What they aren’t telling you is the mother of Zimmerman is a Latino immigrant.

Robert Zimmerman, the father, told the Orlando Sentinal “George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family.”

Barack Obama also has one white parent. The media never calls him a “white man.”

Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.

Ya...THAT's the real problem isn't it? Not that a good kid minding his own business was murdered in cold blood.. The real OUTRAGE is that he media got it wrong and inadvertantly slighted white people. HOW DARE THEY MAKE SUCH A MISTAKE!!!!! The life of a ****** or a **** is NOTHING compared to the good name of ALL good white people.

Oh ya...and you are a despicable racist. Just like your hero.

PaulBot...You are the worst kinda idiot.

True Story.

'inadvertantly slighted white people.' Yeah sure, that's what they did. You racist hypocrites crack me up. :lol:

With THAT comment...I stand on my reply. You are a coward. You don't even have the balls to say what you really think about blacks. Your problem with this horrible tragedy is that the mixed latino guy was mistakenly identified as caucasian. You are too fucking stupid to know what a complete piece of shit you are.
"If I had a son he would look like him"

Comment made to a msnbc reporter at the whitehouse news conference on New World Bank nominee.

Really? And that is important to this case how exactly? Such blatant race based comments are really not needed to turn an outraged public into something worse. I guess we just never learn anything in the highest levels of govt in our country.

Also on a side note I saw Al Sharpton speaking at a rally last night on this issue. That man is w disgrace and msnbc should be embarrassed.

From my perspective the trigger man should be tried and let his peers determine his guilt. Looks guilty of murder to me but i don't know all the facts.

Apparently the "New Black Panters" have posted a bounty on this man's life. What was that about lynch mobs and vigilante justice?
"If I had a son he would look like him"

Comment made to a msnbc reporter at the whitehouse news conference on New World Bank nominee.

Really? And that is important to this case how exactly? Such blatant race based comments are really not needed to turn an outraged public into something worse. I guess we just never learn anything in the highest levels of govt in our country.

Also on a side note I saw Al Sharpton speaking at a rally last night on this issue. That man is w disgrace and msnbc should be embarrassed.

From my perspective the trigger man should be tried and let his peers determine his guilt. Looks guilty of murder to me but i don't know all the facts.

Apparently the "New Black Panters" have posted a bounty on this man's life. What was that about lynch mobs and vigilante justice?

I have had direct dealings with the black panthers. Have you? Of course not. I respect their organization. They care about black people the same way I care about the Irish. I have no problem with THAT at all.
"If I had a son he would look like him"

Comment made to a msnbc reporter at the whitehouse news conference on New World Bank nominee.

Really? And that is important to this case how exactly? Such blatant race based comments are really not needed to turn an outraged public into something worse. I guess we just never learn anything in the highest levels of govt in our country.

Also on a side note I saw Al Sharpton speaking at a rally last night on this issue. That man is w disgrace and msnbc should be embarrassed.

From my perspective the trigger man should be tried and let his peers determine his guilt. Looks guilty of murder to me but i don't know all the facts.

Apparently the "New Black Panters" have posted a bounty on this man's life. What was that about lynch mobs and vigilante justice?

Only whites in the south are guilty of that crime.
"If I had a son he would look like him"

Comment made to a msnbc reporter at the whitehouse news conference on New World Bank nominee.

Really? And that is important to this case how exactly? Such blatant race based comments are really not needed to turn an outraged public into something worse. I guess we just never learn anything in the highest levels of govt in our country.

Also on a side note I saw Al Sharpton speaking at a rally last night on this issue. That man is w disgrace and msnbc should be embarrassed.

From my perspective the trigger man should be tried and let his peers determine his guilt. Looks guilty of murder to me but i don't know all the facts.

Apparently the "New Black Panters" have posted a bounty on this man's life. What was that about lynch mobs and vigilante justice?

I have had direct dealings with the black panthers. Have you? Of course not. I respect their organization. They care about black people the same way I care about the Irish. I have no problem with THAT at all.

Youre post is as dumb as his. We are americans. Sub cultures went out of style before i was born.

Your age is showing
Apparently the "New Black Panters" have posted a bounty on this man's life. What was that about lynch mobs and vigilante justice?

I have had direct dealings with the black panthers. Have you? Of course not. I respect their organization. They care about black people the same way I care about the Irish. I have no problem with THAT at all.

Youre post is as dumb as his. We are americans. Sub cultures went out of style before i was born.

Your age is showing

Really? That must be why our government is doing such a bang up job for the last three years. Ya we are all on the same page... :lol:

If you were going to tell the truth there is no doubt that you think you are a better American than I. I have no problem telling you that I am a better American than you. So WE are all Americans huh?... Then why do we honestly hate each other?
Didn't know West was involved. CC. But right now we have the president of the US saying he did before and he doesn't know the facts. Not like he doesn't have a track record with inserting his foot. Like another poster suggested, when the presidents speaks on a subject like this, it hightens the impact. So yes, the president did put his "big fat" foot in his mouth....again. Deal with it dude. As for the others....they should have kept their mouths shut. But please direct me to a link or two as to what they said, would you? Did they infer it was about racism? Let me know CC.

Just want to be sure here, you're condemning everyone who's commented on the case because they dont know all the facts? So no one should express an opinion prior to knowing ALL the facts?

Well first you have to show how Obama "infer it was about racism". Then I'll be more than happy too but I guarantee that if it will be greeted with a chorus of "thats different".

Because if this had been a white child the president wouldn't have said anything, and this would be buried deep in a newspaper.

Wheres the "president is inferring racism" part?
I have had direct dealings with the black panthers. Have you? Of course not. I respect their organization. They care about black people the same way I care about the Irish. I have no problem with THAT at all.

Youre post is as dumb as his. We are americans. Sub cultures went out of style before i was born.

Your age is showing

Really? That must be why our government is doing such a bang up job for the last three years. Ya we are all on the same page... :lol:

If you were going to tell the truth there is no doubt that you think you are a better American than I. I have no problem telling you that I am a better American than you. So WE are all Americans huh?... Then why do we honestly hate each other?

Yes really. Libs want to keep it alive for votes.
I'm appalled and appetered that Obama weighs in on an issues still under investigation. As the GREAT agent of unity he sold Americans on, he is right in the same league of racial divide that Al Sharpton relishes!!!
Once again our President has had a golden oppertunity to show leadership, and has let us down like the coward he is.

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