President Obama Sees First Budget Surplus Of Presidency

More Obama Administration propaganda.
Obama's honest campaign slogan:
"We can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, but can we baffle 'em with bullshit?...YES WE CAN!"
With the gleefull assistance of His Useful Idiot brigade, full of people like Flaylo.
Yes Repugs, it takes having more tax revenue, not more tax cuts to run a surplus and just like typical Repugs they want to trim social programs to balance a budget, :rolleyes:

You mean it takes having more tax revenue, not more tax increases, right?

After all, there was no tax increase.
You are so dishonest! First, April is usually an EASY surplus month, because it's TAX PAYING TIME! Funny Bush had surpluses, but Obama wasn't even able to manage a surplus in any of the 3 previous years!

Deficit streak ends: Obama sees first monthly surplus - Washington Times
Because of the large inflows of tax revenues, the federal government usually runs a budget surplus in April — though that did not occur in 2009, 2010 and 2011,” CBO said.

And the only reason Obama got it this year is because the GOP House curbed spending by a little bit. See below, if Obama had his way, then there wouldn't have been a surplus!!!
Mr. Obama, fighting for higher spending, issued his first spending veto threat of the year on Monday, saying he would reject House Republicans’ bill to fund the Commerce and Justice departments because it spends too little.

Still a $1 trillion 2012 deficit, which Obama wanted to make it $2.5 trillion (remember that was his spending plan results)
Even with Monday’s good fiscal news, the government is expected to run a $1 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2012, which began Oct. 1.

Bravo to the House Republicans for reducing spending again!
Through the first seven months, the deficit was already $721 billion, though that was substantially below the $870 billion deficit at the same point in 2011.

CBO’s analysis said spending on defense, education, Medicaid and unemployment benefits have all fallen this year, while Social Security spending is up.
Looks like Fail&Go has left the building.

Perhaps he caught a clue along with a few facts??
Who controls the money? The House
Who took control of the House in 2011? The Republicans
April? Hmm isn't that the month people pay their income taxes?

Do you think this trend can continue?

people pay taxes every month of the year stupid and he just got his first surplus in April, makes your piggybacking off of that troll's argument look retarded.

Wrong again you uneducated fool! People and business have payroll taxes deducted each month and employees have tax dollar withholdings set aside, but the income (especially small business onwers) and corporate taxes are paid in April. Hence why April is usually a month that produces a surplus!
Looks like Fail&Go has left the building.
Perhaps he caught a clue along with a few facts??
Nah. Like most useful idiots, he makes a post, flames all that demonstrate the invalidity of that post, and then disappears to post again.
This thread takes the cake!
5.1 trillion deficit in 3 years, $40 bn surplus (in April) and this..hahahahaaaa...clown says "problem solved glory days are here".
FailGo bailed from his own thread after post #26. I guess the word garbage can reminded him it was his lunch time.

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