President Obama signs an Executive Order Cutting Wasteful Government Spending.

Coffee cups? Barry just signed an order establishing a Christmas tree panel.

Ah so you are mad he isn't starving kids?

I mean..those are the programs you guys want to cut.

I'll trade the coffee cup so a kid can get a hot meal.

This is what you got and you're gonna run with it? Maybe you should hold Obama accountable for the waste in spending on wars like you did Bush... maybe when Obama cuts the massive military spending he will have something worth talking about.

Where exactly have you seen me supporting military spending, eh? Thread after thread I've posted that we should be closing bases and getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq. That the terrorism should be dealt with by using special operations. We should jettison exotic weapon systems like missile defense.

And in case you've not been listening, Obama did sign a nuke deal with the Russians. How much savings do you think that will do? I am thinking, alot.

Guess you weren't paying attention.

How will all those Chinese slave-wage earners who make :doubt: that stuff survive?
The fiend! How dare he cut spending! :lol:

Dear Leader just doesn't get it does he? Cups and pens? :cuckoo:

But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

I'm thinking he could end welfare and give each person a cup of pens to sell on the street corner. He'd cut spending tremendously and encourage small business start ups. Win win!
Ah so you are mad he isn't starving kids?

I mean..those are the programs you guys want to cut.

I'll trade the coffee cup so a kid can get a hot meal.

This is what you got and you're gonna run with it? Maybe you should hold Obama accountable for the waste in spending on wars like you did Bush... maybe when Obama cuts the massive military spending he will have something worth talking about.

Where exactly have you seen me supporting military spending, eh? Thread after thread I've posted that we should be closing bases and getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq. That the terrorism should be dealt with by using special operations. We should jettison exotic weapon systems like missile defense.

And in case you've not been listening, Obama did sign a nuke deal with the Russians. How much savings do you think that will do? I am thinking, alot.

Guess you weren't paying attention.

Swallow, fact is you support a giant military war President, just like the Neocons did... You have no credibility when you post topics where Obama says he will cut spending on coffee cups when he expands wars and you still plan to vote for him.
Dear Leader just doesn't get it does he? Cups and pens? :cuckoo:

But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

The REAL suffering will begin when he limits government toilet tissue to only ONE PLY BRANDS!!!:(


That would be catastrophic...

People will be hoarding and selling the stuff on the black market...


How will all those Chinese slave-wage earners who make :doubt: that stuff survive?

Smuggle them in through Mexico...?

$1.3 trillion deficit but Obama is saving on coffee cups.

Wasn't it American Airlines that saved millions from cutting out olives? I would like to see some hard numbers about how much this cuts. But I find it laughable that the same wing-nuts who are bitching are the very same ones who would jump on Obama's case and say "Look how much money he could cut without even having to go to Congress, every little bit counts, it all adds up!" if he wasn't doing this.
Dear Leader just doesn't get it does he? Cups and pens? :cuckoo:

But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

I'm thinking he could end welfare and give each person a cup of pens to sell on the street corner. He'd cut spending tremendously and encourage small business start ups. Win win!

But cutting spending on cups and pens will save or create eleventy billion jobs...

he and he wifey take two jets, and ride around in two busses made in canada and he's gonna save us some money on coffee cups?


Do you think the nation would be best served if its chief executive traveled by horse and buggy?

And would you prefer to waste money on swag? Clearly, by your post, you are against saving money that way. Do you own a swag business with a government contract, or are you just slow?
But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

I'm thinking he could end welfare and give each person a cup of pens to sell on the street corner. He'd cut spending tremendously and encourage small business start ups. Win win!

But cutting spending on cups and pens will save or create eleventy billion jobs...


We should only cut the tiny spending excesses if it harms poor people and children.
But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

I'm thinking he could end welfare and give each person a cup of pens to sell on the street corner. He'd cut spending tremendously and encourage small business start ups. Win win!

But cutting spending on cups and pens will save or create eleventy billion jobs...


Maybe OWS protestors should be employed making Government Issue Tin Cups so we'll all be prepared when the US defaults.
When I red the thread title, my first thought was: Great, he repealed Obamacare!.

One can only hope.
If you righties had any semblance of principle and self-consistency you wouldn't be mocking Obama for cutting spending on swag, you'd be berating him for not doing it earlier.

Its pretty clear you care nothing for logic.
The fiend! How dare he cut spending! :lol:

Obama Executive Order Will Cut Government Spending, Waste

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is coming out against swag.

That's swag, as in the coffee mugs, pens, T-shirts and other public relations articles that federal government agencies purchase with taxpayer money to promote their work.

The swag ban is part of an executive order the president will sign on Wednesday to cut waste and make government more efficient. Obama has been using his executive powers on modest proposals to promote job creation, assist homeowners and consumers, or alleviate spending.

Besides putting an end to the promotional gear, the new order directs agencies to reduce travel spending, cut back on cellphones and laptops issued to employees, cut down the size of the executive vehicle fleet and post documents online instead of printing them – measures that individually would hardly merit a White House news release.

The administration's goal is to cut spending by 20 percent in areas covered by the executive order.

"We're cutting what we don't need so that we can invest in what we do need," Obama said in a statement.
Obama Executive Order Will Cut Government Spending, Waste

Please don't tell me you were not expecting to have this thread rammed down your craigy throat.

I have to believe everyone has some sence of context. Don't spoil that for me.
But think of all the tens of people this will benefit....

Big picture, man... Big picture....

I'm thinking he could end welfare and give each person a cup of pens to sell on the street corner. He'd cut spending tremendously and encourage small business start ups. Win win!

But cutting spending on cups and pens will save or create eleventy billion jobs...


But think of the illegals who won't have work now.

This is a catastrophe.
1) Why didnt he do this 3 years ago?
2) What happened to the order to the cabinet to save $100M that he made 3 years ago?

Does anyone think Obama is serious about the deficit? Anyone?
If 0bama really wanted to cut wasteful government spending he would resign....

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