President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Why isn't this thread in the Humor forum?

gawd, the left have become whiny sheep. they hated Bush with a passion. Still do. but now look at them.

worshipping the ground some man walks on. it's creepy

Obama now equals the Rodney Dangerfield of presidents

If he hasn't been so dangerous and destructive to us and our country we could just LAUGH about it. But he has done us a lot DAMAGE. Look at him lighting up our white house over some gawddam ruling by the Supreme court . I'm not sure we'll be able to get out from all the damage he's done to us. and he still has a year and half left
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

??? are you on hard drugs?

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
He's a liar, his feet stink and he don't love Jesus.

LOLOLOLOLO.... Ask me why I knew I would get responses like this? You people simply hate him because he's black....carry on, you racist shit for brain fucks!!

and you hated bush cuz he was white.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

??? are you on hard drugs?
He's been smoking cat hair for hours.
Economically Could Obama Be America s Worst President - Forbes

Obama’s economic performance has even been much worse than Bush’s. Jeffrey H. Anderson, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, writes in Investors Business Daily on January 13, “Prior to Obama, the second term of President Bush featured the weakest gains in the gross domestic product in some time, with average annual (inflation-adjusted) GDP growth of just 1.9%, [according to the official stats at the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)]” But average annual real GDP growth during Obama’s entire first term was less than half as much at a pitiful 0.8%, according to the same official source.
The only people that disrespect Obama are these people here in this thread. Despite from all of your HATRED, RACISM, BIGOTRY against president Obama. He is doing very well. I feel sorry for you people that you blame your miserable failure to Obama.
The only people that disrespect Obama are these people here in this thread. Despite from all of your HATRED, RACISM, BIGOTRY against president Obama. He is doing very well. I feel sorry for you people that you blame your miserable failure to Obama.
Doing very well indeed. Another slimy, crooked politician who is going to leave Washington as a multi-millionaire.
His Obots can sugar coat things all they want. but the Majority has no Respect for Obama or they wouldn't have KICKED his party of nasty progressive out of Control of Congress in only SIX miserable years of his reign of terror over us.
READ and weep what you were duped BY
I'm still in shocked you people put this man/thug in office. LOOK where we are as a country. IN total CHOAS. everyday it's SOMETHING ELSE he's stirred up on us. With the help of a slime Reverend Sharpton who has visited our white house NEARLY 60 times


Current policies and programs of the CPUSA include support for Obamacare, rights for homosexuals, and Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change
Scholar Speaks on Obama’s Red Mentor
By Cliff Kincaid -- Bio and Archives June 29, 2015

The Communist, argues that Davis had a significant influence on the formation of Obama’s Marxist views and policies as President.

Horne, who holds the John J. and Rebecca Moores Chair of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston, is a contributor to Communist Party USA publications such as Political Affairs magazine. He spoke at a March 23, 2007, event at New York University’s Tamiment Library to celebrate the donation of Communist Party materials to the library.

It was at that event that Horne, speaking before an audience that included Communist Party leaders, discussed then-Senator Barack Obama’s relationship with a Communist Party figure in Hawaii, Davis, who died in 1987.

The revelation that a U.S. senator preparing to run for president was linked to a high-level official of the Communist Party, a party which had been funded by Moscow and used to infiltrate the U.S. government, seemed like big news.

Yet, despite coverage of Horne’s remarks by blogger Trevor Loudon and Accuracy in Media before Obama won his first presidential term in 2008, the major U.S. media ignored the relationship and the matter of whether Davis had influenced Obama’s politics, and even had recruited him to the Marxist cause. It was apparent that the media did not want to publicize anything that might inhibit the election of the first black president in the U.S.

In my interview, Horne said he came across the activities of Davis while researching his book on labor unions in Hawaii, Fighting in Paradise: Labor Unions, Racism and Communists in the Making of Modern Hawaii, 2011.

ALL of it here:
Scholar Speaks on Obama s Red Mentor
Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!

Charming. And just think, you actually eat with that "mouth".

She's an angry black person. Newsflash to the foul mouthed black woman....I don't respect him and if dropped dead today I'd dance an Irish jig. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it
You should not say jig to a Black person/
Bull snatch. An Irish jig is a dance.
It was a joke. And by the way, I live in Ireland, unlike StupidAmericanAss.
Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore is a paragon of idiocy and he's one of your heroes. Figures.

And who's your hero? Bush, Perry, Palin, Rush, I mean pick a nut and Moore will trump you!
Speaking of Trump didn't he just get fired from NBC?
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore is a paragon of idiocy and he's one of your heroes. Figures.

And who's your hero? Bush, Perry, Palin, Rush, I mean pick a nut and Moore will trump you!
Speaking of Trump didn't he just get fired from NBC?
PFFT... he could BUY that worthless leftist propaganda wing... fired? LMFAO... :lol:
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.
They disrespected Bill Clinton 2. And he was twice the president both bushes would ever wish to be
he is twice the President Obama could hope to be too....Clinton had something Bush 2 and Obama dont have....leadership ability....
No he was a triangulator. Basically he gave the Republicans almost everything they wanted. He sold us out. Unfortunately the Clintons are the best thing that we have to nominate. They are much better than any of the Republicans at least
But Republicans have used Obama's blackness to rally the base. The racist base. Same as the southern strategy the GOP used to win the south. The GOP loves using God games guns and racism as wedge issues.

Without them why would any middle class or poor person vote Republican?
i got news for you bobo....the left uses racism and guns also as wedge issues....and as you should know by now,a politician left or right will do and say just about anything to get elected.....
A Democrat is not helping themselves by being anti gun dummy. Americans love their guns.
Hilarious. Republicans hate Obama. We know. Pretty much the rest of the world laughs at and disrespects the ignorant GOP. If you were Obama, would you want respect from ignorant and uneducated racists? I say leave that to Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.
Hey brother Republicans on this site hate your guts. Where'd that as a badge of honor. Take that as a compliment my friend
i dont know about hate bobo...people dont like your "brother" dean because he is a dishonest fuck....and if you agree with his bullshit then you are just as dishonest...
Honestly? I disagree.

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