President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

Exactly. You reap what you sow.

Lets get something clear......I never gave a rats fuck about Bush, never respected the guy and life went on....I will say the same about Obama, the fact that you worthless minions don't respect the guy, trust me, the sun nor the moon, nor I could give a shit!!
They why has that pressure cooker brain of yours had a nuclear meltdown?

They why???? LOLOLOLOLO
Your misguided melt down is so without substance, that all you have in response is a comment on a typo?.....Jeez...What a fucking maroon.
Haters will come and go, but nothing and I mean nothing will ever ever change the fact, Obama was the right man for the right time in our nations history...and the best gift of all......he brought out the racist roaches that have been hiding since the civil rights bill was glad to see these maggots in the light. Now every nigga that craves white meat, will now know, they still hate yo black sell out ass, despite it all!!
Right guy at the right time?
Says WHO?......Please, if you are going to make this a race thing, stow it.....That train has left the station and is not coming back.
Those racist roaches he mentions are Sharpton, Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and Louie "The Lip" Farrakhan.
But Republicans have used Obama's blackness to rally the base. The racist base. Same as the southern strategy the GOP used to win the south. The GOP loves using God games guns and racism as wedge issues.

Without them why would any middle class or poor person vote Republican?

Bravo....The GOP has two things going in its favor, because they never ever run on a message, two things....scaring the hell out of white people and promise them everything and deliver nothing and sadly this sick race of people who support the GOP are always always running to Democrats after these spinless war loving bastards leave office, it never ever fails.
In all fairness to obama, Hitler was the better person and a much better leader.

Of course he was......anybody that can convince a bunch of stupid white motherfuckers to wage war on 3 fronts against the entire world, oh you better believe he's a damned good leader...but here's the deal.....he did such a good job, he killed his self. Now if that isn't leadership, what the fuck is? Dude listen, hate Obama all you want, but hate him because he's black, come on, you'll feel better and so will your Klan members.
If obama were half the man Hitler was, he too would have done the honorable thing.

Hitler was a mad man. He was possessed of an ability to commit unspeakable crimes. Hitler deserves all the hatred heaped on him until the end of time. It's just that obama is worse. obama isn't an evil force because he's black any more than Hitler was evil because he was German.

Is obama going to do the honorable thing? The Japanese would have given him a knife and left him alone in a room. No obama has no honor. He's just evil. He doesn't even deserve to be called a black man. He's not even human.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

Exactly. You reap what you sow.

Lets get something clear......I never gave a rats fuck about Bush, never respected the guy and life went on....I will say the same about Obama, the fact that you worthless minions don't respect the guy, trust me, the sun nor the moon, nor I could give a shit!!
They why has that pressure cooker brain of yours had a nuclear meltdown?

They why???? LOLOLOLOLO
Your misguided melt down is so without substance, that all you have in response is a comment on a typo?.....Jeez...What a fucking maroon.

You and your comments are so insignificant, that was the best I could do, pal...your that non essential here. Get over it.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!
We're not debating anything.
Obama's followers have shown they are willing at any time to show him absolute blind loyalty

Big difference here pal, see you white motherfuckers showed absolute blind loyalty to Hitler and took you bthes to the cliff and left you there....LKOLOLOLOLOL.....Obama took us to the promise land and you can't get over the happiness, admit it.
You comparing Obama to Moses?
In all fairness to obama, Hitler was the better person and a much better leader.

Of course he was......anybody that can convince a bunch of stupid white motherfuckers to wage war on 3 fronts against the entire world, oh you better believe he's a damned good leader...but here's the deal.....he did such a good job, he killed his self. Now if that isn't leadership, what the fuck is? Dude listen, hate Obama all you want, but hate him because he's black, come on, you'll feel better and so will your Klan members.
If obama were half the man Hitler was, he too would have done the honorable thing.

Hitler was a mad man. He was possessed of an ability to commit unspeakable crimes. Hitler deserves all the hatred heaped on him until the end of time. It's just that obama is worse. obama isn't an evil force because he's black any more than Hitler was evil because he was German.

Is obama going to do the honorable thing? The Japanese would have given him a knife and left him alone in a room. No obama has no honor. He's just evil. He doesn't even deserve to be called a black man. He's not even human.

LOLOLOLOL...dude, clearly your mentally challenged and I feel the responsible thing to do at this point is to report you to the nearest mental facility...can you please send me your address..btich you need help.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!
We're not debating anything.
Obama's followers have shown they are willing at any time to show him absolute blind loyalty

Big difference here pal, see you white motherfuckers showed absolute blind loyalty to Hitler and took you bthes to the cliff and left you there....LKOLOLOLOLOL.....Obama took us to the promise land and you can't get over the happiness, admit it.
You comparing Obama to Moses?

And???? You got a problem....go tell somebody that gives a damn
I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Typical bs response, admit it, you people have nothing, you just hate the man because he's black. This bullshit about keep your doctor? Com'on, give me a break......most of the insurance those people had was bad to began with, it just was cheap and that's why people where whining about having to get on a better plan that got you more, but cost a bit more...that is fact and nothing you can say or do can dispute that. As for when he was a senator??? Lets go back to when he was born, you fool
Let us get it straight, Leroy. I don't hate the son of a crack whore. Not his fault his mammy was a porn acting slut. I just don't have any use for a dishonest, lying commie Muslime. Put that in your bong and smoke it.

LOLOLOLO...his white mother that died of cancer, is a what? A crack whore??? Dude, you pretty much described just about every white mop here in the south...But Gordon, how did you know? LOLOLOLOLO
Haters will come and go, but nothing and I mean nothing will ever ever change the fact, Obama was the right man for the right time in our nations history...and the best gift of all......he brought out the racist roaches that have been hiding since the civil rights bill was glad to see these maggots in the light. Now every nigga that craves white meat, will now know, they still hate yo black sell out ass, despite it all!!
Right guy at the right time?
Says WHO?......Please, if you are going to make this a race thing, stow it.....That train has left the station and is not coming back.

Question? What sitting president can you name, who hugged a gotdamn governor, ie the Charlie of Fla. and the next fuckin day, all hell breaks loose and the racist rednecks of Florida oust the fuckin governor? Don't, I repeat don't ever ever tell me this fuckin country don't have issues with this particular black man, because I ain't fuckin buying it and neither are people with fuckin brains, dude~
Nobody cares what you choose to buy.
If you think Charlie Crist was not already long gone as governor of Florida despite his method of greeting Obama, you are indeed a very stupid person...
Oust?....Umm, it's called an 'election".....
Now if you believe white Americans despise Obama based solely on skin color, that is your right. What you do not have a right to is your own reality.
I think it is hilarious that you are spewing chewed nails over this.....I also greet your " I am a victim because I am black" routine to be another reason for me not to need sleeping pills.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
In all fairness to obama, Hitler was the better person and a much better leader.

Of course he was......anybody that can convince a bunch of stupid white motherfuckers to wage war on 3 fronts against the entire world, oh you better believe he's a damned good leader...but here's the deal.....he did such a good job, he killed his self. Now if that isn't leadership, what the fuck is? Dude listen, hate Obama all you want, but hate him because he's black, come on, you'll feel better and so will your Klan members.
If obama were half the man Hitler was, he too would have done the honorable thing.

Hitler was a mad man. He was possessed of an ability to commit unspeakable crimes. Hitler deserves all the hatred heaped on him until the end of time. It's just that obama is worse. obama isn't an evil force because he's black any more than Hitler was evil because he was German.

Is obama going to do the honorable thing? The Japanese would have given him a knife and left him alone in a room. No obama has no honor. He's just evil. He doesn't even deserve to be called a black man. He's not even human.
It isn't Obama who would be arrested if he went overseas. that war criminal is George W Bush. Amazing you don't hold him in as much contempt. Made the biggest military blunder in world history also let us into the greatest bank robbery the world has ever seen the Second Great Recession and you don't like Obama? Bet you didn't like Clinton either
Haters will come and go, but nothing and I mean nothing will ever ever change the fact, Obama was the right man for the right time in our nations history...and the best gift of all......he brought out the racist roaches that have been hiding since the civil rights bill was glad to see these maggots in the light. Now every nigga that craves white meat, will now know, they still hate yo black sell out ass, despite it all!!
Right guy at the right time?
Says WHO?......Please, if you are going to make this a race thing, stow it.....That train has left the station and is not coming back.

Question? What sitting president can you name, who hugged a gotdamn governor, ie the Charlie of Fla. and the next fuckin day, all hell breaks loose and the racist rednecks of Florida oust the fuckin governor? Don't, I repeat don't ever ever tell me this fuckin country don't have issues with this particular black man, because I ain't fuckin buying it and neither are people with fuckin brains, dude~
Nobody cares what you choose to buy.
If you think Charlie Crist was not already long gone as governor of Florida despite his method of greeting Obama, you are indeed a very stupid person...
Oust?....Umm, it's called an 'election".....
Now if you believe white Americans despise Obama based solely on skin color, that is your right. What you do not have a right to is your own reality.
I think it is hilarious that you are spewing chewed nails over this.....I also greet your " I am a victim because I am black" routine to be another reason for me not to need sleeping pills.

Hey, when I see that idiot they replaced him with, ain't no sweat off my tits....them diaper wearing fucks can vote in a roach as far as I care, I'm just telling you the facts, now you can ignore them, like you whores always do or you can adjust, either way, I don't care and get this, this I'm black victim bullshit, again tell that shit to somebody that gives a shit....cause I don't. And as far as getting sleep, neither of us will miss a beat, eh
In all fairness to obama, Hitler was the better person and a much better leader.

Of course he was......anybody that can convince a bunch of stupid white motherfuckers to wage war on 3 fronts against the entire world, oh you better believe he's a damned good leader...but here's the deal.....he did such a good job, he killed his self. Now if that isn't leadership, what the fuck is? Dude listen, hate Obama all you want, but hate him because he's black, come on, you'll feel better and so will your Klan members.
If obama were half the man Hitler was, he too would have done the honorable thing.

Hitler was a mad man. He was possessed of an ability to commit unspeakable crimes. Hitler deserves all the hatred heaped on him until the end of time. It's just that obama is worse. obama isn't an evil force because he's black any more than Hitler was evil because he was German.

Is obama going to do the honorable thing? The Japanese would have given him a knife and left him alone in a room. No obama has no honor. He's just evil. He doesn't even deserve to be called a black man. He's not even human.
It isn't Obama who would be arrested if he went overseas. that war criminal is George W Bush. Amazing you don't hold him in as much contempt. Made the biggest military blunder in world history also let us into the greatest bank robbery the world has ever seen the Second Great Recession and you don't like Obama? Bet you didn't like Clinton either

Another common sense comment.....listen, its a black thang and these racist haters are too stupid to admit it.
Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore is a paragon of idiocy and he's one of your heroes. Figures.
Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore? Please.
Hey puddin'?.....If you are going to quote Michael Moore on here I will have to go outside and laugh because people in my house are asleep.....
Let's get something straight, when I tell you in response that your intention to offend was not only willful but steeped in your own self loathing bigotry toward Caucasians.
Hilarious. Republicans hate Obama. We know. Pretty much the rest of the world laughs at and disrespects the ignorant GOP. If you were Obama, would you want respect from ignorant and uneducated racists? I say leave that to Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.

The rest of the world has such contempt for conservatives here, its almost embarrassing. The day Bush got elected, the Daily Mirror
ran an article on how stupid the american people you tell me, when was the last time any country has called us stupid for electing a gotdamn president?

Then we got our elected official writing a letter to the Iranians and we all know how that turned out.
they laughed that idiot out of town...... and they want to talk about Obama???
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore is a paragon of idiocy and he's one of your heroes. Figures.

And who's your hero? Bush, Perry, Palin, Rush, I mean pick a nut and Moore will trump you!

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