President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

First respect is earned not given and second despite what the far left Huffington Post may think President Obama is not dealing with anything that any President before him has not had to deal with. You need look no farther than the previous President to confirm this.

There is no way in hell any past president has gone through the shit President Obama has gone through, no way. I'm not talking about the country and its issues, I'm talking about the personal attacks this black man has had to endure from the non ending crap you red white pink motherf***** put him through....his first damn day in office, he was attacked miss me on this equal shit, I ain't buying it
Get off the partisan websites go read some history and grow up and start posting like an adult instead of a two year old throwing a tantrum. Every President I repeat every President has had to deal with personal attacks that did not start with Obama and won't end with him.

WTF-ever...if that's what you want to believe, than more power to your blind stupid ass.
Your the one afraid to look beyond partisan hack sites for your information your the classic example of a child who has been caught in a lie knows it and can only respond with name calling. If you ever have anything to respond with other than paint by the numbers talking points get back to me until then stop wasting everyones time.

I just finished cooking dinner, now what the fuck are you talking about?

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

What a cheap-ass reply. Since you couldn't name specifics you took the easy way out. These Fox news type of sweeping, generalized statements you rightists employ only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you can't defend your positions with solid, undisputed facts.
It's apparent you don't read any newspapers or watch the national news but use your TV for Playstation and DWTS.

What the fuck are you talking about dumb ass, do enlighten me, cause I blinked and miss the shit you was talking about
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

What a cheap-ass reply. Since you couldn't name specifics you took the easy way out. These Fox news type of sweeping, generalized statements you rightists employ only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you can't defend your positions with solid, undisputed facts.
It's apparent you don't read any newspapers or watch the national news but use your TV for Playstation and DWTS.

What the fuck are you talking about dumb ass, do enlighten me, cause I blinked and miss the shit you was talking about
I wasn't talking to you, Leroy.
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.

It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP. mean like TPA and the TAA.....that they just passed....moron.....
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Typical bs response, admit it, you people have nothing, you just hate the man because he's black. This bullshit about keep your doctor? Com'on, give me a break......most of the insurance those people had was bad to began with, it just was cheap and that's why people where whining about having to get on a better plan that got you more, but cost a bit more...that is fact and nothing you can say or do can dispute that. As for when he was a senator??? Lets go back to when he was born, you fool
Let us get it straight, Leroy. I don't hate the son of a crack whore. Not his fault his mammy was a porn acting slut. I just don't have any use for a dishonest, lying commie Muslime. Put that in your bong and smoke it.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.

It wasn't a lie saying you can keep your doctor..... read on...
It’s true that insurance companies discontinued health plans that had covered millions of people who had bought them directly rather than through an employer. That’s because those
plans didn’t meet the coverage standards of the new law.

But those policyholders didn’t lose the ability to have insurance. In most cases, insurers offered them an alternative plan, though there were some instances of companies exiting the individual market altogether.

In the end, all those people got BETTER insurance...that is fact.

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.

no bitch, now you get the fuckin stupid ass comment?
I have yet for you morons to come to me with some real raw shit....but this is typical of children who throw tantrums and never quite no why? Wouldn't expect anything less from a mindless fucked up conservative!! Cause you motherfuckers are simply too stupid for words and to racist to deal with...admit it, you hate the man because he's black own it!!
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
hey Ric-O lots of lefties around here make those sweeping statements too....
I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.
I have yet for you morons to come to me with some real raw shit....but this is typical of children who throw tantrums and never quite no why? Wouldn't expect anything less from a mindless fucked up conservative!! Cause you motherfuckers are simply too stupid for words and to racist to deal with...admit it, you hate the man because he's black own it!!
hey Tony tiger?....can one disagree with this guy without it being racist?.. or because he is black everyone should just shut up and let him do whatever the hell he wants?...
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.
hey Ric-O?.....see post no 172.....
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
hey Ric-O lots of lefties around here make those sweeping statements too....

Try this one on, its one I use a lot, as do other liberals: America's right wingers are dumbfucks.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
hey Ric-O lots of lefties around here make those sweeping statements too....

Try this one on, its one I use a lot, as do other liberals: America's right wingers are dumbfucks.
yea they are so are many left wingers....yea i know i was shocked answer post 172....
First respect is earned not given and second despite what the far left Huffington Post may think President Obama is not dealing with anything that any President before him has not had to deal with. You need look no farther than the previous President to confirm this.

There is no way in hell any past president has gone through the shit President Obama has gone through, no way. I'm not talking about the country and its issues, I'm talking about the personal attacks this black man has had to endure from the non ending crap you red white pink motherf***** put him through....his first damn day in office, he was attacked miss me on this equal shit, I ain't buying it
Get off the partisan websites go read some history and grow up and start posting like an adult instead of a two year old throwing a tantrum. Every President I repeat every President has had to deal with personal attacks that did not start with Obama and won't end with him.

WTF-ever...if that's what you want to believe, than more power to your blind stupid ass.
Your the one afraid to look beyond partisan hack sites for your information your the classic example of a child who has been caught in a lie knows it and can only respond with name calling. If you ever have anything to respond with other than paint by the numbers talking points get back to me until then stop wasting everyones time.

I just finished cooking dinner, now what the fuck are you talking about?
Your asking me what the topic of the thread you started and have been posting about with me and others is about? What has been talked about is you thinking that Obama is being treated different than any other President based on the opinion of a far left partisan website when actual history proves every President from Washington to Obama has been subject to personal attacks.
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.
They disrespected Bill Clinton 2. And he was twice the president both bushes would ever wish to be
I have yet for you morons to come to me with some real raw shit....but this is typical of children who throw tantrums and never quite no why? Wouldn't expect anything less from a mindless fucked up conservative!! Cause you motherfuckers are simply too stupid for words and to racist to deal with...admit it, you hate the man because he's black own it!!

Harry is right. They went after Clinton just as bad. Fact is Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be on Mount Rushmore compared to the bush boys. And the Republicans have the balls to run a third Bush? And the sad thing is he's the best of the bunch
Hilarious. Republicans hate Obama. We know. Pretty much the rest of the world laughs at and disrespects the ignorant GOP. If you were Obama, would you want respect from ignorant and uneducated racists? I say leave that to Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.

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