President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

Oh....and were you in a coma during George Bush's term in office, when they wrote books, and made a movie about killing him......not to mention all the hate.........

He hasn't done good...he has done so much bad we may never recover....our economy is a mess, he has set the middle east on fire with his dereliction of duty, and he is allowing aggressive actions by Russia and China to go unchecked...he has been a disaster......

For the last fuckin time you idiot, BUSH DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SCRUTINY HE RECIEVED AND MORE.....REPEAT THAT AT LEAST A ZILLION TIMES. As we speak you fool, we have 3 fuckin wars going,....3, not to mention the war here at home battling you red fucks and the muslim here.....who in the hell are we gonna send to fight Iran, Russia and who the hell else you want to fight???? YOU? THE fools here....who the hell is Obama gonna send? You btches always want to buck up to the bad guys, but none of you fucks are willing to fight the battles, its always up to the other guy. So far, we've lost almost 40,000 soldiers and guess what you moron......nothing has changed, nothing!!! You want to fight the Russians, no one is stopping you, John Fuckin Wayne wanna be

See....bitch.....the problem is you asked and we actually answered and you weren't prepared for the have been listening to lefty propaganda from the racist democrat media.....and when the other side responds...politely and with actual shatters your fuck you......start being respectful and polite and we won't treat you like a moron......[/QUO

Ewwwwww, I like being called a we can get down and dirty...finally.......what fuckin truths have you said here? Your facts, your truths and because I bucked your bullshit, I'm now a bitch???? Love it. But here's the facts, you won't comment on whats happening in this country, because you know the economy is good, the country despite all the unheaval over nigga's, gays and the flag, people in this country are generally satisfied with the county. Conservatives can't even come up with a message to run on, because whining about Muslims and Russia is gonna get you now where and you know this. So fuck you and congrats on turning this discussion raunchy, I love it.
Conservatives can't even come up with a message to run on, because whining about Muslims and Russia is gonna get you now where and you know this.
They do have a message but you can't hear it while pounding on your high chair and drooling on your baby hate bib.
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.
Most disrespected president? WTF? Someone was in a coma during the Bush years and probably too young for Reagan.

a good leader?....he and Bush are 2 of the worst leaders this Country has ever had....they have a problem communicating with anyone who doesnt see things like they do....

Who the hell is he gonna listen too? YOU? The day the man took office, you conservative bastards made his life a living hell, so why would he want to listen to mf's that hate his guts? Bush on the other hand, please...the man is a clown..end of f** story
im a conservative basTURD now....i wish you labelers would make up your mind....last week i was a "libturd" because some asshole just like you on the right did not like what i said....ill give you a pass right now Tony the Tiger because you dont know anyone here,you just think you do....first off i dont hate Obama,i just think he is not a very good leader,if you cant handle that,tough shit....i have about as much respect for him that i had for your buddy Bush....both sub-standard Presidents....and the jerks all throwing their names in on both sides will no doubt be just as bad....
i cant hear you tony....wanna repeat that....

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
i dont think he is the worst ever....just not a very good leader.....he is the greatest if you agree with every dam thing he does or says...if you dont kiss his ass you are a racist according to many supporters here....
Well personally I dont consider myself a white hater as you indicated.

Dude, as we speak, my white neighbor is outside mowing my lawn for 20 bucks like he does every other week....I don't hate white people, I hate ignorant racist conservative whites. And white btches that whine about ni*** after they've slept with half of em....understand?

Nigga please.....

Lice lickin roach, get the fu** out of here

Lice lickin roach, get the fu** out of here

What did you say? I couldn't tell with your neck fat flappin'.


Is that your sista from anotha mista?
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

The Russian reset. What a schmuck. Hillary too. Morons.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

What a cheap-ass reply. Since you couldn't name specifics you took the easy way out. These Fox news type of sweeping, generalized statements you rightists employ only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you can't defend your positions with solid, undisputed facts.
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.

Let me tell you what a racist won't ever do, face a mirror.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

What a cheap-ass reply. Since you couldn't name specifics you took the easy way out. These Fox news type of sweeping, generalized statements you rightists employ only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you can't defend your positions with solid, undisputed facts.
It's apparent you don't read any newspapers or watch the national news but use your TV for Playstation and DWTS.
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Typical bs response, admit it, you people have nothing, you just hate the man because he's black. This bullshit about keep your doctor? Com'on, give me a break......most of the insurance those people had was bad to began with, it just was cheap and that's why people where whining about having to get on a better plan that got you more, but cost a bit more...that is fact and nothing you can say or do can dispute that. As for when he was a senator??? Lets go back to when he was born, you fool
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.
B.S. The guy besmirches the office he holds. People respect the office of the Commander In Chief but not the current CIC. He's a lying, two faced cretin.

Explain how President Obama "besmirches" the office, just saying he lies is too broad and not specific at all. That's how you right wingers do shit though. You make sweeping statements like that without having shit to back those statements up with. So give us some examples of what you mean, and you'd better have plenty of them since you used the word 'besmirches.' Lmao -
Just start with Sen. Obama campaigning that he was against SSM and go from there. Try... If you like your doctor--period...if you like your insurance-- period.......the stimulus.......Solyndra...........and on and on and on

Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

Every thing he does makes things worse.

What a cheap-ass reply. Since you couldn't name specifics you took the easy way out. These Fox news type of sweeping, generalized statements you rightists employ only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you can't defend your positions with solid, undisputed facts.
It's apparent you don't read any newspapers or watch the national news but use your TV for Playstation and DWTS.

Is that it???? Lmao -
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!

I would never expect a rightist to admit that racism is THE reason for so much presidential disrespect, but it is - I know it and you know it.

Let me tell you what a racist won't ever do, face a mirror.
Captain Knowledge, you are full of beans. :poop:
You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

We can't stand the man's policies so that makes us "racists"....don't you munts realize how tired everybody is of that garbage?

Okay, so you don't like the guys policies, than please explain to me, 2 weeks into his presidency, no policies to speak of......He was called a liar on the house floor by some ignorant redneck, Rush hoped the guy fails, Mitch called him a one term president, he was the cover of some magazine with a bone in his nose, along with his wife, he wanted to address kids returning back to school after the holidays and white bitches wanted to pull their kids from school, I mean, the hate is endless and guess what???? Not one gotdamned policy was in place, not miss me on this your not a racist bullshit as a matter of fact sell that bullshit to the south, they eat and breath it.

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