President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

Oh....and were you in a coma during George Bush's term in office, when they wrote books, and made a movie about killing him......not to mention all the hate.........

He hasn't done good...he has done so much bad we may never recover....our economy is a mess, he has set the middle east on fire with his dereliction of duty, and he is allowing aggressive actions by Russia and China to go unchecked...he has been a disaster......

For the last fuckin time you idiot, BUSH DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SCRUTINY HE RECIEVED AND MORE.....REPEAT THAT AT LEAST A ZILLION TIMES. As we speak you fool, we have 3 fuckin wars going,....3, not to mention the war here at home battling you red fucks and the muslim here.....who in the hell are we gonna send to fight Iran, Russia and who the hell else you want to fight???? YOU? THE fools here....who the hell is Obama gonna send? You btches always want to buck up to the bad guys, but none of you fucks are willing to fight the battles, its always up to the other guy. So far, we've lost almost 40,000 soldiers and guess what you moron......nothing has changed, nothing!!! You want to fight the Russians, no one is stopping you, John Fuckin Wayne wanna be

See....bitch.....the problem is you asked and we actually answered and you weren't prepared for the have been listening to lefty propaganda from the racist democrat media.....and when the other side responds...politely and with actual shatters your fuck you......start being respectful and polite and we won't treat you like a moron......
You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

We can't stand the man's policies so that makes us "racists"....don't you munts realize how tired everybody is of that garbage?

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush. obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices. Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar.

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties. He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies. He's quick to blame cops. He's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.

He fucked up Iraq BAD. There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies. The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.

What HASN'T he fucked up?
Iceweasel you're gonna get cussed out good for exposing th truth.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush.Get the fuck out of here, Bush inherited a damned surplus and a booming economy on the brink of busting.... obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work It did work, just ask Greece!!and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? If its so bad, try taking it away from the people that have it!! Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices.Dude, blame the greed of the insurance industry, blame the over cost hospitals, Dr's that spend 2 seconds with you and charge you an arm an leg, but certainly not Obama...Please Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar. Try having no insurance and see how much it costs you

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties.A don't do shit congress, I'd say he's right. He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies.Yeah, blame Obama for all the pink haters that came out the closet, yeah He's quick to blame cops. And rightly so, cause them motherfuckers kill unarmed black people, next stupid assumptionHe's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.Yeah, so when the planet burns up, make sure you got your fire proof panties on, fool

He fucked up Iraq BAD.By pulling out soldiers, that was a Bush mandate, get your facts straight liar. There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies.And of course we should give a fuck about Israel, next? The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.If half the country isn't gay than why worry about the shit?

What HASN'T he fucked up? Uh, from where I stand, nothing!!

obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush.Get the fuck out of here, Bush inherited a damned surplus and a booming economy on the brink of busting.... obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work It did work, just ask Greece!!and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? If its so bad, try taking it away from the people that have it!! Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices.Dude, blame the greed of the insurance industry, blame the over cost hospitals, Dr's that spend 2 seconds with you and charge you an arm an leg, but certainly not Obama...Please Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar. Try having no insurance and see how much it costs you

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties.A don't do shit congress, I'd say he's right. He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies.Yeah, blame Obama for all the pink haters that came out the closet, yeah He's quick to blame cops. And rightly so, cause them motherfuckers kill unarmed black people, next stupid assumptionHe's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.Yeah, so when the planet burns up, make sure you got your fire proof panties on, fool

He fucked up Iraq BAD.By pulling out soldiers, that was a Bush mandate, get your facts straight liar. There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies.And of course we should give a fuck about Israel, next? The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.If half the country isn't gay than why worry about the shit?

What HASN'T he fucked up? Uh, from where I stand, nothing!![/QUOTE]
Dumb ass....

Can you explain to us conservatives why obama is pretending to negotiate with Iran over the nuke deal....we know he wants them to have nukes and he will cave on anything he has to to get the sanctions lifted and to let them have the why does he pretend....he isn't facing reelection....

Report U.S. Gives In On Iran Inspections Updated Power Line

Israeli news sources report that the U.S. and its negotiating partners have given in to Iran’s insistence that it will not allow inspections of its nuclear weapons facilities:

The P5+1 countries led by the United States under Barack Obama have caved in to Iranian demands and will not insist on inspections of nuclear installations as part of a deal on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Channel 1 reported Sunday.

Of course they have. Iran has consistently declared that it will not allow inspections, and Barack Obama wants a deal at any cost, either because he actually wants to help Iran to obtain nuclear weapons–circumstantial evidence supports that conclusion–or because he is so desperate for some kind of foreign affairs legacy that he is willing to go along with anything. From the beginning of this process, Iran’s government has issued more truthful updates on the status of the negotiations than has our own. In some parallel universe, this would be an embarrassment to an American administration.
As you are obviously someone who was forced to attend a government school controlled by the racist, education wing of the democrat party, you never learned the truth about our country or the reality of the isn't your fault...12 years of democrat, racist education will do that to you.

You have a choice now though.....go read some books.....even with the poor education from the education wing of the democrat party you should be able to almost get through a whole book....try "The Law" By Friedrich Bastiat....or anything by Thomas Sowell, or Hayek....or just read the articles in National Review.......that would be a big help.....
First respect is earned not given and second despite what the far left Huffington Post may think President Obama is not dealing with anything that any President before him has not had to deal with. You need look no farther than the previous President to confirm this.

There is no way in hell any past president has gone through the shit President Obama has gone through, no way. I'm not talking about the country and its issues, I'm talking about the personal attacks this black man has had to endure from the non ending crap you red white pink motherf***** put him through....his first damn day in office, he was attacked miss me on this equal shit, I ain't buying it
Get off the partisan websites go read some history and grow up and start posting like an adult instead of a two year old throwing a tantrum. Every President I repeat every President has had to deal with personal attacks that did not start with Obama and won't end with him.

WTF-ever...if that's what you want to believe, than more power to your blind stupid ass.
Your the one afraid to look beyond partisan hack sites for your information your the classic example of a child who has been caught in a lie knows it and can only respond with name calling. If you ever have anything to respond with other than paint by the numbers talking points get back to me until then stop wasting everyones time.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush.Get the fuck out of here, Bush inherited a damned surplus and a booming economy on the brink of busting....
Bush inherited Katrina, a little thing called 9/11, the housing bust that drug everything down, the bank bust, the Democrats taking over congress and spending like drunks, plus the wars that the Dems voted for too, etc.

obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work It did work, just ask Greece!!Is that a joke? They're broke.

and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? If its so bad, try taking it away from the people that have it!! How do we get it back from the union thugs? I'm sure they spent it.

Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices.Dude, blame the greed of the insurance industry, blame the over cost hospitals, Dr's that spend 2 seconds with you and charge you an arm an leg, but certainly not Obama...Please The insurance companies wrote the fucking LAW! They are in bed with big government. They are getting richer. Your boy is a fascist.

Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar. Try having no insurance and see how much it costs youNothing if you have nothing to take. But that shouldn't be government's decision.

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties.A don't do shit congress, I'd say he's right. They are the only reason we have some modest success, they put the brakes on a few things they could, like the sequester.

He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies.Yeah, blame Obama for all the pink haters that came out the closet, yeah Like the small minded president, disagreement is hate.

He's quick to blame cops. And rightly so, cause them motherfuckers kill unarmed black people, next stupid assumption By being stupid and wrestling with the cops, that always has the potential for trouble. Blame the idiots that resist, black, white and other.

He's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.Yeah, so when the planet burns up, make sure you got your fire proof panties on, fool Yeah, the Earth will be destroyed if obie can't get his way.

He fucked up Iraq BAD.By pulling out soldiers, that was a Bush mandate, get your facts straight liar. Because Iraq wanted it and the American population. But the situation changed and the generals warned obie not to go through with it. You see, they ramped up when they knew we were going to leave.

There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies.And of course we should give a fuck about Israel, next? Israel? Yes, they are our ally. People care about their allies. Traitors abandon them. Next.

The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.If half the country isn't gay than why worry about the shit? Are you on drugs?

What HASN'T he fucked up? Uh, from where I stand, nothing!! You don't stand for anything.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!
obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush.Get the fuck out of here, Bush inherited a damned surplus and a booming economy on the brink of busting.... obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work It did work, just ask Greece!!and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? If its so bad, try taking it away from the people that have it!! Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices.Dude, blame the greed of the insurance industry, blame the over cost hospitals, Dr's that spend 2 seconds with you and charge you an arm an leg, but certainly not Obama...Please Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar. Try having no insurance and see how much it costs you

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties.A don't do shit congress, I'd say he's right. He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies.Yeah, blame Obama for all the pink haters that came out the closet, yeah He's quick to blame cops. And rightly so, cause them motherfuckers kill unarmed black people, next stupid assumptionHe's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.Yeah, so when the planet burns up, make sure you got your fire proof panties on, fool

He fucked up Iraq BAD.By pulling out soldiers, that was a Bush mandate, get your facts straight liar. There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies.And of course we should give a fuck about Israel, next? The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.If half the country isn't gay than why worry about the shit?

What HASN'T he fucked up? Uh, from where I stand, nothing!!

obama has somehow managed to make Jimmy Carter look competent. obama did inherit a mess but so did Bush.Get the fuck out of here, Bush inherited a damned surplus and a booming economy on the brink of busting.... obama has managed to keep the economy in a lackluster mode, which is saying something. We should be roaring along by now.

His stimulus didn't work It did work, just ask Greece!!and was really designed to pay back the unions that helped him get elected. obamaCare? If its so bad, try taking it away from the people that have it!! Please. Most people are paying more with MUCH higher deductables and fewer choices.Dude, blame the greed of the insurance industry, blame the over cost hospitals, Dr's that spend 2 seconds with you and charge you an arm an leg, but certainly not Obama...Please Calling it the affordable care act proves how clueless he is. Or liar. Try having no insurance and see how much it costs you

He blames everything wrong on Republicans, which is typical of lefties.A don't do shit congress, I'd say he's right. He inflames racial tensions by playing along with the victim lies.Yeah, blame Obama for all the pink haters that came out the closet, yeah He's quick to blame cops. And rightly so, cause them motherfuckers kill unarmed black people, next stupid assumptionHe's been pushing hard to pass more climate change bullshit so the government can have even more control over us.Yeah, so when the planet burns up, make sure you got your fire proof panties on, fool

He fucked up Iraq BAD.By pulling out soldiers, that was a Bush mandate, get your facts straight liar. There was hardly any news about it for the longest time. I had to do net searches to see if it still existed as a country. He's emboldened our enemies and pissed off our allies.And of course we should give a fuck about Israel, next? The moron colors the White House with rainbow colors to rub it in the face of half the country that opposes homosexual marriage.If half the country isn't gay than why worry about the shit?

What HASN'T he fucked up? Uh, from where I stand, nothing!!

Wow. The Red Font is such a persuasive rhetorical device!

Dumb ass....

Can you explain to us conservatives why obama is pretending to negotiate with Iran over the nuke deal....we know he wants them to have nukes and he will cave on anything he has to to get the sanctions lifted and to let them have the why does he pretend....he isn't facing reelection....

Report U.S. Gives In On Iran Inspections Updated Power Line

Israeli news sources report that the U.S. and its negotiating partners have given in to Iran’s insistence that it will not allow inspections of its nuclear weapons facilities:

The P5+1 countries led by the United States under Barack Obama have caved in to Iranian demands and will not insist on inspections of nuclear installations as part of a deal on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Channel 1 reported Sunday.

Of course they have. Iran has consistently declared that it will not allow inspections, and Barack Obama wants a deal at any cost, either because he actually wants to help Iran to obtain nuclear weapons–circumstantial evidence supports that conclusion–or because he is so desperate for some kind of foreign affairs legacy that he is willing to go along with anything. From the beginning of this process, Iran’s government has issued more truthful updates on the status of the negotiations than has our own. In some parallel universe, this would be an embarrassment to an American administration.

Listen, only you die hard war mongering idiots are focusing on Iran and all the other shit that's going on OVER THERE. You people remind me of the wasted decades and money this country spent worrying about the big bad Soviet Union. The entire planet is in an upheaval, the US can not police the entire world..what about this can't you fools get through your damned heads???????????
First respect is earned not given and second despite what the far left Huffington Post may think President Obama is not dealing with anything that any President before him has not had to deal with. You need look no farther than the previous President to confirm this.

There is no way in hell any past president has gone through the shit President Obama has gone through, no way. I'm not talking about the country and its issues, I'm talking about the personal attacks this black man has had to endure from the non ending crap you red white pink motherf***** put him through....his first damn day in office, he was attacked miss me on this equal shit, I ain't buying it
Get off the partisan websites go read some history and grow up and start posting like an adult instead of a two year old throwing a tantrum. Every President I repeat every President has had to deal with personal attacks that did not start with Obama and won't end with him.

WTF-ever...if that's what you want to believe, than more power to your blind stupid ass.
Your the one afraid to look beyond partisan hack sites for your information your the classic example of a child who has been caught in a lie knows it and can only respond with name calling. If you ever have anything to respond with other than paint by the numbers talking points get back to me until then stop wasting everyones time.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you get your head out the sand...your too dumb to deal with
First respect is earned not given and second despite what the far left Huffington Post may think President Obama is not dealing with anything that any President before him has not had to deal with. You need look no farther than the previous President to confirm this.

There is no way in hell any past president has gone through the shit President Obama has gone through, no way. I'm not talking about the country and its issues, I'm talking about the personal attacks this black man has had to endure from the non ending crap you red white pink motherf***** put him through....his first damn day in office, he was attacked miss me on this equal shit, I ain't buying it
Get off the partisan websites go read some history and grow up and start posting like an adult instead of a two year old throwing a tantrum. Every President I repeat every President has had to deal with personal attacks that did not start with Obama and won't end with him.

WTF-ever...if that's what you want to believe, than more power to your blind stupid ass.
Your the one afraid to look beyond partisan hack sites for your information your the classic example of a child who has been caught in a lie knows it and can only respond with name calling. If you ever have anything to respond with other than paint by the numbers talking points get back to me until then stop wasting everyones time.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you get your head out the sand...your too dumb to deal with
I've stated facts that you have failed to refute which is what those who can't always do.
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.

It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
Dumb ass....

Can you explain to us conservatives why obama is pretending to negotiate with Iran over the nuke deal....we know he wants them to have nukes and he will cave on anything he has to to get the sanctions lifted and to let them have the why does he pretend....he isn't facing reelection....

Report U.S. Gives In On Iran Inspections Updated Power Line

Israeli news sources report that the U.S. and its negotiating partners have given in to Iran’s insistence that it will not allow inspections of its nuclear weapons facilities:

The P5+1 countries led by the United States under Barack Obama have caved in to Iranian demands and will not insist on inspections of nuclear installations as part of a deal on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Channel 1 reported Sunday.

Of course they have. Iran has consistently declared that it will not allow inspections, and Barack Obama wants a deal at any cost, either because he actually wants to help Iran to obtain nuclear weapons–circumstantial evidence supports that conclusion–or because he is so desperate for some kind of foreign affairs legacy that he is willing to go along with anything. From the beginning of this process, Iran’s government has issued more truthful updates on the status of the negotiations than has our own. In some parallel universe, this would be an embarrassment to an American administration.

Listen, only you die hard war mongering idiots are focusing on Iran and all the other shit that's going on OVER THERE. You people remind me of the wasted decades and money this country spent worrying about the big bad Soviet Union. The entire planet is in an upheaval, the US can not police the entire world..what about this can't you fools get through your damned heads???????????

That's a lot of words to yell "Squirrel" to triggerwarn your Prog Comrades.
It's all due to the inherent racism that has torn our country apart. It started with the birthers and truly gained a full head of steam when Rep. Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar in the middle of a joint session speech about the ACA. No matter what position President Obama took on an issue the rightists would oppose him, irregardless of the good it would do for our country. When incandescent light bulbs were replaced the right went into an uproar over them - even though it was Bush43 who presided over that transformation. When President Obama invited Common to the White House the right wing media led a misinformation campaign saying that Common shouldn't be allowed to set foot inside the people's house. When President Obama took a stance on net neutrality he met stern opposition to it, even though his position was the right one. It's not that the Republicans have disrespected President Obama, they also disrespected the office itself. History books won't be kind to Republicans in the future, they'll show how racism guided them into compromising their integrity and dignity and how the people suffered as they were sacrificed by the children of the GOP.
You have quite the broad brush there, Skippy. A few radical moments don't paint the party any more than the millions of leftists' stupidity does.

I don't agree with net neutrality, your opinions don't make facts. And the fact that your head was stuffed up your ass during the Bush years and claim the office is disrespected would be funny if a toddler said it. You are clueless about dignity or integrity. No sale!
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

Oh....and were you in a coma during George Bush's term in office, when they wrote books, and made a movie about killing him......not to mention all the hate.........

He hasn't done good...he has done so much bad we may never recover....our economy is a mess, he has set the middle east on fire with his dereliction of duty, and he is allowing aggressive actions by Russia and China to go unchecked...he has been a disaster......

For the last fuckin time you idiot, BUSH DESERVED EVERY BIT OF SCRUTINY HE RECIEVED AND MORE.....REPEAT THAT AT LEAST A ZILLION TIMES. As we speak you fool, we have 3 fuckin wars going,....3, not to mention the war here at home battling you red fucks and the muslim here.....who in the hell are we gonna send to fight Iran, Russia and who the hell else you want to fight???? YOU? THE fools here....who the hell is Obama gonna send? You btches always want to buck up to the bad guys, but none of you fucks are willing to fight the battles, its always up to the other guy. So far, we've lost almost 40,000 soldiers and guess what you moron......nothing has changed, nothing!!! You want to fight the Russians, no one is stopping you, John Fuckin Wayne wanna be

See....bitch.....the problem is you asked and we actually answered and you weren't prepared for the have been listening to lefty propaganda from the racist democrat media.....and when the other side responds...politely and with actual shatters your fuck you......start being respectful and polite and we won't treat you like a moron......[/QUO

Ewwwwww, I like being called a we can get down and dirty...finally.......what fuckin truths have you said here? Your facts, your truths and because I bucked your bullshit, I'm now a bitch???? Love it. But here's the facts, you won't comment on whats happening in this country, because you know the economy is good, the country despite all the unheaval over nigga's, gays and the flag, people in this country are generally satisfied with the county. Conservatives can't even come up with a message to run on, because whining about Muslims and Russia is gonna get you now where and you know this. So fuck you and congrats on turning this discussion raunchy, I love it.

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