President Obama


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Bergdahl is the last straw. The camel has been beaten, raped, and now is finally DEAD! :evil:

There's no damage control for this. What in the f-ing world was he thinking???

I mean CHRIST!!! Bush was just about the EASIEST act any new President could EVER hope to follow... and yet every freakin week Obama is behind some new unbelievable FUCK UP that, at this point, I have to believe is just the usual business of rampant incompetence in this administration!

Obama, while not the worst President I've known, has been well below average and has failed on the majority of the promises he made.

Get your Goddamn shit together Obama. Don't make us suffer through 3 1/2 more years of bullshit.
President Obama must be doing everything right to have wingnuts losing their shit the way they do, every single day! :lol:
obama has done everything right according to the left. Down to the detail of exposing the CA station chief in Kahului just prior to releasing the obama five.
If this admin were a tv show...most would say it had jumped the shark. It's like the twilight zone that so much could go so wrong.
I expect to see Obama Derangement Syndrome from the far right but were starting to see it from the left as well I wonder if hell has also frozen over?
President Obama must be doing everything right to have wingnuts losing their shit the way they do, every single day! :lol:

It's not just wingnuts (your word not mine) are not the only ones upset

"Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap
Jun. 04, 2014
The firestorm surrounding the Obama administration's decisions to allow five high level Taliban members to go free in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl without the consent of Congress continues to rage on Capitol Hill. As the details of what many see as a bad deal continue to emerge, with many of Bergdahl's fellow soldiers expressing anger and outrage over him being welcomed home as a deserter, many lawmakers are questioning the legality of the swap."

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap - Katie Pavlich

Even Obama's beloved Chris Matthews was raging at Obama.
President Obama must be doing everything right to have wingnuts losing their shit the way they do, every single day! :lol:

It's not just wingnuts (your word not mine) are not the only ones upset

"Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap
Jun. 04, 2014
The firestorm surrounding the Obama administration's decisions to allow five high level Taliban members to go free in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl without the consent of Congress continues to rage on Capitol Hill. As the details of what many see as a bad deal continue to emerge, with many of Bergdahl's fellow soldiers expressing anger and outrage over him being welcomed home as a deserter, many lawmakers are questioning the legality of the swap."

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap - Katie Pavlich

Even Obama's beloved Chris Matthews was raging at Obama.

Feinstein's wingnut status is not diminished by her being right on one issue. Like a stopped clock she's entitled to TWO per day. She remains a LEFT-wingnut.
Partisan politics aside, Obama is a major fuck up. It's really sad to see a U.S. President this bad.
I expect to see Obama Derangement Syndrome from the far right but were starting to see it from the left as well I wonder if hell has also frozen over?

It was about the same time in W's term that many on the right became openly disillusioned with him. I honestly did not expect to see that from the libs regarding Obama, no matter what evidence was laid before's sort of refreshing to see that there are still some who are capable of saying that things aren't so great. I doubt most of them will want to step up and confess, regardless of their private admissions, because it is a very bitter pill to swallow.
President Obama must be doing everything right to have wingnuts losing their shit the way they do, every single day! :lol:

It's not just wingnuts (your word not mine) are not the only ones upset

"Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap
Jun. 04, 2014
The firestorm surrounding the Obama administration's decisions to allow five high level Taliban members to go free in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl without the consent of Congress continues to rage on Capitol Hill. As the details of what many see as a bad deal continue to emerge, with many of Bergdahl's fellow soldiers expressing anger and outrage over him being welcomed home as a deserter, many lawmakers are questioning the legality of the swap."

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap - Katie Pavlich

Even Obama's beloved Chris Matthews was raging at Obama.

Obama is not required to follow that under his powers as Commander in Chief.

Bush started that precedent, and his legal team is totally behind Obama on this.

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