President Obama's Attempt To 'Fundamentally Change' US May Have Included A Plot Against Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During surveillance of legitimate intelligence collection targets, The U.S. Intelligence 'community' encountered the names of President Trump's transition officials...ILLEGALLY 'unmasked' their identities...and ILLEGALLY spread their names around...which resulted in what they wanted to happen - the names were leaked.
-- 'Strategically Leaking' information, we would discover later from former FBI Agency Strzok's text messages to his adulterous lover, was a coordinated part of the FBI's counter-intelligence operation the FBI would open on the President. The leaking of information continued throughout 4 investigations, to include the Mueller investigation. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was investigated and recommended for indictment by the US IG for leaking information.

As of 2017, former NSA Director Clapper and former CIA Director Mike Morrell stated there was no evidence to support the claim that President Trump had illegally colluded with the Russians. Senator Chris Coons was forced to admit this assertion by Clapper and Morrell that he in fact had NO hard evidence of collusion as he had claimed.

The New York Times reported that in the last days of the Obama administration spread information about how the Russians attempted to undermine the 2016 election and about possible contacts between Trump officials and the Russians / Russian government.

“At intelligence agencies, there was a push to process as much raw intelligence as possible into analyses, and to keep the reports at a relatively low classification level to ensure as wide a readership as possible across the government — and, in some cases, among European allies.”

"For what benign purpose would U.S. intelligence agents spread secrets damaging to their own president—to foreign regimes? Is this not disloyalty? Is this not sedition?"
--- An Obama Plot Against Trump?

On January 12, the NY Timesreported that Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed rules that let the National Security Agency disseminate ‘raw signals intelligence information’ to 16 other intelligence agencies. Astounding. the Obamaites seeded the U.S. and allied intel communities with IEDs to be detonated on Trump’s arrival. This is the scandal, not Trump telling Vlad to go find Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails."

The entire Obama administration's actions / handling of the Trump investigations - start to finish - are like an 'Onion' - many ;layers that can be pulled back and exposed.

The MIS-handling of incidental information / collection of US citizen identities - illegally unmasked and leaked - is one issue that could be investigated all by itself. Rice, Powers, and Lynch could face extremely tough questions if subpoenaed. At 'best' their actions that unmasked US citizens was an egregious error.
--- As US AG Barr has stated his investigations, for now, will be extremely limited, they will be spared further scrutiny.

US AG Barr is, however, investigating the origins of the initial illegal FBI's Russia Investigation. As stated, Clapper and Murrell declared in 2017 that they saw NO EVIDENCE to support the claim that President Trump or any of his associates or family had illegally colluded with Russia....

Former FBI Agent Page testified that the FBI had conducted its own investigation into Russian collusion prior to an official investigation being opened with Robert Mueller being appointed Special Counsel and that the FBI had found NO EVIDENCE of illegal collusion. So Page testified there was no justification for - no evidence of a crime to support the opening of an investigation and certainly none to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel.

If the FBI knew BEFORE 2017 and Clapper and Morrell knew / declared they saw nothing to support the 'Russian Collusion' narrative in 2017.... WHEN DID MUELLER KNOW? And WHY did it take him all the way to 2019 to render his decision that “the Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election.”
-- Does AG Barr’s summary of the Mueller report "exonerate" Trump? We asked 15 legal experts.

If the FBI failed to come up with anything and Clapper and Morrell knew by 2017, when did Mueller know....and if he learned early on, why did he continue his investigation if he had come to the same conclusion?
-- Maybe Mueller does need to testify....

Then there are the FISA Court abuses, perjury before Congress.....

An Obama Plot Against Trump?

Does AG Barr’s summary of the Mueller report "exonerate" Trump? We asked 15 legal experts.
The meat puppet faggot itself was a plot against the Republic. He was a tool of the collectivist global elite to undermine our nation as founded, marginalize our sovereignty by making us a vassal to the UN, weaken our ability to defend ourselves, (and there is video evidence that has been posted here and is available to the world proving he conspired with russia to do so), stagnate our economy and expand poverty, and destabilize the middle east and north africa. Turning our DOJ into something resembling a banana republic's and putting leftist thugs in key positions was just part of it.

I hope like hell Trump can purge DC of these sociopaths.


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