President Obama's Perfect Plan For The Economic Decline Of America


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
President Obama's Perfect Plan For The Economic Decline Of America - Forbes
Last week on June 14, President Obama announced his economic plan to finally bring economic recovery and growth to the U.S. in a much ballyhooed address in Cleveland.
So let’s examine the two fundamentally different visions and see which can produce strong sustained growth, pay down our long term debt, and generate good, middle class jobs.
Under President Obama’s plan, on January 1 of next year the top tax rates of virtually every major federal tax will increase, as already enacted under current law. That is because the tax increases of Obamacare would go into effect, and the Bush tax cuts would expire, which Obama refuses to renew for singles making over $200,000 a year, and couples making over $250,000. The English translation of that target for the tax increases is the nation’s small businesses, job creators and investors.

As a result, with the Bush tax cuts just expiring for these targeted taxpayers, the top 2 income tax rates would jump by nearly 20%, the capital gains tax would soar by nearly 60%, the tax on dividends would nearly triple, the Medicare payroll tax would skyrocket by 62% for the above disfavored taxpayers, and the top death tax rate would rise from the grave to 55%.

That is all on top of the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world at nearly 40%

How is this going to produce strong sustained growth and generate good middle class jobs? It is going to do just the opposite, as the multiple tax rate increases would only sharply reduce the incentive for productive activities, such as savings, investment, business expansion, business start ups, and job creation. That will simply encourage even more capital flight from the U.S., and a continued capital strike by the capital that remains. All this translates into yet another recession next year, with fewer jobs, rising unemployment, and soaring deficits and debt.

The alternative GOP vision is spelled out in the budget produced by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, which was passed by the Republican controlled House, and is supported by Romney. That includes individual tax reform closing loopholes and reducing tax rates to 25% for couples earning over $100,000 per year, and 10% for those making less, and corporate tax reform slashing crony capitalist loopholes and reducing the 35% federal rate to an internationally competitive 25%. And then the aforementioned Obama tax increases would be repealed. CBO has scored these tax reforms as restoring federal revenues to their long term, postwar, historical average from 1948 to 2008 of 18.5% of GDP.
The reduced tax rates under such reform would produce exactly the opposite results of Obama’s tax rate increases, increasing incentives for all of the above productive activities. That would restore traditional American prosperity and job creation as a result.

November is a choice.

A choice between this...
...another recession next year, with fewer jobs, rising unemployment, and soaring deficits and debt

...and this...
...increasing incentives for all of the above productive activities. That would restore traditional American prosperity and job creation as a result.

Choose wisely.
If an administration has the total cooperation of the majority of the media anything is possible. First you declare a global emergency (global warming) and then you pretend that "alternate energy" works as the Country sinks into decline.
What's the Republican counter-proposal? I'm sure there's a compromise available.
More spending, higher taxes, more bailouts. More debt, unsustainable entitlement programs, laughingstock around the world.


Less spending, lower taxes, no bailouts. Less deficit, debt, sustainable programs, more respect from our friends and enemies.

Don't understand why this is even close.
This isn't Obama's plan, it's the Bankers plan. Obama is just helping to implement it.
Romney is there to give you the illusion of "change" (Sound Familiar?)
What's the Republican counter-proposal? I'm sure there's a compromise available.
Compromise? Would a "slower economic decline" be more agreeable to you?

"Here, eat this turd sandwich!"
"But I don't wanna' eat a turd sandwich!"
"Well, how bout we compromise and you only eat half a turd sandwich?"
"Oh ok, that sounds great!"
More spending, higher taxes, more bailouts. More debt, unsustainable entitlement programs, laughingstock around the world.


Less spending, lower taxes, no bailouts. Less deficit, debt, sustainable programs, more respect from our friends and enemies.

Don't understand why this is even close.
Where's the evidence that Romney supports even one bit of that?
This isn't Obama's plan, it's the Bankers plan. Obama is just helping to implement it.
Romney is there to give you the illusion of "change" (Sound Familiar?)
What's the Republican counter-proposal? I'm sure there's a compromise available.
Compromise? Would a "slower economic decline" be more agreeable to you?

"Here, eat this turd sandwich!"
"But I don't wanna' eat a turd sandwich!"
"Well, how bout we compromise and you only eat half a turd sandwich?"
"Oh ok, that sounds great!"

Then quit feeding us turd sandwiches. We haven't raised taxes. Where's the recovery? Where are the jobs? Are you sure business is afraid of the Dems or the Reps refusal to admit that deficit reduction requires a balanced approach? Businesses don't act like the Reps. They'd go down in flames being that inflexible.
More spending, higher taxes, more bailouts. More debt, unsustainable entitlement programs, laughingstock around the world.


Less spending, lower taxes, no bailouts. Less deficit, debt, sustainable programs, more respect from our friends and enemies.

Don't understand why this is even close.

I'm not surprised. Have you really thought through both alternatives? Why not, just for fun, see if you can be the devils advocate of the choice you would make?
More spending, higher taxes, more bailouts. More debt, unsustainable entitlement programs, laughingstock around the world.


Less spending, lower taxes, no bailouts. Less deficit, debt, sustainable programs, more respect from our friends and enemies.

Don't understand why this is even close.

I'm not surprised. Have you really thought through both alternatives? Why not, just for fun, see if you can be the devils advocate of the choice you would make?

Kinda depends on your worldview doesn't it? If you think more spending and higher taxes will grow the economy more than less spending and lower taxes, why then Obama is your man. Or if you think the entitlement programs can be maintained as is, or that we should bailout every state or municipality that has no intention of becoming more fiscally responsible, then Obama is your man. If you think we should spend billions on high speed rail that has no hope of ever being financially viable, or that the Energy Dep't should pass our taxpayer money to the Solyndras, or that unions should be protected over company bondholders, then Obama is your man. If you like leaks of sensitive information that makes the president look good but hinders the trust that others might have in us which hurts our ability in the future to get new information, well then Obama is your man. If you think the gov't should be running a gunrunning operation without the knowledge of senior DOJ or Admin officials, and without informing a foreign country that those guns would be crossing their border, then Obama is your man. If you rthink we should mirandize a terrorist who tried to blow up an airliner over Detroit within an hour of landing without first trying to get fresh intel of any other attempts or who else was involved, then Obama is your man.

I'm pretty sure Romney isn't going to be this bad. That's why he's going to get my vote.
No doubt he'll make mistakes, but it's time to give someone else the job. The current occupant in the WH has totally fucked up IMHO.

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