President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.
I am damn glad that asshole Crooked Hillary is not President.

Instead of sending troops to protect our borders the bitch would have sent limousines to pick up the Illegals and take them to sign up for welfare and then to register to vote as a Democrat.

You know, like Obama did with his filthy "Dreamers".
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

We are guarding the Korean border, we are in 150 countries with 7 of those with 4,000 or more. So if we put 5,000 on our southern border to stop an invasion its about fucking time.
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

We are guarding the Korean border, we are in 150 countries with 7 of those with 4,000 or more. So if we put 5,000 on our southern border to stop an invasion its about fucking time.
an invasion?

what a friggin snowflake you are



The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
--------------------------------------- who wants to DETAIN the invaders ?? Seems to me that we want the invaders REPELLED and excluded and turned around and too scared to try this zhit again Kyzr .
Sucks to be an illegal, they will be stopped.
and then will try, try again. Never give up. I admire that spirit more than your whine

Illegals RAPE and KILL Americans, they are lucky we don't carpet bomb them.
Americans rape and kill Americans. They need no help LOL

and talking stupid about carpet bombing people? you're not worth the sweat off the armpits of a hard working illegal. Go do some oxy or heroin and then whine about how unfair it is to be white in America LOL
Sucks to be an illegal, they will be stopped.
and then will try, try again. Never give up. I admire that spirit more than your whine

Illegals RAPE and KILL Americans, they are lucky we don't carpet bomb them.
Americans rape and kill Americans. They need no help LOL

and talking stupid about carpet bombing people? you're not worth the sweat off the armpits of a hard working illegal. Go do some oxy or heroin and then whine about how unfair it is to be white in America LOL

No dummy, that does not excuse illegals from flooding into our country RAPING and KILLING Americans, God take your imbecile meds.
and you sound like a third world invasion enabler JB. also un American JB !!

I hardly ever think of the third world. It never enters my mind until imbeciles like you start harping on about it. You have a hybrid strain of jungle fevah, latin envy, and asian me-so-horny-to-be-fucked
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
So how much time did your heros, clinton and obama serve in the military? Atleast Trump trier to enlist, after graduation from a military school, but was denied due to bone spurs.
[CHUCKLE] you sound like you are the un-American third worlder 'juan buritto' JB .

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