President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

This is not a police action when people are storming our borders. This is a national defense issue.

The proper process for asylum is to apply at the closest available U.S. embassy. The caravan participants haven't done this because they do no qualify for asylum, so they have formed a mob to intimidate the U.S.

We should not let them in.

Actually the proper process is for them to apply at the first safe country
they come to. Which was Mexico. Those that don't apply there are not
eligible for asylum in the US.

They are not coming here for that. They will try to enter illegally, be caught,
be detained for 20 days and turned loose into the country. (Catch and release).

What he needs to do...Is declare martial law on the border. Engage
Foreign Nationals and thrown them back across that river.

Our laws prevent Combat Troops being deployed against American Citizens,
not Foreign Nationals attempting to enter our country illegally.

He can declare a state of National Emergency using 29 million illegals already in the country and it costing the country 121 billion a year to take
care of them as his excuse.

Maybe he will do just that. The bulk of this scum will not reach our border
until late December. He has plenty of time to make that decision, or get
our laws change with our existing Congress.
drawing on any troops is stupid. They have duties and missions. Guarding a border is not one of them. we live in America, not shitty Israel or some other bullshit nation

I disagree. Guarding the border should be the main purpose of the US Military. I gave a different view of Posse Cometatis than you do.

DHS and the Border Patrol don’t seem to be able to seal the birder airtight so the military is needed
and you sound like a third world invasion enabler JB. also un American JB !!

I hardly ever think of the third world. It never enters my mind until imbeciles like you start harping on about it. You have a hybrid strain of jungle fevah, latin envy, and asian me-so-horny-to-be-fucked
Yep, because you don't need any third world to hate America.
OMG! A caravan containing men women and children. They might take over America. LOL

what a little snowflakey, scaredy cat, girlyman whine
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

Actually, you are wrong. The military exist to defend the Constitution and by default, the nation.

There is no function more basic to the defense of a nation than to defend its borders.

It was the job of the military to defend the borders for the first 150 years or so of the nation's existence and they should be doing it now.

Border defense is not a police function.
Worthless!!!! Support troops only. No combat units.
drawing on any troops is stupid. They have duties and missions. Guarding a border is not one of them. we live in America, not shitty Israel or some other bullshit nation

Open borders are what's stupid, bub.

It was all about him getting his hate in there for israel.


View attachment 225584
watch out for Trump supporters. Many hate Jews and Israel.

and criticism of Israel is not hatred of Jews.


Yeah, no. the pathetic "women and children".

Strange how just women and children can trek 4000 miles all by their lonesome.
This is not a police action when people are storming our borders. This is a national defense issue.

The proper process for asylum is to apply at the closest available U.S. embassy. The caravan participants haven't done this because they do not qualify for asylum, so they have formed a mob to intimidate the U.S.

We should not let them in.

BINGO !! The pentagon is even treating this like a Police action. remember when Obama treated the ISIS terrorists as if it was a Police action also?
Starting to see the bigger picture yet? The Prez answers to the REAL PTB. And they are the Elitist / Globalist. NOT necessarily Americans.
Wanna know who Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller and all the others really report to? Take a guess. (hint: it's not DJT)
THAT's why he hasn't fired them....oh MY!!!

This should make it clear that there's really no real effort to stop them, just a Dog & Pony show.
BOTH parties are run by the Elitists / Globalists.
It didn't really too much matter WHO got elected Prez. Just like in Germany and the rest of Europe.
If Hillary had been elected it just would have been a bit more out in the open.
Still, under Obama AND Trump we get about 30,000 - 45,000 illegals PER MONTH entering the US.

Hate to tell ya but the Globalists have already won. America has been handed away without your permission (or even asking).

They'll be symbolically held up at the border for the sake of appearances.....but once the fury subsides, they'll be allowed to trickle in.
Meanwhile, another 45,000 will have entered across the length of the border.

OMG! A caravan containing men women and children. They might take over America. LOL

what a little snowflakey, scaredy cat, girlyman whine

Yep, complete with diseases, criminals, uneducated males.....what's to be scared of?
We send all these countries millions in aid. Yet they also expect us to take on their welfare citizens that their own corrupt governments seemed to fail for decades.

Time to shut off the spigot of funds that just end up in the hands of cartel corrupted officials.
Yep, because you don't need any third world to hate America.
Hate America? I'm not the one screaming that America isn't great. You are. Get it? You admit to hating America.
Naw, you don't get it. America is worse when the left is in charge. taking them out of power makes America Great.

You see, its about outlook and attitude. Yours sucks. Never a good word about America. Never a defense of America. You don't even want us to be a sovereign nation, do you? the pathetic "women and children".

Strange how just women and children can trek 4000 miles all by their lonesome.
------------------------------------------ these are mexican 'femi nazi' type 'mamasitas' and if you look many have mustaches and big beer bellies Petro .
OMG! A caravan containing men women and children. They might take over America. LOL

what a little snowflakey, scaredy cat, girlyman whine
Actually, a caravan containing few women and children; mostly populated by military age men.

Nevertheless, what right do they think they have to force their way into America? Make no mistake, if they don't get the answer they want, they intend to take it by force.
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week
A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

Taking a stand sends out a strong message. The reason this caravan exists is because of how Democrats acted up with the last batch that invaded this country. Now that won't be a problem because they won't get past our military.
A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers

The job of the military is to protect this country. People are coming here to invade this land and possibly cause harm in order to do so.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?

Please kindly have no right to bitch about taxpayer money being wasted unless you can link us to all your posts bitching about taxpayers funding dirty wetbacks first. Thanks in advance.

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