President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

If you have been watching Trump at all this past week, you would have seen him downplay both the bombings AND the shootings, because he wanted to get back to his immigrant caravan narrative.
there were no bombings --NO deaths --so how could he downplay them???!!!
and thats the --- Third World Illegal Alien Invasion Columns and Expeditionary Forces --- BSailor .
------------------------------------------ and the above is Military Talk that you might not be familiar with BSailor .
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

If you have been watching Trump at all this past week, you would have seen him downplay both the bombings AND the shootings, because he wanted to get back to his immigrant caravan narrative.
----------------------------------------- GOOD , what can be said about some bombings and a shooting thats already been done by some lefties BS. Seems to me that the Caravan is Current news BSailor .

They are still 1,000 miles away. Current estimates say they won't be here for at least two more weeks.

Unfortunately for the GOP, that is after the elections.
---------------------------------------- yeah , every Deplorable Voter will forget about the 'illegal alien invasion columns' if the 'third world invaders aren't in sight ' or at the voting polls eh BSailor ??
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?

I've never heard of Marshall Law, but I have heard of martial law.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory. Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public.

And, martial law is generally used by dictators.
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?

I've never heard of Marshall Law, but I have heard of martial law.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory. Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public.

And, martial law is generally used by dictators.
------------------------------------------ unless President Trump decides to invoke Martial Law i suppose eh BSailor ,
I'm working under the assumption that the US military can round up the illegals for the border patrol to do the arresting and processing. The EO could say something like "the military is assisting the border patrol to determine if any enemy combatants are mixed in with the mass flow of illegals trying to crash the border". The "intent" is to find enemy combatant infiltrators.
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?

I've never heard of Marshall Law, but I have heard of martial law.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory. Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public.

And, martial law is generally used by dictators.

LOL, grammar? You're a pansy son.

"Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory."

Precisely. The "Latinos" will be stopped and sent home. Go with them. Sailors don't get to question the real service of others.
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?

I've never heard of Marshall Law, but I have heard of martial law.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory. Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public.

And, martial law is generally used by dictators.

I'm working under the assumption that the US military can round up the illegals for the border patrol to do the arresting and processing. The EO could say something like "the military is assisting the border patrol to determine if any enemy combatants are mixed in with the mass flow of illegals trying to crash the border". The "intent" is to find enemy combatant infiltrators.
---------------------- this is where we might disagree as what is there to PROCESS Kyzers ???
The WH needs to issue EOs that that temporarily gives the troops the power to stop the invasion at the southern border and immediately deport the invaders. Otherwise all we have is the border patrol, and they would be overwhelmed. So I like the troops there, but we need to allow them to "detain" illegals.
No, we don't.

The military exists for a singular purpose - to kill people and break shit. End of story. They are not police and using the military as police NEVER works out well. It seems there are far to few that realize this anymore.

We are guarding the Korean border, we are in 150 countries with 7 of those with 4,000 or more. So if we put 5,000 on our southern border to stop an invasion its about fucking time.
an invasion?

what a friggin snowflake you are



Sucks to be an illegal, they will be stopped.
and then will try, try again. Never give up. I admire that spirit more than your whine

Illegals RAPE and KILL Americans, they are lucky we don't carpet bomb them.
Americans rape and kill Americans. They need no help LOL

and talking stupid about carpet bombing people? you're not worth the sweat off the armpits of a hard working illegal. Go do some oxy or heroin and then whine about how unfair it is to be white in America LOL

Your so worried about Mexicans , then move to Mexico asswipe.:21::21::21:
Let's see, we were talking about whether the armed forces are the President's or America's.
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

If you have been watching Trump at all this past week, you would have seen him downplay both the bombings AND the shootings, because he wanted to get back to his immigrant caravan narrative.

He isn’t an idiot. Contrary to what some think here
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

If you have been watching Trump at all this past week, you would have seen him downplay both the bombings AND the shootings, because he wanted to get back to his immigrant caravan narrative.
----------------------------------------- GOOD , what can be said about some bombings and a shooting thats already been done by some lefties BS. Seems to me that the Caravan is Current news BSailor .

They are still 1,000 miles away. Current estimates say they won't be here for at least two more weeks.

Unfortunately for the GOP, that is after the elections.

And yet look at what we are discussing
And, for you people who are cheering that the military is gonna stop and detain those who try to cross the border, you might wanna re-think your position. The military won't be able to do anything concerning the immigrants, they will be there in a support position only.

From the link.......................................

Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

Those deployed will include engineers, planners, military police, pilots, cooks and medical personnel. Among the work the troops will undertake is the building of camps to house CBP personnel along the Mexican border.

They are gonna build camps, and cook for the BP, but that is about it.

If some of you people had actually SERVED in the military, you would know what kind of a waste it is.
I served
they can protect the US anytime--anywhere --DUMBASS
you DUMBASS--it's NOT law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Guess you never heard of the Posse Comitatus Act eh? And, while there are exceptions, none of them apply here.

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

The PCA does not apply to the U.S. Coast Guard in peacetime or to the National Guard in Title 32 or State Active Duty status. The substantive prohibitions of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) were extended to all the services with the enactment of Title 10 USC, Section 375. As required by Title 10 USC, Section 375 the secretary of defense issued Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, which precludes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps from direct participation in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.

The PCA generally prohibits U.S. military personnel from direct participation in law enforcement activities. Some of those law enforcement activities would include interdicting vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U.S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs.

The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include:

  • The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S.
  • Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies.
  • Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Military support to civilian law enforcement is carried out in strict compliance with the Constitution and U.S. laws and under the direction of the president and secretary of defense.

And, in order for the Insurrection Act to apply, it has to be requested by the states legislature or governor.

The other two involving nuclear, biological and chemical weapons doesn't apply here either.

Guess you never heard of Marshall Law eh?

Do you mean martial law?
Republicans always want to pretend to be "macho" and manly.

Look at Trump. Talks so tough.

But look at what terrifies them:


Macho and manly would be to help women and children.

That's how I was raised.
Republicans always want to pretend to be "macho" and manly.

Look at Trump. Talks so tough.

But look at what terrifies them:


Macho and manly would be to help women and children.

That's how I was raised.

Is that why you always expect someone else to take care of them?

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