President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

Are the migrants an invading force or women and children?

Lots of guys in that invading force; young guys around military age. But I'm sure like most heroes, they will put the women and children up front; that's the way they are marching towards our borders.
Republicans always want to pretend to be "macho" and manly.

Look at Trump. Talks so tough.

But look at what terrifies them:


Macho and manly would be to help women and children.

That's how I was raised.

We know how you were raised. Left to the Democrats, millions and millions of these vagrants would be penetrating our country. Then when your kid comes home from school and dies from something we cured decades ago, you'd be blaming our healthcare system instead of these disease ridden people bringing their sick kids here.
A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers

It is very close to election day, so the purpose of the troops on the border is to boost GOP election hopes, since they have no authority to stop or detain undocumented. Of course, they can stay indoors and type so that 5,000 more BP agents can work the border. That is, if they had an extra 2,500 BP patrol cars sitting around somewhere not be used....

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar. The troops aren’t headed there to wipe the asses of wetbacks...they’re headed there to act as military personnel does against a hostile Army.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

Well, maybe the reason that the military has never been used in modern time to detain illegals is that nobody ever thought of it before...!!!!!!! me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.
Republicans always want to pretend to be "macho" and manly.

Look at Trump. Talks so tough.

But look at what terrifies them:


Macho and manly would be to help women and children.

That's how I was raised.

I see you have a picture of all the women and children out of 7k+ fighting age men. If they're stupid enough to charge our border illegally, they deserve everything they get. And I mean that.

We could be real dicks and mine and Claymore the border, you know.
A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers

It is very close to election day, so the purpose of the troops on the border is to boost GOP election hopes, since they have no authority to stop or detain undocumented. Of course, they can stay indoors and type so that 5,000 more BP agents can work the border. That is, if they had an extra 2,500 BP patrol cars sitting around somewhere not be used....

Scuze moi, but the troops can most certainly stop illegals from crossing the border before they can play "tag, I've got fake asylum because you'll never be able to find me after catch and release".



Maybe you are right. Maybe Trump will issue illegal orders to the military to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants, right after he suspends the Bill of Rights, including the need for probable cause, has the army issue SS arm bands, make citizens show their papers on demand and builds his wall!
problem is that they'll probably get clean diapers , a cheese sandwich 'torta' with mexican cream and a mexican sody pop and a medical checkup and a ticket to their friends or other illegal alien family Marion .
A few killed here and there. A few children removed. Sow discord and distrust among the invading force. Get them to fight among each other. Exploit ethnic and tribal differences.
A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers

It is very close to election day, so the purpose of the troops on the border is to boost GOP election hopes, since they have no authority to stop or detain undocumented. Of course, they can stay indoors and type so that 5,000 more BP agents can work the border. That is, if they had an extra 2,500 BP patrol cars sitting around somewhere not be used....

Scuze moi, but the troops can most certainly stop illegals from crossing the border before they can play "tag, I've got fake asylum because you'll never be able to find me after catch and release".



Maybe you are right. Maybe Trump will issue illegal orders to the military to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants, right after he suspends the Bill of Rights, including the need for probable cause, has the army issue SS arm bands, make citizens show their papers on demand and builds his wall!
Declare martial law along the border. Where's your Bill of RIghts now. Lincoln had no trouble whatsoever suspending the BIll of RIghts. This is an invasion. We did not give landing instructions to the Japanese bombers in 1941.
It’s a shrewd move by the President. This move gets Democrats and the media talking about illegal immigration the week before the midterms. That’s only going to help the GOP. Especially after Democrats start saying things that make it look like they care more about illegals than citizens like they always do.

Going to be an interesting week

If you have been watching Trump at all this past week, you would have seen him downplay both the bombings AND the shootings, because he wanted to get back to his immigrant caravan narrative.
----------------------------------------- GOOD , what can be said about some bombings and a shooting thats already been done by some lefties BS. Seems to me that the Caravan is Current news BSailor .

They are still 1,000 miles away. Current estimates say they won't be here for at least two more weeks.

Unfortunately for the GOP, that is after the elections.

Why unfortunate for us? It takes time to bed down and get ready for an invasion. Barriers need to be erected, structures need to be built. And perhaps if these vagrants start to take us seriously for a change, they may even turn around and go home.
Republicans always want to pretend to be "macho" and manly.

Look at Trump. Talks so tough.

But look at what terrifies them:


Macho and manly would be to help women and children.

That's how I was raised.

Is that why you always expect someone else to take care of them?
No, I expect Americans to act, well, Christian.

Republicans have lost traditional Christianity.

Now they kneel at the alter of the church of the heartless bastard.


A non-event.

Our military is prohibited from doing anything more than support work.

They will not be setting up interdiction points or bunkers

It is very close to election day, so the purpose of the troops on the border is to boost GOP election hopes, since they have no authority to stop or detain undocumented. Of course, they can stay indoors and type so that 5,000 more BP agents can work the border. That is, if they had an extra 2,500 BP patrol cars sitting around somewhere not be used....

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar. The troops aren’t headed there to wipe the asses of wetbacks...they’re headed there to act as military personnel does against a hostile Army.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

Well, maybe the reason that the military has never been used in modern time to detain illegals is that nobody ever thought of it before...!!!!!!! me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.

Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to be pissed if he does the right thing for good, REAL Americans?
Do you prefer he puts Mexico first?
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It is very close to election day, so the purpose of the troops on the border is to boost GOP election hopes, since they have no authority to stop or detain undocumented. Of course, they can stay indoors and type so that 5,000 more BP agents can work the border. That is, if they had an extra 2,500 BP patrol cars sitting around somewhere not be used....

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar. The troops aren’t headed there to wipe the asses of wetbacks...they’re headed there to act as military personnel does against a hostile Army.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

Well, maybe the reason that the military has never been used in modern time to detain illegals is that nobody ever thought of it before...!!!!!!! me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.

Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to be pissed if he does the right thing for good, REAL Americans?
Do prefer he puts Mexico first?

I prefer that he fulfil his oath to protect the Constitution

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Because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from performing law enforcement activities within the United States, these troops will be in support roles only. They will not have arresting power and won't interact with migrants.

That only applies to US citizens, not foreign invaders. The federal government is in charge of stopping invasions of our country--not the local police.

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