President Orders 5,000 Troops to US Border

Liberals see poor desperate people. I see an average of 30 years of government assistance, medical care, and a fair amount of crime and disease. Some will become contributors but they will be a small percentage.

If these people were productive in any way, they wouldn't be coming here. They would stay in their own country and fight for better surroundings and government.
You can have all the comic book fantasies you want (after all you are Trumpers) but the Army will be there in a purely support role.

By law that's all they can do
Sucks to be an illegal, they will be stopped.

They are not illegals.... They would be Refugees...

People seeking Asylum are not criminals or illegals...

If they do not seek asylum in Mexico...(First safe country)
They are illegal by UN definition to seek asylum.

The UN, at Mexico's request, has 4 locations in Mexico for them
to ask for UN asylum. The UN would divide them equally sending
some to Costa Rica, Some to Panama, some to the U.S. and some to
Australia. They don't get to pick where they want to go.

That's them turning their back on the First safe country and the United
Nations. They will be 100% illegal when they reach our border and will
not be given asylum.
YES, we have a problem with illegals, But.... we have the stupidest ideas & solutions to these problems. and wont be fixed by the flaying around being done by both sides.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???

It's been reported repeatedly that this army of lowlifes put women and children up front for that reason. Robots respond to marching orders, so like last time, they will try to use sympathy to win their battle because they can't win it on rationalization.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???

It's been reported repeatedly that this army of lowlifes put women and children up front for that reason. Robots respond to marching orders, so like last time, they will try to use sympathy to win their battle because they can't win it on rationalization.

I got that photo from a rabid rightwing site. Glad to see you recognize rightard media is trying to dupe their readers with sympathy because they can’t win on “rationalization.”

YES, we have a problem with illegals, But.... we have the stupidest ideas & solutions to these problems. and wont be fixed by the flaying around being done by both sides.

Correct on that. To stop this problem, here's what we need to do:

*Build the wall. It's worked everywhere else it's tried.
*Create a law that anybody caught in the US illegally faces a 5 year minimum prison sentence.
*Pass a new versions of Kate's law, except it's a minimum of 15 years in prison if caught.
*Pass a law that any business knowingly hiring illegals will be so heavily fined they would have to shutdown.
*You cannot apply for asylum at the border. It must be done by mail.

Problem solved.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.
What’s with you progressives, you always jump on the Hitler bandwagon? Did I say anything other that detain them until we can send them home. It’s not like hitler, it’s not racist. I don’t care if you’re from Finland and as white as a pile of snow, if you are in this country illegally we need to send you home NOW.
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???

It's been reported repeatedly that this army of lowlifes put women and children up front for that reason. Robots respond to marching orders, so like last time, they will try to use sympathy to win their battle because they can't win it on rationalization.

I got that photo from a rabid rightwing site. Glad to see you recognize rightard media is trying to dupe their readers with sympathy because they can’t win on “rationalization.”

A swing and a miss....

You thought you had ammunition with that photo.

You got rekt fool
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.
Hey, that’s a great idea. We can herd them in trains to these “camps” (wink, wink) until we come up with the “solution” (wink, wink) to get them out of the country.
What’s with you progressives, you always jump on the Hitler bandwagon? Did I say anything other that detain them until we can send them home. It’s not like hitler, it’s not racist. I don’t care if you’re from Finland and as white as a pile of snow, if you are in this country illegally we need to send you home NOW.
WTF?? It was your idea.
If we are unable to stop these invading illegals maybe it’s time we get serious abd round up all 22million illegals in our country and send them home. Build a wall, station troops along the border and send them all home. We seem to be the only country in the world that has no right to stop invaders and we need to get serious or lose the country that has stood for freedom and liberty for its citizens. Citizens, not invaders. Arrest them, put them in camps until we can arrange transportation to their home countries.

22 million? Are you sure that it isn't 50 million?
So the 5 time draft dodger, from a family of generational draft dodgers is going to waste tax payers money sending combat killing machines to do clerical and other menial work at the border?
Hey, someone has to shoot these scoundrels...

3 maybe 4 women in that photo. About 15 men.

Do you not see a problem there???

It's been reported repeatedly that this army of lowlifes put women and children up front for that reason. Robots respond to marching orders, so like last time, they will try to use sympathy to win their battle because they can't win it on rationalization.

I got that photo from a rabid rightwing site. Glad to see you recognize rightard media is trying to dupe their readers with sympathy because they can’t win on “rationalization.”

A swing and a miss....

You thought you had ammunition with that photo.

You got rekt fool
Nah, I made my point. Those are the people who are going to greet our troops at the border.

G’head, open fire.

Well, maybe the reason that the military has never been used in modern time to detain illegals is that nobody ever thought of it before...!!!!!!! me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.

Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to be pissed if he does the right thing for good, REAL Americans?
Do prefer he puts Mexico first?

I prefer that he fulfil his oath to protect the Constitution

Oh I get think the U.S. Constitution was framed and authored for Mexico...or you wish it was? That’s super American of you.
I get the feeling you really like the ‘loopholes’ which benefit wetbacks while fucking over good, REAL I right?
What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?

I understand that as a Trump supporter, you consider the constitution to be no more valuable than used toilet paper. Fortunately, neither you, nor Trump can repeal it. me it was thought of....nobody had the balls to declare an insurrection when it came to poor illegals.

So Trump will? Did he say that he was going to? If he did, he lied.

Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to be pissed if he does the right thing for good, REAL Americans?
Do prefer he puts Mexico first?

I prefer that he fulfil his oath to protect the Constitution

Oh I get think the U.S. Constitution was framed and authored for Mexico...or you wish it was? That’s super American of you.
I get the feeling you really like the ‘loopholes’ which benefit wetbacks while fucking over good, REAL I right?
What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?

I understand that as a Trump supporter, you consider the constitution to be no more valuable than used toilet paper. Fortunately, neither you, nor Trump can repeal it.

Circle talk is lame and’re avoiding my implications...and rightfully so. You’ve been’re welcome.

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